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Homework 2 Perceptron and Bayes

1 Perceptron Exercise [20 points]
Recall that a perceptron learns a linear classifier with weight vector w. It predicts
y^ = sign(w · x)
(We assume here that y^ 2 f+1; −1g. Also, note that we are not using a bias weight b.) When the
perceptron makes a mistake on the nth training example, it updates the weights using the formula
w w + ynxn
Imagine that we have each xn 2 R2, and we encounter the following data points
x[1] x[2] y
1 1 1
2 -1 -1
-3 -1 -1
-3 1 1
1. Starting with w = [0 0], use the perceptron algorithm to learn on the data points in the order
from top to bottom. Show the perceptron’s linear decision boundary after observing each data
point in the graphs below. Be sure to show which side is classified as positive. [10 points]
2 of 113 of 112. See the slides for a defintion of the geometric margin and for a correction to CIML. Does our
learned perceptron maximize the geometric margin between the training data and the decision
boundary? If not, draw the maximum geometric margin, decision boundary on the graph below.
[5 points]
3. Assume that we continue to collect data and train the perceptron. If all data we see (including
the points we just trained on) are linearly separable with geometric margin γ = 0:5 and have
maximum norm kxk2 ≤ 5, what is the maximum number of mistakes we can make on future
data? [5 points]
2 Implementation: Perceptron [70 points]
Implement the perceptron learning algorithm for binary classification, as described in class, from
scratch, in Python. All of the files mentioned here are available in the tarball A2.tgz available on
4 of 11Implementation details:
• First, read in training data from a single file (we suggest that your program take the filename
as a command-line argument) and store it in memory. You can assume for this assignment that
you’ll never have more than 1000 training examples.
• At the end of each epoch, report the number of mistakes made on that epoch to standard out.
• Test data will always be in a separate file, optionally provided on the command-line. At the end
of training, report the number of mistakes on the test data (if there is a test dataset).
• The format for training and testing data will always be one-instance-per-line, formatted as:
y tab x[1] tab x[2] tab . . . tab x[d] newline
where tab is a single tab character and newline is a single newline character.
• If there’s other diagnostic output you’d like to generate, send it to standard error. This will make
it easier in case we need to run your code.
As a sanity check, train the perceptron on the dataset in A2.1.tsv, which has 50 positive and
50 negative examples and is separable by the hyperplane corresponding to weights:
w∗ = [−1:2 2:7 − 7:6 − 2:8 − 2:8]
You should be able to converge to a weight vector that achieves zero training-set error in about 20
epochs; your weight vector might not be identical to w∗, of course.
The tarball for this assignment contains eight additional training datasets (A2.2.train.tsv,
A2.3.train.tsv, . . . , A2.9.train.tsv). Each one has a corresponding test dataset (files
A2.*.test.tsv). For each dataset [8 points per dataset]:
1. Generate a plot in which the x-axis is the epoch, and the y-axis shows the training error rate in
blue and the test error rate in red, at the end of that epoch, where you train on all of the training
data. We suggest that you train for 1000 or more epochs. You might want to also include a plot
that doesn’t show all epochs (only earlier ones) so that the “interesting” trends are visible. You
might also want to generate a more fine-grained plot that reports training and test error rates after
every iteration of the inner loop (i.e., after each prediction the perceptron makes on a training
instance); don’t include such a plot in your writeup unless it shows something interesting we
couldn’t see in the first plots.
2. Do you believe that the training dataset is linearly separable? If so, give a lower bound on the
geometric margin.
3. Do you believe that your learning algorithm overfit the training data? If so, how do you know?
4. Do you suspect that any features are noise? Which ones, and why? (Please index features from
1 to 20 in the order they appear in the data files.)
5. Carve out a development dataset from the training data and use it to tune the perceptron’s hyperparameter(s). Report training, development, and test data accuracy, as well as the hyperparameter(s) you tuned and the value you selected for the hyperparameter(s).
Present your answers to the non-plotting questions in a table formatted like Table 1.
5 of 11question number
dataset 2 3 4 5
Table 1: Write your answers on part 2 into a table like this one.
Surprise! [6 points] You may not have noticed that test sets 6–8 are identical (but they are). The
three corresponding training datasets increase in size from 6 to 7 and 7 to 8, but: (i) they don’t
overlap and (ii) they do come from the same source. What do you notice when you compare your
findings for these three datasets? Can you use this information to get better performance on test
set 6 (equivalently, test set 7, equivalently test set 8), still using your perceptron implementation?
If so, go for it and give answers to the same questions as above (1–5).
3 Beat the Perceptron [10 points]
Choose one of the datasets (2–9) where the perceptron’s test-set performance was not strong, and
try to improve using any of the following:
• Decision stump
• K-nearest neighbors
• Voted perceptron
If there are hyperparameters, you should tune them on your development data, not the test data.
