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MP3: A Highly Scalable and Available Social Network Service (SNS)

CSCE 438 Machine Problem 3
MP3: A Highly Scalable and Available
Social Network Service (SNS)
250 points

1 Overview
The objective of this assignment is to develop the next generation Tiny SNS
that is scalable to a large number of users, is fault tolerant and is highly
available (i.e., failures in the system are handled transparently to the user).
The Tiny SNS functionality that was required in MP2 is still required for this
assignment, EXCEPT the “UNFOLLOW” command. Only the following
commands need to be supported: “FOLLOW”, “LIST” and “TIMELINE”.
Thus, it might be wise to start with the provided solution for MP2.
The architecture for the TinySNS is shown in Figure 1, with the following
1. In this assignment we will use three (3) server clusters. In the figure,
X1 through X3 are the three server clusters. Every server cluster is
identified by an IP address (i.e., a single computer/server will run the
processes shown inside every server cluster).
2. In each server cluster Xi three processes are running: Fi
is a Follower Synchronization process, while Mi and Si are Master-Slave pair
3. In the figure, there is a Coordinator server C and several clients with
ClientIDs ci
4. When a client ci wants to connect to the TinySNS, it contacts the
Coordinator C which: a) assigns the client to a cluster Xi using the
ClientID mod(3) formula; and b) it returns the IP address and port
number for the Master Mi of the cluster Xi
. The client interacts with
the TinySNS only through the Master Mi
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Figure 1: Architecture for a fault tolerant and highly scalable and available
Tiny Social Network Service
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5. A client’s ci timeline, denoted by ti
is persisted as a file in the file system. A timeline ti contains client’s ci updates, as well as the updates
from clients cj which ci follows.
6. A Master Mi performs updates to timelines of clients that are assigned
to it. When a client ci posts a message, its Master Mi updates ci
timeline file.
7. For fault tolerance and high availability, the operations of Master Mi
are mirrored by Slave Si
. In this MP, the Master and Slave are on
the same machine. (Note: In the real world they will be on different
machines.) Thus, the interface for communication between Mi and Si
must be based on gRPC.
8. The updates to the timelines that need to be made because of the
”Following” relationship (i.e., client c1 following client c2) are only
performed by Fi Follower Synchronization processes. An Fi process
checks every 30 seconds which timelines on cluster Xi were updated
in the last 30 seconds. E.g. if t2 was changed, then F2 informs F1
(because c1 follows c2) to update the timeline of c1. Since the Fi and
Fj are on different clusters, the inter-process communication must use
9. Failure Model: The Fi processes and the Coordinator process C
never fail. (Note: In the real world (cloud environments), Fi processes
run as batch processes and can be restarted any time.) The only
process that can fail in this MP is the Master Mi
. When the Master
Mi fails, the Slave Si takes over as Master. At most 1 failure can occur
in a cluster.
2 Development Process
Take an incremental approach for completing this MP. First, before you
write any code, make sure you COMPLETELY understand the requirements.
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2.1 Client-Coordinator Interaction
Start with the provided client code.
Develop the Coordinator C process which returns to a client the IP and port
number on which its Master runs. In the example above, the Coordinator
return the client c1 the IP/port for M1.
The coordinator implements a Centralized Algorithm for keeping track of
the IP/port for the Master server in each cluster. More implementation
details are below.
The Coordinator also keeps track of the Follower Synchronizer Fi IP/port
number in each cluster. More implementation details are below.
2.2 Client-Master Interaction
After a client retrieves from the Coordinator the IP and port number for its
Master, it connects with the Master.
A client ci
interacts ONLY with its Master. Even updates from clients that
ci follows, come to ci through its Master. Effectively, the Master monitors
the Last Update Time for a file (you may use the stat() system call), and if
a timeline file was changed in the last 30 seconds, then the Master re-sends
all entries in the timeline to the corresponding client. On the client side
this will appear as: previous tweets scroll up and the new set of tweets is
displayed. This is similar with the functionality when the client first starts
up and the Master server sends the entire timeline for the first time.
If ci follows cj and they are both assigned to the same Cluster, the updates
to ci
’s timeline because of cj posts, can ONLY occur after the Fi process
runs. This means that even within a cluster, updates are not propagated immediately (like in MP2) to the followers. Moreover, the output for the LIST
command which shows all who are following a given user will be updated
by the same Fi process.
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2.3 Master-Slave Interaction
The Master and Slave processes are identical. The only difference is that
the Master process interacts with the clients and informs the Slave process
about the updates from the clients.
The Master and Slave processes send periodic (every 10 seconds) heartbeats
to the Coordinator. The absence of 2 heartbeats from a Master Mi
is deemed
by the Coordinator as failure, and, thus, Slave Si
is becoming the new
2.4 Follower Synchronizer Fi/Fj Interaction
When a client ci enters “FOLLOW” command for cj , an entry into the
file containing follower / following information is appended by the Master,
indicating that ci follows cj .
All Fi processes check periodically (every 30seconds) the following:
• New entries or updates in the follower / following information file. If
Fi the Master detects a change in this file where ci follows cj , then Fi
informs Fj about the new FOLLOWING request. To find out which
Fj is responsible for cj , a request to the Coordinator must be made.
