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Homework 4 Convexity and Neural Networks

1 Convexity: Linear and Logistic Regression (8 points)
Let us understand a few properties of linear regression (under the square loss) and logistic regression (under the log loss). Suppose we use sign(w · x) for predicting a label. Here, assume
yn 2 f−1; 1g.
1. (3 points) Suppose our training data are linearly separable. Suppose we run gradient descent for
the case of the linear regression: is our squared error converging to 0? Suppose we run gradient
descent for the case of the logistic regression: is our log loss converging to 0? Why?
2. (2 points) Suppose now that d ≥ n, λ = 0, and our n data points are all linearly independent.
Suppose we run gradient descent for the case of the linear regression: is our squared error
converging to 0? Suppose we run gradient descent for the case of the logistic regression: is our
log loss converging to 0? Why?
3. (3 points) Suppose we are running gradient descent (for the logistic regression problem under
the log loss). Suppose at some iteration our misclassification error hits exactly 0 on our training
set. If we continue to run gradient descent, do we expect that we will continue to update our
parameters? Why or why not?
2 of 82 Neural Networks and Non-convex optimization (42 points)
Assume that we have a fully interconnected neural network with L hidden layers and k output
nodes (e.g. k = 10 for mnist), so yb(x) is a k dimensional vector. Suppose that the output at the last
layer is just the activation of the k output nodes, so there is no transfer function applied at the last
Assume that our input x is a d-dimensional vector and that we are working with the square
2.1 Computational Complexity (and a little more linear algebra...)
(14 points)
Suppose that multiplying a matrix of size n × k by a matrix of size k × d — resulting in a matrix
of size n × d — takes time O(nkd) 1.
Let us now examine some computational issues and see how to speed up our code (when using
libraries like PyTorch and TensorFlow) by using matrix multiplications appropriately.
Assume that the time to evaluate the transfer function h(·) is Ch. Also, although h(·) is defined
as a mapping on a scalar variable, let us overload notation and allow us to apply h(·) to a vector
(or a matrix), where we apply h(·) componentwise. So if v is a vector of length dv then h(v) will
be a vector of length dv, and the computational time for this is dvCh. This overloading makes it
relatively easy (and fast) to write code for the forward pass in a neural net.
Assume that w(1); w(2); : : : w(L+1) are matrices of appropriate size (e.g. w(1) is a matrix of size
d(1) × d(0) where d(0) equals the input dimension d).
1. (3 points) Given the input vector x, write out pseudocode for the forward pass in terms of matrix
multiplications, where you apply the transfer function to the vector of activations. The activations and outputs at any layer should be a vector. Specify the dimensions of all the activations
and outputs.
2. (4 points) Now suppose we actually want to run the forward pass on a mini-batch of inputs, of
size m. Suppose that X is an m × d matrix (so each row of X corresponds to an input vector
now. This is the default use in the community). Now write out the forward pass, where you
utilize matrix operations to whatever extent possible (and you apply h(·) componentwise): here
you should have matrices of activations and matrices of outputs, each of which has m rows. The
output of the network will be the matrix yb(X), a matrix of size m × k. Specify the size of all
the activations and outputs. Understanding how to do this is critical for writing efficient code
in PyTorch and TensorFlow. (You should also understand how to compute the squared error
efficiently without “for loops”).
3. (3 points) What is the computational time to compute the square loss on the mini-batch X in
terms of d, the mini-batch size m, the number of nodes per level d(0); d(1); : : : ; d(L+1) (note
d(0) = d and d(L+1) = k), and the transfer function evaluation cost Ch?
1Do you see why O(nkd) is the naive runtime? It is worthwhile understanding why, as it is a straightforward
argument. Also, this is the runtime that is actually observed in practice. The theoretically faster algorithms, mentioned
in a previous footnote are not actually used in practice.
3 of 84. (3 points) Assume that the time to evaluate the gradient of the transfer function is (within a constant of) Ch. What is the computational run time (using BackProp) to compute the gradient the
square loss, again on the mini-batch X, with respect to all the parameters w(1); w(2); : : : w(L+1)?
