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Motion Planning Assignment #3

EECS 598: Motion Planning

Homework Assignment #3

1. All homework must be done individually, but you are encouraged to post questions on Piazza.
2. No late homework will be accepted.
3. You must show all your work to receive credit for your solutions.
4. The goal of this homework is to learn how to use RRTs for practical problems and to compare the
performance of variants of RRT.
5. Submit your code along with a pdf of your answers in a zip file to Gradescope.
1. Download the HW3 template here.
In openrave, python is useful to interface with algorithms, but the algorithms themselves are implemented in C++ as openrave plugins (this is done for speed). For this assignment you will need to create a
plugin for openrave in C++. Please see here for a tutorial on how to create a plugin skeleton.
Use the script to create a plugin. This script will also make a test file in
python that interfaces with the plugin. You can use the code from this test file to send commands from a
python script to your C++ plugin in openrave.
The following implementation problem should be done starting from the HW3 python template. Only
edit what is inside the ### YOUR ... HERE ### blocks. Feel free to look around the internet and the
openrave installation for example code for reference, but you should implement your own code from
scratch unless explicitly stated otherwise. Sharing code is not allowed. Since there is already an RRT
planner in openrave, you may not use any of the code from that implementation, we will check to make
sure there is no code copying.
Put your openrave plugin code in the same directory as the template. Include the plugin files, python
files, and hw3.env.xml in your zip.
1. (10 points) Create a header file with the following classes:
• RRTNode
– This should store the configuration. I recommend something like std::vector<float q
– This node should also have a way to access its parent node (e.g. through a pointer)
– Add any other variables and functions you see fit
• NodeTree
– This should store a set of nodes. I recommend something like std::vector<RRTNode*
– Include methods to add, delete, and get nodes from the node set
– Include a method that returns the path of nodes from the root to a node with a given index
(including that node in the path)
– Add any other variables and functions you see fit
2. (10 points) Implement a nearest-neighbor function that finds the closest node in a NodeTree to a
given configuration.
3. (50 points) Make a copy of called hw3 Implement the RRT-Connect algorithm in C++
to search for collision-free paths in the 7DoF configuration space of the robot’s arm. The algorithm
should start from the current configuration of the robot’s arm and find a path to a specified goal
configuration. The algorithm should take as input a goal configuration (sent from a python script
to your plugin).
(a) Start configuration (b) Goal configuration
You will need to determine a reasonable step size to use. Your algorithm should produce a path in
under 3 minutes on average for the best goal bias (see below). We will run this exact command from
the command line to test your code: python hw3 We will not run any other commands. We
will run your code three times, and the code should find a path in under 3 minutes at least one of
those times.
Complete the following:
(a) Run the RRT with goal bias ranging from 1% to 96% in increments of 5%, running the algorithm
10 times for each value of goal bias. Plot the average computation time vs. goal bias value.
Explain why the plot looks the way it does and include the plot in your pdf. Select the goal
bias that yields the lowest computation time and use that for the remainder of this problem.
(b) Once you have computed the path from start to goal, draw the position of the left end-effector
of the robot for every configuration along the path in red in the openrave viewer. You should
see that the points along the path are no more than a few centimeters apart. Include a screenshot showing the path you computed in your pdf.
(c) Convert your path to a trajectory and execute it with the robots controller. You may do this
either in python or in C++. If the robot clips any obstacles during execution, adjust your step
size in the RRT so that this doesn’t happen (you will need to redo part (a) if you change the
step size).
4. (20 points) Implement the shortcut smoothing algorithm to shorten the path. Use 200 iterations.
When we run python hw3, we should see the execution of the smoothed path in the openrave viewer.
(a) Draw the original path of the end-effector computed by the RRT in red and the shortcutsmoothed path in blue in the openrave viewer. Include a screenshot showing the two paths
for one run of the RRT in your pdf.
(b) Record the path length after each iteration of the algorithm. Create a plot showing the length
of the path vs. the number of smoothing iterations executed. Include this plot in your pdf.
5. (15 points) Run the RRT and smoothing 30 times and record
• The computation time for the RRT
• The computation time for smoothing
• The number of nodes sampled
• The length of the path (unsmoothed)
• The length of the path (smoothed)
(a) Create a table showing these results and compute the mean and variance for each type of data.
Include this, along with a discussion explaining why the results look the way they do in your
(b) Create a histogram showing how runs of the RRT are distributed in terms of computation time.
Matlab’s hist function is an easy way to do this. Include this histogram, along with a discussion
explaining why the results look the way they do in the pdf.
6. (35 points) Copy the HW3 template to a file called hw3 Implement the BiDirectional RRTConnect algorithm. We will run this exact command from the command line to run your code:
python hw3 and no others. When we run this code we should see the algorithm generate
a new path, smooth it using shortcut smoothing, and execute the corresponding trajectory on the
robot. The code should find a path in under 3 minutes and we will test it as with the RRT-Connect.
You will be able to re-use much of the code you wrote for RRT-Connect in your implementation.
(a) Compare the results of BiDirectional RRT-Connect to your implementation of the RRT-Connect
in terms
• The computation time
• The number of nodes sampled
• The length of the path (unsmoothed)
Discuss why you are seeing the results that you see and include the discussion in your pdf.
(b) Create a histogram showing how runs of the BiDirectional RRT-Connect are distributed in
terms of computation time and compare to the histogram for the RRT-Connect. Discuss the
similarities (if any) and differences (if any). Include this discussion and histogram in your pdf.
7. Extra Credit (40 points) Copy the HW3 template to a file called hw3 Implement the
RRT* algorithm. The cost of a path is its length. We will run this exact command from the command
line to run your code: python hw3 and no others. When we run this code we should
see the algorithm generate a new path and execute the corresponding trajectory on the robot. Do
not smooth the path. Terminate the code after 15 minutes and output the best path found (or no
solution). You will be able to re-use much of the code you wrote for RRT-Connect in your implementation.
(a) Run RRT* 30 times and produce a plot showing average path length vs. computation time.
Include the plot and discuss your results in your pdf.
(b) Compare the results of RRT* to your results from the RRT-Connect and BiDirectional RRTConnect in terms
• The number of nodes sampled
• The length of the path (unsmoothed for RRT and BiRRT)
• The length of the path (smoothed for RRT and BiRRT)
Discuss why you are seeing the results that you see and include the discussion in your pdf.

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