Starting from:


MP3 - CPS Transform

MP3 - CPS Transform


-   revision: 1.2


### 1.2

-   New tests, clarifications and restructuring based on feedback

### 1.1

-   Updated deadline; fixed `parseExp` and `parseDecl` examples; gave type for


Please read through this *entire* README before you begin, as some of the early
sections may refer to content in later sections. View the PDF version for the
most accurate rendering of the notation.

One of the main objectives of this course is to make you comfortable translating
code representations from one form to another. In MP2, you wrote an interpreter
to evaluate expressions. In this MP you will translate a very small subset of
functional-style code from direct style into continuation passing style (CPS).
Functional-language compilers can use CPS to express control-flow so that
functional language can be compiled to an imperative target.

This will ensure that you understand CPS, and also help you be able to take a
mathematical description of a program transformation and implement it in code.
You will also practice using a method of propagating state by using a technique
known as plumbing.


-   Be able to manually translate a chunk of simple functional code into CPS.
-   Write some functions which can automatically translate simple functional
    code into CPS.

Getting Started

Relevant Files

In the directory `app` you’ll find `Main.hs` with all the relevant code. In this
file you will find all of the data definitions, a simple parser, the REPL, and
stubbed-out functions for you to finish.

This README document contains $\textrm{\LaTeX}$ formatting. To view it properly,
look at the `README.pdf` file you were given, instead of the `` file
that is shown by default on your GitLab repo page.

Running Code

To run your code, start GHCi with `stack ghci` (make sure to load the `Main`
module if `stack ghci` doesn’t automatically). From here, you can test
individual functions, or you can run the REPL by calling `main`. Note that the
initial `$` and `>` are prompts.

``` {.sh}
$ stack ghci
 ... More Output ...
Prelude> :l Main
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> main

To run the REPL directly, build the executable with `stack build` and run it
with `stack exec main`.

Testing Your Code

As in MP2, you will be able to run the test-suite with `stack test`:

``` {.sh}
$ stack test

It will tell you which test-suites you pass, fail, and have exceptions on. To
see an individual test-suite (so you can run the tests yourself by hand to see
where the failure happens), look in the file `test/Spec.hs`.

You can run individual test-sets by running `stack ghci --test` and choosing to
load the `Spec` module when prompted. Then you can run the tests (specified in
`test/Tests.hs`) just by using the name of the test:

``` {.haskell}
*Spec Main Spec Tests> tests_factk

Look in the file `test/Tests.hs` to see which tests were run.

Given Code

The Types

We have two types for this program. The first is called `Stmt`, and it
corresponds roughly to a Haskell function declaration. It has one constructor
`Decl :: String -> [String] -> Exp -> Stmt`. The first argument is the name of
the function, the second is a list of parameter names, and the last is the
function body (which is an `Exp`).

We have also provided a `Show` instance for the `Stmt` type, which means that
the function `show :: Read a => a -> String` is defined for our type. This
enables pretty-printing so that we can get useful output.

``` {.haskell}
data Stmt = Decl String [String] Exp
            deriving (Eq)

instance Show Stmt where
    show (Decl f params exp) = f ++ " " ++ intercalate " " params ++ " = " ++ (show exp)

The second type we have is called `Exp`, which represents expressions. There are
six constructors that are encapsulated within `Exp`. We have `IfExp`, with the
usual three arguments; `AppExp` for function application (note: functions are
only applied to one of their arguments at a time); `IntExp` and `VarExp` for
integers and variables; an `OpExp` that takes an operator (as a string) with two
operands; and finally a `LamExp` to represent anonymous functions.

We’ve also provided a `Show` instance for the `Exp` type so that it can be
pretty-printed as well.

``` {.haskell}
data Exp = IntExp Integer
         | VarExp String
         | LamExp String Exp
         | IfExp Exp Exp Exp
         | OpExp String Exp Exp
         | AppExp Exp Exp
         deriving (Eq)

instance Show Exp where
    show (VarExp s)       = s
    show (IntExp i)       = show i
    show (LamExp x e)     = "(\\" ++ x ++ " -> " ++ (show e) ++ ")"
    show (IfExp e1 e2 e3) = "(if " ++ show e1 ++ " then " ++ show e2
                            ++ " else " ++ show e3 ++ ")"
    show (OpExp op e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " " ++ op ++ " " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
    show (AppExp f e)     = show f ++ " " ++ show e

You may also be interested in seeing how a string is parsed and interpreted as
something of type `Exp`. To see how, use the following function
`ctorParse :: String -> String`. This function will parse the expression
normally, but instead of using the default `Show` instance to display it, it
will explicitely show how the `Exp` is built from data-constructors.