• Changes to the timelines file for the clients assigned to their cluster.
A change to the timeline ti for client ci must be propagated by Fi to
those Fj ’s responsible for followers of ci
2.5 Single Instance vs Multiple Instance Development
Please observe that for this MP you do not necessarily need multiple VMs.
A single one is sufficient. You can start all the required processes on a single
machine and everything should work well.
If you decide to use a single instance for the development, please make
sure you still use inter-process communication (IPC) primitives that extend
beyond a single machine (e.g., gRPC). Do not directly access files that are
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supposed to be on a different cluster, simply because you can (when you run
all services on the same machine, all services have access to all files in the
file system).
3 Implementation Details
3.1 Master/Slave Servers
Each server holds context information (timelines, follower or following information) using 2 files saved within a directory titled serverType serverId
e.g., master 1. The context files can be named as per your liking.
Below is a sample invocation:
$./server -cip <coordinatorIP> -cp <coordinatorPort> -p <portNum>
-id <idNum> -t <master/slave>
$./server -cip localhost -cp 9000 -p 10000 -id 1 -t master
3.2 Client
The client is expected to function exactly like in MP2, completely oblivious
to the design of the server architecture. The only differences with respect
to MP2 being that the client initially contacts the coordinator to get the
endpoint that it should connect to, which will be then be used to create the
server stub for further interaction.
Below is a sample invocation:
$./client -cip <coordinatorIP> -cp <coordinatorPort> -id <clientId>
$./client -cip localhost -cp 9000 -p 10000 -id 1
The client should call the provided function ”displayReConnectionMessage”(in
client.h) so that we know to where the client is connected.
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void displayReConnectionMessage(const std::string& host, const std::string & port) {
std::cout << "Reconnecting to " << host << ":" << port << "..." << std::endl;
3.3 Coordinator
The Coordinator’s job is to manage incoming clients, be alert to changes
associated with the server to keep track of who are active and who are not,
to switch to the slave server once the master server is down.
Assume (M1, S1), (M2, S2), (M3, S3) forms 3 (Master, Slave) pairs. At a
time, only one among the Master-Slave pair is active. Then,
Master routing tables
Server ID Port Num Status
1 9190 Active
2 9290 Inactive
3 9390 Active
Slave routing tables
Server ID Port Num Status
1 9490 Active
2 9590 Active
3 9690 Active
Follower Synchronizer routing tables
Server ID Port Num Status
1 9790 Active
2 9890 Active
3 9990 Active
serverId = -1
if serverId = (client_id % 3) + 1:
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serverId = (client_id % 3) + 1
if master[serverId] is ‘Active’:
return master[serverId]
return slave[serverId]
serverId = -1
if serverId = (client_id % 3) + 1:
serverId = (client_id % 3) + 1
return followerSyncer[serverId]
Below is a sample invocation:
$./coordinator -p <portNum>
$./coordinator -p 9090
3.4 Follower Synchronizer
This process deals with updating follower information and timeline information between all the clusters. The Follower synchronizer DOES NOT
directly communicate with the Master or Slave servers. Any update that
the synchronizer makes is reflected only on the context files read by the
Below is a sample invocation:
$./synchronizer -cip <coordinatorIP> -cp <coordinatorPort>
-p <portNum> -id <synchronizerId>
$./synchronizer -cip localhost -cp 9000 -p 9090 -id 1
3.5 Logging
All output/logging on Servers, Coordinator, Synchronizer and Clients must
be logged using the glog log- ging library. The library is installed for you on
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the provided appliance. Please make sure you understand the different logging levels that glog provides (e.g., DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, etc) and make
use of them appropriately. A good reference is:
glog. For this assignment, it is mandatory that you log all the communication between any two entities(server-coordinator, synchronizer-synchronizer,
synchronizer-coordinator and server-client interactions etc). Events like
slave node becoming the master should also be logged. For this assignment,
a macro has been defined to avoid buffering of log files:
#define log(severity, msg) LOG(severity) << msg; \
Therefore, the logging can be done as:
log(INFO, "Server starting...");
All output/logging from the client, other than the I/O used for the User
Interface, must also be done through the glog library. Note: Logs by default
reside in /tmp directory.
4 What to Hand In
4.1 Design
Start with the provided code for MP2. Based on your design, you may find
that significant portions of the provided code are no longer needed. Feel free
to alter any part of the MP2 solution as you see fit.
Before you start hacking away, write a design document. The result should
be a system level design document, which you hand in along with the source
code. Do not get carried away with it (2-3 pages of detailed description
would be sufficient), but make sure it convinces the reader that you know
how to attack the problem. List and describe the components of the system.
Ensure that this PDF document is submitted via Canvas.
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4.2 Source code
Hand in the source code, comprising of: a makefile; source code files; the
compiled outfiles; and startup scripts for starting your system via your
GitHub repository. The code should be easy to read (read: well-commented!).
The instructors reserve the right to deduct points for code that they consider
4.3 Grading criteria
The 250pts for this assignment are given as follows: 5% for complete design
document, 5% for compilation, and 90% for test cases (the test cases have
different weights). Refer to provided test cases which cover most scenarios
but these are slightly different with the test cases for grading.
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