Tell us which dataset (2–9) you focused on and why. Fully (and concisely) explain the exploration and choices you made as you tuned hyperparameters. Report on how well you were able to
perform on the test set, making a fair comparison to the perceptron. It’s fine to test more than one
of the methods listed above, but you must implement everything yourself and you must report on
all of the algorithms you tried (no tuning on test data, even to select the algorithm!). You are only
required to test one of them.
4 PCA on digits [40 points]
Let’s do PCA and reconstruct the digits in the PCA basis. Download the file mnist.pkl.gz. Load
the MNIST dataset in Python as follows.
6 of 11If you use Python 2:
import gzip, pickle
with'mnist.pkl.gz') as f:
train_set, valid_set, test_set = pickle.load(f)
If you use Python 3:
import gzip, pickle
with'mnist.pkl.gz') as f:
train_set, valid_set, test_set = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')
The array train set[0] contains the images, represented as vectors of 784 dimensions. Each
example can be reshaped to a matrix of size 28 × 28. Due to that PCA acts on vectors, you will
have to understand the conceptual (and algorithmic) conversion to vectors (and back so you can
plot your reconstructions as images).
As you will be making many visualizations of images, plot these images in a reasonable arrangement (e.g. make the images smaller and arrange them in some easily viewable subplot. Points
may be deducted for disorganized plots). Also, if you are using the python imshow() command,
make sure you understand how to visualize grayscale images. Also, this function, if provided with
a matrix of floats, needs the values to be between 0 and 1, so you may need to rescale an image
when plotting it so that it lies between 0 and 1 (else the plots could look odd, as imshow() drops
values out of this range).
4.1 Covariance matrix construction
and the advantages of matrix operations [13 points]
Let d be the number of dimensions and n be the number of samples. Suppose X is your data matrix
of size n × d. Let µ be the mean (column) vector of your data. Let us now compute the covariance
matrix of the dataset. Throughout this problem you will use the (entire) training set.
Throughout this entire problem, you must write your answers where vectors refer to column
vectors. So a data point xi refers to a d-dimensional (column) vector.
Hint: It may also be helpful to define an n-dimensional (column) vector of all 1’s and to denote
this vector by ~1. Note that ~1µ is an n × d matrix.
1. (1 points) Choose 10 digits (make sure they are from different classes). Visualize these digits.
In particular, include figures of these 10 digits.
2. (1 points) What are dimensions of the covariance matrix? What is the dimension of the mean
vector µ?
3. (1 point) Visualize the mean image (and provide a figure).
4. (3 points) Let xi be a vector representing the i-th data point. Let us write out two methods for
computing the covariance matrix:
• vector based method: Write out the covariance matrix, Σ, in terms of the xi’s and µ (and not
the matrix X). The method should have a sum over i in it.
7 of 11• matrix based method: Now, in matrix algebra notation, write out the covariance matrix as a
function of the matrix X and the (column) vector µ (and there should be no sum over i).
5. (5 points) (Appreciating linear algebra) Compute the covariance matrix using two different
methods. You must measure the run-time of both of the following methods:
• the vector based method: Compute the covariance matrix using your vector based algorithm,
from the previous question. Note that this will involve a for loop over all 50K data points (and
you may want to use the python linear algebra function ’outer’ to compute the outer product,
as the transpose operation does not work on arrays). This method may take a little time if you
are running it on your laptop.
• the matrix based method: Compute the covariance matrix using matrix multiplications, as you
wrote out earlier.
Measure the runtime using a timing procedure in Python (not your own clock). List what time
function you used. The time must reflect the time of just the compute operations and it should
not reflect the time to load the data matrices (as you should have these already loaded in memory
before your code starts the timer). Check that these two matrices give you the same answer. In
particular, report the average absolute difference d12 Pi;j jΣvec. method i;j −Σmat. method i;j j (which should
be numerically near to 0). How long did each method take? What is the percentage increase in
6. (2 points) (Looking under the hood) As you used Python and a standard linear algebra library
(e.g. Numpy), both of these two methods were implemented on your computer with the same
underlying number of primitive mathematical operations: under the hood, they both were implemented with the same number of additions of (scalar) floating point numbers and same number
of multiplications of (scalar) floating point numbers1. This leads to the puzzling question: why
was your matrix based method (using matrix multiplications) was so much faster than your forloop based, vector code? A concise answer, hitting the important reason, is sufficient. You are
free to do a google search to find the answer. (Hint: had the question asked you to code the
vector based method in the C or C + + languages, you would not have observed much of a
Implications: this comparison has important implications for practical machine learning. Matrixalgebra structured algorithms are the bread and butter of modern machine learning for good
reason. It is worth considering having linear algebra skills at your fingertips. It may also give
you an appreciation of the value of GPU processers, which speed up matrix multiplication and
other basic matrix algebra methods (such as FFTs) by factors between 10 and 100 times; the
bottleneck of GPUs is often just copying data onto them, in blocks.