``` {.haskell}
ctorShow :: Exp -> String
ctorShow (VarExp s)       = "VarExp " ++ show s
ctorShow (IntExp i)       = "IntExp " ++ show i
ctorShow (LamExp x e)     = "LamExp " ++ show x ++ " (" ++ ctorShow e ++ ")"
ctorShow (IfExp e1 e2 e3) = "IfExp (" ++ ctorShow e1 ++ ") ("
                                ++ ctorShow e2 ++ ") ("
                                ++ ctorShow e3 ++ ")"
ctorShow (OpExp op e1 e2) = "OpExp " ++ show op ++ " ("
                                ++ ctorShow e1 ++ ") ("
                                ++ ctorShow e2 ++ ")"
ctorShow (AppExp f e)     = "AppExp (" ++ ctorShow f ++ ") (" ++ ctorShow e ++ ")"

fromParse :: Either ParseError Exp -> Exp
fromParse (Right exp) = exp
fromParse (Left err)  = error $ show err

ctorParse :: String -> String
ctorParse = ctorShow . fromParse . parseExp

The Parser

We’ve provided you with a parser again this time. It will live in `app/Main.hs`
with the rest of the code.

First, we have a type synonym to make reading the types of parsers easier.

``` {.haskell}
-- Pretty parser type
type Parser = ParsecT String () Identity

### Lexicals

Lexical parsers are just small parsers which look for very simple structure on
the input stream. You’ll notice that the return types of these parsers are all
simple types (like `Parser String`, or `Parser Integer`). This means that they
don’t have any meaning for our programming language yet, we’ll be using them as
building blocks for more complex parsers.

``` {.haskell}
symbol :: String -> Parser String
symbol s = do string s
              return s

int :: Parser Integer
int = do digits <- many1 digit <?> "an integer"
         return (read digits :: Integer)

var :: Parser String
var = let keywords = ["if", "then", "else"]
      in  try $ do v1 <- letter                  <?> "an identifier"
                   vs <- many (letter <|> digit) <?> "an identifier"
                   let v = v1:vs
                   if (any (== v) keywords)
                    then fail "keyword"
                    else return v

oper :: Parser String
oper = do op <- many1 (oneOf "+-*/<>=") <?> "an operator"
          return op

parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens p = do symbol "("
              pp <- p
              symbol ")"
              return pp

### Expressions

Now we can write some parsers that are actually relevant to our programming
language. You’re not expected to fully understand these parsers yet, or to be
able to reproduce them. For your next MP though, you will have to write a simple
parser, so it might be worth it to read through and see if it makes sense.

The majority of the complexity in our grammar is with expressions, which is why
the parsers for them are more complicated than for lexicals or statements. This
is apparent when we look at how many data-constructors we have for `Exp`, we
need to make sure our parser can handle each of them.

``` {.haskell}
intExp :: Parser Exp
intExp = do i <- int
            return $ IntExp i

varExp :: Parser Exp
varExp = do v <- var
            return $ VarExp v

opExp :: String -> Parser (Exp -> Exp -> Exp)
opExp str = do symbol str
               return (OpExp str)

mulOp :: Parser (Exp -> Exp -> Exp)
mulOp = opExp "*" <|> opExp "/"

addOp :: Parser (Exp -> Exp -> Exp)
addOp = opExp "+" <|> opExp "-"

compOp :: Parser (Exp -> Exp -> Exp)
compOp = try (opExp "<=") <|> try (opExp ">=")
         <|> opExp "<"    <|> opExp ">"
         <|> opExp "/="   <|> opExp "=="

ifExp :: Parser Exp
ifExp = do try $ symbol "if"
           e1 <- expr
           symbol "then"
           e2 <- expr
           symbol "else"
           e3 <- expr
           return $ IfExp e1 e2 e3

lamExp :: Parser Exp
lamExp = do try $ symbol "\\"
            param <- var
            symbol "->"
            body <- expr
            return $ LamExp param body

atom :: Parser Exp
atom =     intExp
       <|> ifExp
       <|> lamExp
       <|> varExp
       <|> parens expr

expr :: Parser Exp
expr = let arith  = term `chainl1` addOp
           term   = factor `chainl1` mulOp
           factor = app
           app    = do f <- many1 atom
                       return $ foldl1 AppExp f
       in  arith `chainl1` compOp

We’ve also provided the function `parseExp :: String -> Either ParseError Exp`
which can be used to see what the parser returns for a specific input string.
Combined with the function `ctorParse` that was introduced above, this is useful
for understanding how our abstract syntax tree (AST) data structures are being
used to store programs written in our language.