5. (1 points) Suppose we just wanted to compute the gradient of the parameters at the top level of
the neural network, e.g. we just wanted to compute the @‘ @w (y; (Lyb(+1) X)). This partial derivative has
far fewer parameters than computing the full gradient. Do you see a procedure whose runtime
complexity is less than what you wrote above? If you see a procedure, write it out along with
the runtime complexity. If you don’t see one, explain why you think it may be unreasonable to
obtain a faster runtime.
Remark: The above shows how it is easy to use linear algebra operations to write out the
forward pass. Feel free to think about how you might write out the backward pass efficiently in
terms of basic matrix operations! (This is a helpful exercise). If you think about it, you will see
that there is no “direct” way to write out the backward pass in terms of matrix multiplications;
we have to use Hadamard products, a componentwise multiplication operation. This does not
necessarily mean the backward pass is any less efficient to compute (than what we discussed in
class), provided one takes care in how one writes it in code. It does mean that writing your own
algorithm to compute the backward pass takes a little care to make it fast (to avoid “for loops”),
while the forward pass is relatively straightforward to code.
2.2 Saddle points and Symmetries (12 points)
Here, the underlying function of interest is the square loss on the training set.
1. (2 point) Suppose our MLP has 0 hidden layers (e.g. we are working with linear regression). Is
setting all the weights to 0 a saddle point? Why or why not?
2. (3 points) Assume now our MLP has one or more hidden layers. Consider the tanh(·) transfer
function. Suppose we set all our weights to 0. Is this point a saddle point? If so, give a precise
proof that this is a saddle point. Else, give a counterexample.
3. (5 points) Again, assume our MLP has one or more hidden layers. Now let us consider the
sigmoid transfer function. Consider initializing all the weights to 0. For this case, do we start at
a saddle point? If we run gradient descent from this initialization, what can we say about how
the weights in any given layer relate to each other?
4. (2 points) Consider the tanh(·) transfer function. Suppose we have a one hidden layer neural
network. Suppose we flip the sign of all the weights. What happens to yb(x)? What happens in
an L-hidden layer network?
2.3 Representation and Non-linear Decision Boundaries (16 points)
Assume our target y is a scalar. Here, when dealing with an MLP, assume we just have one output
node (where this node is linear in its activation).
1. Let us consider a linear and a quadratic transfer function:
4 of 8(a) (4 points) Suppose we have an L-layer neural network and the transfer function is the identity
function. Provide an alternative model to using this network in which: 1) all local optima are
global optima (and there are no saddle points) and 2) every function that can be represented
in this neural network can be represented in your model. Provide concise reasoning for your
(b) (5 points) Suppose we have a one hidden layer neural network and the transfer function is
h(a) = a2. Provide an alternative model to using this network which: 1) all local optima are
global optima (and there are no saddle points) and 2) every function that can represented in
this neural network can be represented in your model. Provide concise reasoning for your
answer. (Hint: think about an appropriate feature mapping).
2. Let us consider the parity problem (sometimes referred to as the XOR problem) with two variables. We have seen this problem as it is our usual example of a non-separable dataset. It also
has historical significance, due to Minksy and Papert [1] pointing out that the perceptron algorithm is not able to learn this function, which subsequently lead to a decreased interest in
neural learning models. For two dimensional inputs, the XOR function is specified as follows:
x = (x[1]; x[2]), where each coordinate of x is in f−1; 1g and y 2 f−1; 1g. For a given input x,
the XOR function assigns y to be 1 if and only if only both coordinates of x are equal, i.e. y = 1
if and only if x = (−1; −1) or x = (1; 1).
(a) (2 points) Give a feature mapping φ(x) using only linear and quadratic terms so that a linear
classifier, i.e. sign(w · φ(x)), can represent this function with 0 misclassification error.
