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Problem Set 2-schema design, query planning

 Problem Set 2 
The purpose of this problem set is to give you some practice with concepts related to schema design, query planning, and query
processing. Start early as this assignment is long.
Part 1 - Query Plans and Cost Models
In this part of the problem set, you will examine query plans that PostgreSQL uses to execute queries, and try to understand
why it produces the plan it does for a certain query.
We are using the same dataset as for Problem Set 1 (we loaded the PS1 SQLite data into the Postgres server that you’ll be using
for PS2). To access the server, you can log in to and start a session with:
psql -h -p 5433 imdb
Make sure your PostgreSQL client is 9.3+ so that your results are consistent with the solutions. Athena already has client
version 9.3.9 installed, so you can simply ssh into and get started. In case you want to work on
your own Debian/Ubuntu machine, you can install the postgresql-client package by running the following command
in your shell.
sudo apt-get install postgresql-client
To help understand database query plans, PostgreSQL includes the EXPLAIN command. It prints the physical query plan for
the input query, including all of the physical operators and internal access methods being used. For example, the SQL command
displays the query plan for a very simple query:
explain select * from movies;
Seq Scan on movies (cost=0.00..8418.65 rows=464065 width=36)
(1 row)
To be able to interpret plans like the one above, you should refer to the explain basics section in the Postgres documentation.
We have run VACUUM FULL ANALYZE on all of the tables in the database, which means that all of the statistics used by
PostgreSQL server should be up to date.
6.830 Problem Set 2
Note: To identify an index, it is enough for you to name the ordered sequence of columns that are indexed. Eg, an index on
columns foo and bar is identified as (foo, bar) .
1. [1 points]: Which indexes exist for table movies in imdb? You can use the \? and \h commands to get help, and
\t <tablename to see the schema for a particular table.
2. [2 points]: Which query plan does Postgres choose for select title from movies? Is it different from the
plan shown in the previous page? Given the indexes we have defined on our table, are there any other possible query
3. [1 points]: In one sentence, describe the difference between the plan from the previous question and the plan for
query: select title from movies order by title.
4. [2 points]: What query plan does Postgres choose for select title, year from movies order by
title? Is it different from the plan for select title from movies order by title? If so, why are they
different? If not, why are they the same?
We now add another two tables, people_reduced and people_wide, into imdb. The table people_reduced simply
contains 1000 rows from people (the reduced table size is not significant with regard to your answer, we just needed to de
crease loading time for people_wide and wanted to keep the size constant between people_reduced and people_wide
for comparison). The table people_wide contains the same 1000 rows as people_reduced, except that it has an addi
tional column with type character(20000). If you want to know more about the contents of the two tables, you can
examine them further using \d [table-name] and your own SQL queries. Now, consider the two following queries and
their plans from imdb:
explain select name from people_reduced;

Seq Scan on people_reduced (cost=0.00..18.00 rows=1000 width=14)
(1 row)
explain select name from people_wide;
Index Only Scan using people_wide_name on people_wide
(cost=0.28..43.27 rows=1000 width=14)
(1 row)
5. [2 points]: Both of the queries only need to use the value of a column which has already been indexed. From the
perspective of PostgreSQL’s optimizer, why does it choose a seq scan on people_reduced but an index only scan on
6.830 Problem Set 2
6. [2 points]: Now run this scan on both tables, using index only scans and sequential scans. How does their actual
performance compare? Is Postgres’s optimizer correct? If not, what do you think it is doing wrong?
You can coerce Postgres into using a variety of query plans by using the enable_seqscan, enable_indexonlyscan,
enable_indexscan and the enable_bitmapscan flags with the \set command.
7. [3 points]: Consider the two following queries and their plans from imdb:
explain analyze select movie_id, person_id
from cast_members
where movie_id='tt0120737';