``` {.haskell}
parseExp :: String -> Either ParseError Exp
parseExp str = parse expr "stdin" str

``` {.haskell}
*Main> parseExp "x + 1"
Right (x + 1)
*Main> parseExp "x + 1 asdf*" -- This parse will fail.
Left "stdin" (line 1, column 12):
unexpected end of input
expecting white space, an integer, "if", "\\", an identifier or "("
*Main> putStrLn $ ctorParse "x + 1" -- Show the AST structure.
OpExp "+" (VarExp "x") (IntExp 1)

### Declarations

Once we can parse expressions, declarations are comparatively simple.

``` {.haskell}
decl :: Parser Stmt
decl = do f <- var
          params <- many1 var
          symbol "="
          body <- expr
          return $ Decl f params body

Once again, we have provided the function
`parseDecl :: String -> Either ParseError Stmt` which can be used to investigate
the connection between the grammar of our language and abstract syntax tree of a
particular program. (We have not provided an equivalent of `ctorParse` for
`Stmt`, but you could try making your own as an exercise.)

``` {.haskell}
parseDecl :: String -> Either ParseError Stmt
parseDecl str = parse decl "stdin" str

``` {.haskell}
*Main> parseDecl "f x = x + 1"
Right f x = (x + 1)
*Main> parseDecl "f x = x + 1 asdf*" -- This parse will fail.
Left "stdin" (line 1, column 18):
unexpected end of input
expecting white space, an integer, "if", "\\", an identifier or "("


The REPL can be used to enter CPS declarations and see the resulting
translations. It will prompt you for string, pass it through the `parseDecl`
parser, check for success, and if so pass it through `cpsDecl`. Then the result
will be pretty-printed using the `show :: Show a => a -> String` function.

``` {.haskell}
prompt :: String -> IO ()
prompt str = hPutStr stdout str >> hFlush stdout

printLn :: String -> IO ()
printLn str = hPutStrLn stdout str >> hFlush stdout

repl :: IO ()
repl = do input <- prompt "> " >> getLine
          case input of
            "quit" -> return ()
            _      -> do case parseDecl input of
                            Left err    -> do printLn "Parse error!"
                                              printLn $ show err
                            Right decl  -> printLn . show $ cpsDecl decl

main :: IO ()
main = do putStrLn "Welcome to the CPS Transformer!"
          putStrLn "GoodBye!"


Manual Translation

First, you’ll manually translate a few Haskell functions into CPS. This can help
you gain an intuition about how the automatic translator will work.

### `factk :: Integer -> (Integer -> t) -> t`

Write the factorial function in continuation passing style. The first argument
is the number that it should compute the factorial of. The second argument is
the continuation to apply to the result.

Note that you *will not receive credit* if you calculate the factorial
separately using a normal factorial function then put it through the
continuation. You should instead recursively cal `factk` with an updated
continuation which contains the computation to make at this step in the
recursion as well as the original continuation.

``` {.haskell}
*Main Lib> factk 10 id

### `evenoddk :: [Integer] -> (Integer -> t) -> (Integer -> t) -> t`

Write the function `evenoddk` in continuation passing style.

The `evenoddk` function takes a list and two continuations. The first
continuation, if run, will receive the sum of all the even elements of the list.
The second continuation, if run, will receive the sum of all the odd elements of
the list.

No additions should be performed until a continuation is called. This means that
you need to build up the addition to make in each continuation, *not do the
addition as you process the list*.

The function decides what to do when it gets to the last element of the list. If
it is even, it calls the even continuation, otherwise it calls the odd

You can assume the input list will have at least one entry in it.

``` {.haskell}
*Main Lib> evenoddk [2,4,6,1] id id
*Main Lib> evenoddk [2,4,6,1,4] id id
*Main Lib> evenoddk [2,4,6,1,9] id id

Automated Translation

Here, you’ll define two functions do all the translation. We will call `cpsDecl`
on a declaration (`Stmt`). This function will return a new declaration with an
added argument `k`, and a body which has been CPS transformed to use that as its

We’ll also have a function `cpsExp` which is used to translate an `Exp` into
CPS. It takes an extra argument, which is an integer, and we return an integer
in addition to the transformed expression. These integers are how we are going
to get fresh variables each time we want to generate a new continuation. They
act as a sort of accumulator, receiving the number for the next fresh variable
and returning a potentially updated number after the transformation is

In particular, we have given you a utility function called `gensym` (for
“generate symbol”) that generates fresh variables each time it is called using
that particular integer. Whenever we need a fresh variable, we call `gensym`
with our old integer.

