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Assignment 4: Erlang Solution

DESCRIPTION: For the final assignment, we will take a look at Erlang. Note that while Erlang is a
functional language, in the same style as Clojure, our focus here is the concurrency model provided
by Erlang. In particular, this assignment will require you to gain some familiarity with the concept
of message passing. In fact, this is all the assignment really does. In terms of code, the assignment is
quite small, less then 100 lines of code. It’s just about the details…
So your task is to provide an extremely simple communication network for a group of friends. It is
so simple that all the friends will actually do is send a contact message to one or more people in the
group, and then wait for a confirmation reply from that person. That’s it.
You will, of course, need a list of a group of friends and the contact messages that will be sent by
each person. This information will be read from a file called “calls.txt” that will be located in the
same folder as the application code. While Erlang provides many file primitives for processing disk
files, the process is not quite as simple as Clojure’s slurp() function. So the “calls.txt” file will contain
call records that already pre-formatted. In other words, they are ready to be read directly into
Erlang data structures. An example of a “calls.txt” file is:
{john, [jill,joe,bob]}.
{jill, [bob,joe,bob]}.
{sue, [jill,jill,jill,bob,jill]}.
{bob, [john]}.
{joe, [sue]}.
Here, we have five calling tuples. The first field in each tuple contains the name of the person who
will make the calls. The second field is a list of friends that this person will contact. So, for example,
the first tuple indicates that john will contact jill, joe, and bob.
To read this file, all you simply have to use the consult() function in the file module. This will
load the contents into an Erlang list of 5 tuples (in this particular case). Note that NO error checking
is required. The “calls.txt” file is guaranteed to exist and contain valid data. Each person will make
at least one contact with another person, and all people in the contact list are guaranteed to exist
and make at least one call.
So your job now is to take this information and make contact with the other people in each list.
Once a contact request is received, each person must reply to the original person to indicate that
they have received the contact request.
Of course, we need a way to demonstrate that all of this has worked properly. To begin, it is
important to understand that this is a multi-process Erlang program. The “master” process will be
the initial process that spawns one process for each of the people in the “calls.txt” file. So, in our
little example above, there will be 6 processes in total: the master and 5 friends.
To confirm the validity of the program, each person receiving a contact request – either an initial
request or a response – must send a message to the master process to inform it about the exchange.
IMPORTANT: The “master” process is the only process that should display anything to the screen.
No “person process” should directly display anything, other than termination messages.
Below, we see sample output for our “calls.txt” example:
** Calls to be made **
john: [jill,joe,bob]
jill: [bob,joe,bob]
sue: [jill,jill,jill,bob,jill]
bob: [john]
joe: [sue]
bob received intro message from jill [738000]
joe received intro message from john [741004]
bob received intro message from john [770008]
joe received intro message from jill [779007]
john received intro message from bob [736102]
john received reply message from joe [741004]
john received reply message from bob [770008]
jill received intro message from sue [737001]
bob received intro message from jill [816004]
bob received reply message from john [736102]
bob received intro message from sue [897005]
jill received intro message from john [739000]
jill received reply message from bob [738000]
john received reply message from jill [739000]
jill received intro message from sue [819004]
jill received reply message from joe [779007]
jill received intro message from sue [880460]
jill received reply message from bob [816004]
sue received intro message from joe [828004]
sue received reply message from jill [737001]
sue received reply message from bob [897005]
sue received reply message from jill [819004]
sue received reply message from jill [880460]
joe received reply message from sue [828004]
jill received intro message from sue [987009]
sue received reply message from jill [987009]
Process joe has received no calls for 1 second, ending...
Process john has received no calls for 1 second, ending...
Process bob has received no calls for 1 second, ending...
Process sue has received no calls for 1 second, ending...
Process jill has received no calls for 1 second, ending...
Master has received no replies for 1.5 seconds, ending...
Let’s look at the output. When the program is run, the master process will first display a summary
of the calls that will be made. Next, the master will start a process for each of the people in the
calls.txt file.
Each time a contact message is received, information about the message will be passed to the
master process, which will display the info. Again, the person process can NOT display this
themselves (you will receive no point value on the assignment if you do this). The information
message will include information about the sender and receiver, the type of message (initial contact
or a reply), and it will include a timestamp for the initial contact message.
The timestamp will be created from the 3rd component of the erlang:now() function. now() returns
a 3-element tuple of the (MegaSeconds, Seconds, MicroSeconds} since Jan 1, 1970. The
MicroSeconds value serves as a nice timestamp for each message exchange.
Let’s see how this works. In our first call record, john contacts jill, joe, and bob. If you look at the
12th info message displayed by the master process, you will see:
jill received intro message from john [739000]
Note the timestamp 739000. If we look a little further, to the 14th info message, we see:
john received reply message from jill [739000]
Here, we can see the matching timestamp, indicating that this is the second half of the exchange. If
you look at the call lists, you will see that there are 13 contact requests, and exactly 13 pairs of info
messages in the output.
The final part of the output simply shows that each process shuts down once a period of time with
no new messages has been identified (Note: In practice, all messages will be sent and received in far
less than 1 second. ) This is the one place where the person processes will display to the screen.
One final thing: In theory, if you run this program multiple times, the message order would be
slightly different. But with such simple functionality in each process, that might not happen. So, just
before each process sends a message (intro or reply), it should sleep for a random amount of time,
between 1 and 100 milliseconds. Erlang has a simple sleep() function, and random() and seed()
functions that will take care of this in a couple of lines of code. Once this is done, you will see that
multiple invocations of the program will produce slightly different result each time.
So that’s it. Don’t be intimidated by the explanation above. The description of the program will be
longer than the program itself!
DELIVERABLES: Your submission will have just 2 source files. The “main” file will be called
exchange.erl and will correspond to the master process. The second file will be called
calling.erl and will include the code associated with the “people” process. Module names will
be identical to the file names. Do not include any data files, as the markers will provide their own.
Once you are ready to submit, place the .erl files into a zip file. The name of the zip file will consist of
"a4" + last name + first name + student ID + ".zip", using the underscore character "_" as the
separator. For example, if your name is John Smith and your ID is "123456", then your zip file
would be combined into a file called". The final zip file will be submitted
through the course web site on Moodle. You simply upload the file using the link on the assignment
web page.
Good Luck

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