Index Only Scan using cast_members_pkey on cast_members
(cost=0.43..4.59 rows=9 width=20)
(actual time=0.062..0.065 rows=10 loops=1)
Index Cond: (movie_id = 'tt0120737'::text)
Heap Fetches: 0
Planning time: 0.160 ms
Execution time: 0.088 ms
(5 rows)
explain analyze select movie_id, person_id
from cast_members
where person_id='nm0000704';
Index Only Scan using cast_members_pkey on cast_members
(cost=0.43..91110.02 rows=18 width=20)
(actual time=57.129..282.138 rows=45 loops=1)
Index Cond: (person_id = 'nm0000704'::text)
Heap Fetches: 0
Planning time: 0.261 ms
Execution time: 282.189 ms
(5 rows)
The two queries and their plans are very similar and make use of the same index. Why are the costs (both the estimates
and actual) so different?
Now consider the queries generated by replacing ‘a’ in the below query with ‘2005’ and ‘2050’ in the following template. (You
can refer to the two queries as Q2005 and Q2050 respectively. Also don’t worry about how strange it is that imdb stores movies
with years so far into the future, just treat the movies with future years the same as you would any other movie).
explain select avg(birth_year) from people
join cast_members on = cast_members.person_id
join movies on cast_members.movie_id =
where people.birth_year is not null and movies.year a;
8. [2 points]: What physical plan does PostgreSQL use for each of them? Your answer should consist of a drawing of
the two query trees and annotations on each node.
6.830 Problem Set 2
9. [1 points]: Which access methods are used? (also label them in the diagrams)
10. [1 points]: Which join algorithms? (also label them in the diagrams)

11. [2 points]: By running some queries to compute the sizes of the intermediate results in the query, and/or using
EXPLAIN ANALYZE, can you see if there are any final or intermediate results where PostgreSQL’s estimate is less than
half (or more than double) the actual size?
12. [4 points]: At which values of movies.year (in the range of 1893 to 2115) do the plans change? Do you believe
the query planner is switching at the correct points? (justify your answer quantitatively).
6.830 Problem Set 2
Part 2 – Query Plans and Access Methods In this problem, your goal is to estimate the cost of different query plans and think
about the best physical query plan for a SQL expression.
TPC-H is a common benchmark used to evaluate the performance of SQL queries. It represents orders placed in a retail or
online store. Each order row relates to one or more lineitem rows, each of which represents an individual part record
purchased in the order. Each order also relates to a customer record, and each part is related to a particular supplier
A diagram of the schema of TPC-H is shown in Figure 1.
In addition to specifying these tables, the benchmark describes how data is generated for this schema, as well as a suite of about
20 queries that are used to evaluate database performance by running the queries one after another.

Figure 1: The TPC-H Schema (source ‘The TPC-H Benchmark. Revision 2.17.1’)
TPC-H is parameterized by a “Scale Factor” or “SF”, which dictates the number of records in the different tables. For example,
for SF=10, the lineitem table will have 60 million records, since the figure shows that lineitem has size SF*6,000,000.
6.830 Problem Set 2
Consider the following query, representing Query 3 in the TPC-H benchmark, which computes the total revenue from a set of
orders in the “BUILDING” market segment placed during a certain date range.

sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue,
c_mktsegment = 'BUILDING'
AND c_custkey = o_custkey
AND l_orderkey = o_orderkey
AND o_orderdate < date '1995-03-15'
AND l_shipdate date '1995-03-15'
revenue desc,
Your job is to evaluate the best query plan for this query. To help you do this, we provide some basic statistics about the
• A lineitem record is 112 bytes, an order record is 104 bytes, and a customer record is 179 bytes, as outlined in
Section 4.2.5 of the TPC-H spec. Thus, an SF=10 lineitem table takes 112 * 60M = 6.7 GB of storage.
• All key attributes are 4 bytes, all numbers are 4 bytes, dates are 4 bytes, the c mktsegment field is a 10 byte character
string, the o shippriority field is a 15 byte character string (assume strings are fixed length).
• l discount is uniformly random between 0.00 and 1.00.
• o orderdate is selected uniformly random between ‘1992-01-01’ and ‘1998-12-31’ - 151 days.
• o shipdate is uniformly random in (o orderdate, o orderdate + 121 days).
• c mktsegment is selected uniformly and randomly from ‘AUTOMOBILE’,‘BUILDING’,‘HOUSEHOLD’,‘FURNITURE’,
• o shippriority is selected uniformly and randomly from ‘1-URGENT’,‘2-HIGH’,‘3-MEDIUM’,‘4-NOT SPECIFIED’, and ‘5-LOW’.
• l extendedprice is uniformly and randomly distributed between 90000 and 111000 (in reality the price computation
in TPC-H is somewhat more complex, but this is approximately correct).
You create these tables at scale factor 10 in a row-oriented database. The system supports heap files and B+-trees (clustered and
unclustered). B+-tree leaf pages point to records in the heap file. Assume you can cluster each heap file in according to exactly
one B+tree, and that the database system has up-to-date statistics on the cardinality of the tables, and can accurately estimate
the selectivity of every predicate. Assume B+-tree pages are 50% full, on average.
Assume disk seeks take 10 ms, and the disk can sequentially read 100 MB/sec. In your calculations, you can assume that I/O
time dominates CPU time (i.e., you do not need to account for CPU time.)
Your system has a 1 GB buffer pool, and an additional 1 GB of memory to use for buffers for joins and other intermediate data
Finally, suppose the system has grace hash joins, index nested loop joins, and simple nested loop joins available to it.
6.830 Problem Set 2
13. [3 points]: Suppose you have no indexes. Draw (as a query plan tree), what you believe is the best query plan for the
above query. For each node in your query plan indicate (on the drawing, if you wish), the approximate output cardinality
(number of tuples produced.) For each join indicate the best physical implementation (i.e., grace hash or nested loops).
You do not need to worry about the implementation of the grouping / aggregation operation.
14. [2 points]: Estimate the runtime of the query in seconds (considering just I/O time).
15. [3 points]: If you are only concerned with running this query efficiently, and insert time is not a concern, which
indexes, if any, would you recommend creating? How would you cluster each heap file?
16. [2 points]: Draw (as a query plan tree), what you believe is the best query plan for the above query given the indexes
and clustering you chose. For each node in your query plan indicate (on the drawing, if you wish), the approximate output
cardinality (number of tuples produced.) For each join indicate the best physical implementation (i.e., grace hash, nested
loops, or index nested loops.)
17. [2 points]: Estimate the runtime of the query in seconds once you have created these indexes (considering just I/O

6.830 Problem Set 2
Part 3 – Schema Design and Query Execution
Supposed you are creating a database to keep track of the floors, rooms, and denizens of your dorm / apartment / house /
multi-room tent / large domicile.
Specifically, you will need to keep track of:
1. The rooms in your domicile; room have sizes (in ft2), and names.
2. The denizens of each room; rooms may have 0 or more denizens, and denizens may reside in 0 or more rooms; denizens
have first and last names and birthdays.
3. The corridors between rooms; each corridor connects exactly two rooms together.
4. The relationships between denizens; each denizen may have a relationship with zero or more other denizens. Relation
ships have types (friend, enemy, etc.)
18. [2 points]: Write out a list of functional dependencies for this schema.
19. [3 points]: Draw an ER diagram representing your database. Include a few sentences of justification for why you
drew it the way you did.
20. [2 points]: Write out a schema for your database in BCNF. Include a few sentences of justification for why you
chose the tables you did.
21. [2 points]: Is your schema redundancy and anomaly free? Justify your answer.
22. [2 points]: Suppose you wanted to ensure that each denizen has more friends than enemies (since otherwise they
would be kicked out of the domicile.) How can you enforce this constraint?

23. [2 points]: Suppose you decide that each denizen should reside in exactly one room. How would your schema
change? Suggest a view that will allow legacy programs written across the old database to continue to function. Does
your view provide full backwards compatibility, i.e., are there any cases that it does not handle properly?

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