``` {.haskell}
gensym :: Integer -> (String, Integer)
gensym i = ("v" ++ show i, i + 1)

``` {.haskell}
*Main Lib> gensym 20

Notice that the return type for both `gensym` and `cpsExp` is a tuple of an
expected return type and an integer; this is how we remember what numbers have
already been used (and what comes next). This is a common pattern in languages
that do not have mutation (or even languages that do but we chose not to use
it), and is often called “plumbing.”

The CPS transform ${{[\![D]\!]}_{}}$ represents a program transform taking
declaration $D$ from direct style to continuation passing style. The CPS
transform ${{[\![E]\!]}_{k}}$ represents a program transform taking expression
$E$ from direct style to continuation passing style with $k$ as its
continuation. Remember that the continuation is a function to apply to the
result of the current expression. In this example, we will call the continuation
$k$ on the value that expression $E$ evaluates to.

We will also distinguish between *simple* expressions (no available function
calls) and normal expressions. (We will go into more detail later about how we
will distinguish simple from normal expressions.) Operators will be left in
direct style, and we will not be converting $\lambda$-expressions in this MP
(though your code will certainly emit them!).[^1]

To indicate that an expression is simple, we will put an overbar on it, like
this: $\overline e$. Some expressions, like variables and integers, are
obviously simple so we will omit the overbar in such a case. As an example,
$\overline{e_1} + e_2$ indicates that $e_1$ is simple, but that $e_2$ is not.
Thus, $e_2$ would need to be transformed.

### Define `isSimple`

The `isSimple` function takes an expression and determines if it is simple or
not. A simple expression, in our context, is one that does not have an available
function call. A function call is available if it’s possible for the current
expression to execute it. In the language subset you have been given, a function
call is always available unless it is within the body of an unapplied
$\lambda$-expression. We aren’t transforming $\lambda$-expressions in this MP,
so you can ignore implementing `isSimple` over `LamExp`s.

``` {.haskell}
*Main Lib> isSimple (AppExp (VarExp "f") (IntExp 10))
*Main Lib> isSimple (OpExp "+" (IntExp 10) (VarExp "v"))
*Main Lib> isSimple (OpExp "+" (IntExp 10) (AppExp (VarExp "f") (VarExp "v")))

### Define `cpsExp` - Overview

You’ll need to define `cpsExp` over all of the data-constructors that make up
the `Exp` type. The first argument to `cpsExp` is the expression you are
transforming, and the second is the current continuation that has been built up.
Here is the type signature:

``` {.haskell}
cpsExp :: Exp -> Exp -> Integer -> (Exp, Integer)

Remember that we have provided you with a parser and the function `parseExp`,
which you can use to type in expressions for testing. Instead of having to write
the entire Haskell AST of an expression, you can use `parseExp`.

#### Define `cpsExp` for Integer and Variable Expressions

  {{[\![i]\!]}_{k}} = k\ i \\
  {{[\![v]\!]}_{k}} = k\ v

In Haskell, this would (almost) be implemented as:

``` {.haskell}
almostCpsExp :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
almostCpsExp (IntExp i) k = AppExp k (IntExp i)
almostCpsExp (VarExp v) k = AppExp k (VarExp v)

But, remember that we have to add in the extra “plumbing” which keeps track of
how many fresh variables we’ve generated, which accounts for the extra `Integer`
in both the arguments and return of `cpsExp`.

#### Define `cpsExp` for Application Expressions

    {{[\![f\ \overline{e}]\!]}_{k}} = f\ e\ k\\
    {{[\![f\ e]\!]}_{k}} = {{[\![e]\!]}_{(\lambda v . f\ v\ k)}} \hbox{\quad where $v$ is fresh.}\\

Note there are two rules: one for when the argument is simple, and one for when
the argument needs a conversion. We are going to assume that the argument is run
first, the result of which is passed into the function.

Remember that function application is left-associative. That is, assuming that
we use currying, $f~e~k~=~((f~e)~k)$. Also recall that in our terminology, we
“apply” functions to arguments. We do not “apply” arguments to functions.

Notice the “where $v$ is fresh” part. Variables don’t grow moldy, but if you
give every continuation function a parameter named $v$, it won’t work. We could
have nested continuations which lead to unwanted $\alpha$-capture. Therefore, we
need to generate new names whenever we make a new $\lambda$-expression. The
safest strategy is to make sure that no name is *ever* reused, regardless of
which branch of logic is eventually taken.