1In theory, and rather surprisingly, the matrix multiplication procedure can actually be implemented with a smaller
number of float additions and float multiplications than that which is used by the vector based approach. One such algorithm is the famous Strassen’s algorithm, which lead to the (nearly the theoretically fastest) Coppersmith-Winograd
algorithm. However, due to constant factors and realistic modern architecture constraints, these theoretically faster
methods are rarely used; instead, the naive brute force approach to matrix multiplication is that which is under the
hood in linear algebra packages.
8 of 114.2 Eigen-Analysis [13 points]
Let Σ = UDU be the SVD of Σ.
1. (3 points) What are the eigenvalues λ1, λ2, λ10, λ30, and λ50? Also, what is the sum of eigenvalues Pd i=1 λi?
2. (4 points) It is not difficult to see that the fractional reconstruction error of using the top k out of
d directions is 1− P Pk i d i=1 =1 λ λi i . Note that this error is 0 when k = d. Plot this fractional reconstruction
error from 1 to 100. (so the X-axis is k and the Y -axis is the fractional reconstruction error).
3. (2 points) Roughly, for what k is the reconstruction error less than 0:5? And for what k is this
error less 0:2? (You can interpret this k as the projected dimension which captures 50% (and,
respectively, 80%) of the total variation in your data.)
4. (3 points) Now let us get a sense of the what the top PCA directions are capturing (recall these
are the directions which capture the most variance). Display the first 10 eigenvectors as images.
5. (1 points) Provide a brief interpretation of what you think they capture.
4.3 Pseudocode for Reconstruction [5 points]
This problem will help you to implement your dimensionality reduction algorithm and your reconstruction algorithm with matrix algebra (and avoid writing a for-loop over all the data points).
Throughout this problem, assume you will project each image down to k dimensions and that you
want to obtain the best reconstruction on this dataset (in terms of the squared error, as discussed in
class and in CIML).
1. (1 points) The SVD will give you d eigenvectors, each corresponding to some eigenvalue λi.
Which of these vectors (and how many of them) will you use?
2. (2 points) Specify a matrix Ue which is of of size d × k that is constructed out of your chosen
eigenvectors. Write a matrix algebra expression that reduces the dimension of all the points in
your dataset. This expression should give you a matrix of size n × k, containing all of your
dimensionality reduced data. Your expression should use matrix algebra and should be stated in
terms of X, µ, and Ue (this expression should have no sums in it).
3. (2 points) Now you should have a data matrix of size n× k, which consists of all your data after
the dimensionality has been reduced. Write out an expression that will give you a reconstruction
of all your data. In particular, you should recover a matrix of size n× d. Your method should be
stated using matrix algebra (and should have no sums in it). Be sure that your expression also
adds the mean back into your data, else the reconstruction will not be correct.
4.4 Visualization and Reconstruction [9 points]
1. (3 points) Now code your matrix algebra method that reconstructs X after it has projected it
down to k dimensions. Do this for all 50K datapoints. For k = 30, time this procedure. How
long does it take to project and reconstruct all 50K datapoints?
2. (5 points) Now let us visualize these reconstructed digits for different values of k. Visualize
these reconstructions for all of the following cases (using the same 10 digits you visualized
9 of 11earlier).
(a) Do this for k = 3.
(b) Do this for k = 5.
(c) Do this for k = 10.
(d) Do this for k = 25.
(e) Do this for k = 50.
(f) Do this for k = 200.
3. (1 point) Provide a brief interpretation, in terms of your perceptions of the quality of these
5 Conditional Probability Review: Revisiting the Bayes Optimal Classifier [8 points]
In class and in CIML, it is argued that, for binary prediction, the classifier defined by f (BO)(x) =
argmaxy D(x; y) achieves the minimal expected classification error among all possible classifiers
(CIML provides a proof). This classifier is referred to as the “Bayes Optimal Classifier”; the
classifier must know the underlying distribution D.
1. (6 points) Show that an equivalent way to write this classifier is f (BO)(x) = argmaxy D(yjx).
2. (2 points) Give an intuitive reason (in words rather than with mathematics) why this classifier,
written in terms of the conditional probability, is unbeatable.
6 Bonus: Dimensionality Reduction in Learning [up to 10 extra points]
For the dataset you considered in part 3, reduce its dimensionality using PCA and use the resulting features instead of the original ones, with both the perceptron and the other algorithm(s) you
implemented. For maximal extra points, you must give a compelling argument that PCA offered
some benefit (and explain the benefit), or that it could not help. Be sure to explain how you chose
k. Plots that help make your argument more clear are encouraged.
7 Bonus: The Bayes Optimal Hypothesis for “Regression” [up
to 10 extra points]
Suppose now that y is real valued. The square loss of a hypothesis f, where f maps an input to a
real value, is defined as:
?(f) = E(x;y)∼D(y − f(x))2 :
10 of 11Prove that the Bayes optimal hypothesis for the square loss (i.e. the hypothesis that achieves the
minimal possible square loss among all possible hypothesis) is:
f (BO)(x) = E[yjx]
(where the conditional expectation is with respect to D). You may prove this assuming that the
number of possible x and y are finite, if that makes things conceptually easier for you.

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