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Morning Problem: Chasing Pointers

CMPUT 275 - Tangible Computing
Morning Problem: Chasing Pointers
Last week, I learned about pointers and memory for the first time. Unfortunately, I am
finding it very confusing. Sometimes, a pointer is just an address to a value in memory.
Other times, a pointer is the address of another pointer! I just can’t wrap my head around
all these pointers to pointers to pointers.
To try to understand pointers, I have been practicing by drawing out a region of memory on
paper, and filling each position with either a value or a pointer to another memory address.
Then, I take the address of the first element in memory and follow it to see where it leads. I
do this by dereferencing the pointer as many times as needed to reach a value in the array.
However, I am running into a horrible problem. Sometimes, when I chase pointers this way
I end up at an address I have already seen. Then I end up in an endless loop going to the
same addresses over and over again!
Can you help me write a program to chase down these tricky pointers and find out which
chases cause cycles?
The first line of input will contain two space-separated integers: 0 ≤ S < 2
31, 1 ≤ A ≤ 1000
ˆ S: the starting address of the allocated region of memory
ˆ A: the size of (number of elements in) the allocated region in memory
You are also guaranteed that S + A ≤ 2
On the second line will be A space-separated integers, each lying in the range [−2
, 2
indicating what is stored at address S + i. This will be either:
(a) A value, a strictly negative integer, or
(b) A pointer (memory address), a nonnegative integer.
It is guaranteed that no chase will result in a memory access that is outside the bounds of
the array.
Output a single line, the result of “chasing” when starting with a pointer to address S. This
will be one of the following two statements:
1. The negative value v found while chasing.
2. The message There was a cycle, if, when chasing down a pointer, the program revisits
any address it has previously seen.
This fictitious machine is a bit strange. The memory addresses require 32 bits yet each
pointer uses only one byte. An alternative view of this problem is that you are chasing
indices into a strange array whose first index is S rather than the traditional start index of
0. But don’t overthink this too much, just solve the problem as it is without worry about
whether this could be realized by a “real” computer.
Sample Input 1
10428394 1
Sample Output 1
Explanation: There is only one element in this allocated region of memory. A chase at the
starting address, 10428394 returns the value -12 imediately.
Sample Input 2
8000 6
8004 8003 -10 8002 -1 9000
Sample Output 2
Explanation: The starting address of the allocated region is 8000. This means that valid
addresses into the 6-element array range from 8000 to 8005 (inclusive). Following the first
address, we find address 8004. At position 8004 is the value -1, which is printed.
Sample Input 3
4000 3
4001 4002 4000
Sample Output 3
There was a cycle
Explanation: Starting at position 4000, we dereference to get the value 4001. This is
another valid address in the array, so if we dereference again, we get 4002, and then 4000
again, which leads back to 4001. This is an endless cycle.
Sample Input 4
0 7
3 -7 4 2 6 -10 4
Sample Output 4
There was a cycle
Explanation: Beginning a chase at address 0 leads to the following sequence: 0, 3, 2, 4, 6,
4. The chase would continue to cycle between 4 and 6 forever.

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