(b) (5 points) Provide a one hidden layer neural network, with a tanh(·) transfer function and
which has no more than two hidden nodes, which can represent this function (with 0 misclassification error). You may assume your prediction is sign(yb(x)) (you are not allowed break
ties in your favor if yb(x) = 0). Specifically, you must provide your weights, and you are
free to use a bias term in your activations (see Bishop or the lecture notes for the definition
of a bias term in a neural network). Prove that your network’s predictions matches the XOR
Remark: The XOR function with d dimensional inputs is more tricky to represent and far
more problematic to learn from samples.
3 MLPs: Let’s try them out on MNIST (40 points)
You will use the full dataset (the same as we used in assignment 2), with all 10 classes.
You are free to use PyTorch, TensorFlow, or directly write your own backprop code. Please
note which method you used.
You will have 10 output nodes, one for each class. The loss function you should use is the
square loss. You must use (mini-batch) SGD for this problem. We do expect you find a way to
get reasonable performance (compared to what is achievable for the given architecture). Training
neural nets can be a bit of an art, until you get used to it. Use regularization if you find it helpful.
All your plots must have the x-axis correspond to the “effective” epoch number, so 1 unit on
the x-axis corresponds to when 50K training points have been “touched” (when you algorithm has
5 of 8used 50K points). You should evaluate (and plot) your train, dev, and test set errors every “half
epoch”, i.e. after 25K training points have been “touched”; e.g. if your mini-batch size is 10, then
you should be evaluating your train, dev, and test set every 2500 iterations. If your batch size is
200, then these evaluations should be every 125 iterations.
Remark: Note that a unit of 5 on your x-axis is comparable to a unit of 5 on one of your fellow
students x-axis (even if you both used different mini-batch sizes) in the following sense: at this
point on both of your curves, you both touched the same number points (and performed the same
number of basic computations) though you may have used a different number of iterations (if you
had differing mini-batch sizes). Note that “wall-clock time” to get to 1-epoch will be determined
by your mini-batch size due to that “mini-batch computations” can be done more quickly (provided
you utilize matrix multiplications appropriately). This does not necessarily mean you want to use
larger mini-batch sizes.
Things you can try (please state which one you use):
• You are free to try out/use “momentum” in the optimizer. The usual setting of the momentum
parameter is 0:9. Almost everyone finds it is a pretty handy to keep momentum on (and just use
0:9 as the parameter).
• You are free to try using the “softmax” at the top layer. In PyTorch, this is a one line change
going to the “cross-entropy” loss.
3.1 Try to learn a one hidden layer network.
1. (20 points) Use a one hidden layer network with d(1) = 100 hidden nodes. The transfer function
should be a sigmoid. Also, for each of the 10 output nodes, let us also use a sigmoid activation
(so each output is bounded between 0 and 1). This means that the 10-dimensional output is
yb(x) = h(w(2)z(1)), where h(·) is the sigmoid function (applied componentwise as w(2) is a
10 × d(1) sized matrix).
(a) (2 points) Now run stochastic (mini-batch) gradient descent. Specify all your parameter
choices: your mini-batch size, your regularization parameter, and your learning rates (if you
alter the learning rates, make sure you precisely state when it is decreased). Also, specify how
you initialize your parameters.
(b) (3 points) For what learning rate do you start observing a non-trivial decrease in your error.
If you learning rate is larger than this, do you diverge and do you get “NaN’s”? Why or why
(c) (5 points) Make a plot showing your training average squared error, your development average
squared error, and your average test squared error on the y-axis and the iteration on the x-axis.
All three curves should be on the same plot.
(d) (5 points) Make this plot again (with all three curves), except use the misclassification error,
as a percentage, instead of average squared error. Here, make sure to start your x-axis at a
slightly later iteration, so that your error starts below 20%, which makes the behavior more
easy to view (it is difficult to view the long run behavior if the y-axis is over too large a range).
Again, it is expected that you obtain a good test error (meaning you train long enough and
you regularize appropriately, if needed). Report the lowest test error.