This should be done using the `gensym :: Integer -> (String, Integer)` function
explained above. Remember that `cpsExp` needs to return the *most* up-to-date
fresh variable number so that further calls to `cpsExp` don’t use the same
variables again.

#### Define `cpsExp` for Operator Expressions

These are the most complex, since there are four possible cases.

For $\otimes$ a binary operator:

    {{[\![\overline{e_1} \otimes \overline{e_2}]\!]}_{k}} = k\ (e_1 \otimes e_2) \\
    {{[\![e_1 \otimes \overline{e_2}]\!]}_{k}} = {{[\![e_1]\!]}_{(\lambda v . k (v \otimes e_2)}} \hbox{\quad where $v$ is fresh.} \\
    {{[\![\overline{e_1} \otimes e_2]\!]}_{k}} = {{[\![e_2]\!]}_{(\lambda v . k (e_1 \otimes v)}} \hbox{\quad where $v$ is fresh.}  \\
    {{[\![e_1 \otimes e_2]\!]}_{k}} = {{[\![e_1]\!]}_{(\lambda v_1 . {{[\![e_2]\!]}_{(\lambda v2 . k (v_1 \otimes v_2))}})}}\hbox{\quad where $v_1$ and $v_2$ are fresh.}  \\

Notice that we are careful to preserve the order of the arguments to the
operator - the order we convert expressions *to* is very important (that is,
$e_1$ and $e_2$ cannot be swapped on the right-hand side of any of the above),
because this preserves the order of evaluation. In real life it doesn’t matter
the order we convert them *in* (that is, whether we choose to convert $e_1$ or
$e_2$ first), as long as their results are passed in the correct order, but to
keep from annoying the graders[^2] please evaluate things from left to right.

#### Define `cpsExp` for If Expressions

    {{[\![\texttt{if}\ \overline{e_1}\ \texttt{then}\ e_2\ \texttt{else}\ e_3]\!]}_{k}}
        = \texttt{if}\ e_1\ \texttt{then}\ {{[\![e_2]\!]}_{k}}\ \texttt{else}\ {{[\![e_3]\!]}_{k}} \\
    {{[\![\texttt{if}\ e_1\ \texttt{then}\ e_2\ \texttt{else}\ e_3]\!]}_{k}}
        = {{[\![e_1]\!]}_{(\lambda v . \texttt{if}\ v\ \texttt{then}\  {{[\![e_2]\!]}_{k}} \
        \texttt{else}\ {{[\![e_3]\!]}_{k}})}} \hbox{\quad where $v$ is fresh.} \\

For an if expression with a not-simple guard, we need to transform the guard and
give it a continuation that selects the proper (transformed) branch for us. If
the guard is simple, we can leave it alone and transform the branches using the
original continuation.

Notice how the order of evaluation becomes explicit when we make this transform;
the condition of the if expression is evaluated first, and only then is one of
the branches picked for evaluation. This is part of the power of CPS, you can
choose exactly how expressions in your language are simplified down.

### Define `cpsDecl`

Declarations are much simpler than expressions because we don’t need to maintain
the state of a fresh-variable counter when translating declarations. This is
because each declaration has its own local variable scope anyway.

    {{[\![f\ x_1\ \cdots\ x_n\ =\ e]\!]}_{}}
        = (f\ x_1\ \cdots\ x_n\ k\ =\ {{[\![e]\!]}_{k}})

This corresponds to the `cpsDecl` function. It adds an extra parameter `k` to
the parameter list, and then translates the body of the function. (The
parentheses on the right-hand side are added for clarity - the equality on the
left tranforms to the whole equality on the right.) Here is the type signature
for `cpsDecl`:

``` {.haskell}
cpsDecl :: Stmt -> Stmt

Monads (optional)

**This part is highly optional.**

Perhaps you are thinking “couldn’t we use a monad to get rid of this plumbing?”
If so, you are correct. There is a monad called the `State` monad that can do
this for us. (In fact, there is a `GenSym` monad as well!)

You are not required to use monads for this MP. But if you would like to use
them, you may, as long as you **do not change the type of `cpsDecl` or
`cpsExp`**. Define your own function `cpsExpM`, the monadic version of `cpsExp`,
and you can define `cpsExp` in terms of `cpsExpM` instead. The testing interface
to `cpsExp` **must remain unchanged**.

[^1]: Most automatic CPS transforms do not make this distinction: there are, in
    fact, many different CPS transforms, and researchers have spent a lot of
    time coming up with transforms that have different properties. This means
    that if you find a paper describing a CPS transform, odds are excellent it
    will not look exactly like this one. You should still find it recognizable

[^2]: Annoying a grader is bad luck.

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