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Multimedia Systems Project 2

1 of 2
CMPT 365 Multimedia Systems
Project 2

Note: This is NOT a group-based project. Each student should submit a project report and the codes. We will use
code scan tools to ensure that the programs are written by yourself. In the report, you can discuss any interesting
and insightful observations, e.g., challenges you’ve encountered and your solutions, comparison with
commercial tools, e.g., ZIP/Photoshop, fast/smart implementation, impact of different configurations, etc.
Submission guideline: TA will announce.
Create a program that reads an uncompressed TIFF image file and compress/decompress it.
Your program should first show an open file dialog box for the user to select the TIFF file, which follows the
same format specification/constraints as in Project 1.
Your program should compress the image with your own (1) lossless compression and (2) lossy compression,
and then decompress and output the results as follows:
1. Displays the original image (right side) together with the decompressed image from lossless compression (left
side) ( – yes, these two should look exactly the same, but if you use some conversions or transforms, e.g., RGB
to YUV, then there would be small round off errors; it’s good if you provide discussions on their impact) ; also
display the compression ratio at the bottom;
2. Refreshes by the original image (right side) together with the decompressed image from lossly compression
(right) of a compression ratio around 10; also display the exact compression ratio at the bottom;
3. Refreshes by the original image (right side) together with the decompressed image from lossly compression
(right) of a compression ratio around 20; also display the exact compression ratio at the bottom.
We can accept a range of [8,12] for compression ratio 10 and [16,24] for compression ratio 20.
You should submit the source code together with its executable version. You should also submit a short report
(2-3 pages) describing the following issues:
1. The key techniques used in your solution and their respective impacts to the image quality. You may
want to draw a simple diagram for the processing flow (like that for JPEG in the slides);
2. The percentage of the computation times of the different modules (try to figure out a way to measure
3. Image quality comparison with other commercial tools (e.g., Photoshop);
4. Any other problem/interesting issues you have encountered.
Grading scheme:
2 of 2
1. File input (2 marks)
2. Lossless compression implementation (4 marks)
3. Lossy compression implementation (8 marks)
4. Discussion in report (6 mark)

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