6 of 8(e) (5 points) Note that the (input) weights to any hidden node correspond to a weighting over
the image. This means you can try to visualize the (input) weights corresponding to any
hidden node! Provide 8 plots corresponding to 8 different nodes (see Canvas for a function
which shifts an image to be between 0 and 1 which could helpful in plotting). Provide a brief
2. (20 points) Now replace all the transfer functions in the previous network with the “ReLu”
transfer function. Again, provide answers to the previous 5 questions for this network.
3.2 EXTRA CREDIT: Be free with your MLP! (10 points)
Now be creative and try to get good performance with an MLP. Merge your training set and the
dev set (sigh...), as you may be interested in comparing your numbers to the MNIST table on You should try a network with more than one
hidden layer.
Again, provide answers to the previous 5 questions for this network (and specify the network
architecture in the answer to the first question). Here, note that there is no dev set. Also, it is
difficult to visualize the parameters in any layer beyond the first hidden layer, so only make images
out of the first hidden layer.
If you did Q5 from the previous HW (and got a low error), then I challenge you to beat it! (This
is not easy to do. It is pretty hard for the instructor to do better than Q5 with an MLP.)
4 EXTRA CREDIT: Convolutional Neural Nets on MNIST
(25 points)
Try out a convolutional neural network. This is a considerably more expensive procedure (though,
with a little search, you might find your error drops very quickly with an architecture that is not
too costly for you to compute.) You will find that your ’architecture’ choices are governed by your
computational resources. This is not an unreasonable practical lesson: many of the choices we
make in practice are largely due to our computational and/or memory constraints (when we have
GPUs, we often run on large enough problems so that we are at the limits of our computational
Again, provide answers to the previous 5 questions. For this problem, in the first question,
specify your architecture, including the size of your “filters”, your “pooling region” and your
“stride” (I would use average pooling). As before, merge your dev set in the training set. Also,
note that your visualized weights are going to be the learned filters (so they will be a smaller size
than the image), which will depend on the size of the filters that you use.
7 of 85 EXTRA CREDIT: Non-convex optimization and convergence
rates to stationary points (25 points)
(To obtain credit on this problem, you must do the first part of this question. )
Let us say a function F : Rd ! R is L -smooth if
krF (w) − rF (w0)k ≤ Lkw − w0k ;
where the norm is the Euclidean norm. In other words, the derivatives of F do not change too
Gradient descent, with a constant learning rate, is the algorithm:
w(k+1) = w(k) − η · rF (w(k))
In this question, we do not assume that F is convex. If you find it helpful, you can assume that F
is twice differentiable.
1. (15 points) Now let us bound the function value decrease at every step. In particular, show that
the following holds (for all η):
F (w(k+1)) ≤ F (w(k)) − ηkrF (w(k))k2 + 1
η2LkrF (w(k))k2
It is fine to prove a looser version of this bound, where the factor of 1=2 is replaced by 1. Brownie
points if you get the factor of 1=2. (Hint: Taylor’s theorem is the natural starting point. You may
also want to consider what smoothness implies about the second derivative. If you think about
the intermediate value theorem, you can actually get the factor of 1=2).
2. (3 points) Let us now show that if the gradient is large, then it is possible to substantially decrease
the function value. Precisely, show that with an appropriate setting of η, we have that:
F (w(k+1)) ≤ F (w(k)) − 1
krF (w(k))k2
3. (7 points) Now let F (w∗) be the minimal function value (i.e. the value at the global minima).
Argue that gradient descent will find a w(k) that is “almost” a stationary point in a bounded (and
polynomial) number of steps. Precisely, show that there exist some k where:
k ≤ 2L(F (w(0)) − F (w∗))
such that
krF (w(k))k2 ≤ ? :
(Hint: you could consider a proof by contradiction. Also, note that krF (w(k))k may not be
decreasing at every step.)
[1] M. Minsky and S. Papert. Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry. MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA, 1969.
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