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Natural Language Processing  Homework 2

CS 571: Natural Language Processing 
Homework 2
Note: Homework modified from Eric Xing at Carnegie Mellon.
2.1 HMM for DNA Sequence (7 points)
The goal of this assignment is for you to gain familiarity with hidden Markov model (HMM). You will
use HMM to decode a DNA sequence. It is well known that a DNA sequence is a series of components from
A, C, G, T. Now let’s assume there is one hidden variable S that controls the generation of DNA sequence.
S takes 2 possible states S1, S2. Assume the following transition probabilities for HMM
P(S1|S1) = 0.8, P(S2|S1) = 0.2, P(S1|S2) = 0.3, P(S2|S2) = 0.7
emission probabilities as following
P(A|S1) = 0.3, P(C|S1) = 0.2, P(G|S1) = 0.3, P(T|S1) = 0.2
P(A|S2) = 0.1, P(C|S2) = 0.4, P(G|S2) = 0.1, P(T|S2) = 0.4
and initial probabilities as following
P(S1) = 0.5, P(S2) = 0.5
All transition, emission, initial probabilities are together referred to as θ. Assuming the observation sequence
is O = CGT CA, in the first part of this assignment, you will manually compute the most likely hidden state
sequence using the Viterbi algorithm.
Please submit: A report named report firstname lastname.pdf. Please report the decoded state sequence with intermediate calculations, i.e., V and backtracking matrices.
2.2 Text Classification (8 points)
For this question, you’ll be using the 20 Newsgroups dataset for a binary text classification task. You can
download the dataset from and choose the file named “20newsbydate.tar.gz”. Unpack it and look through the directories at some of the files. The documents are divided
into a training set and a test set. Overall, there are 20 categories and roughly 19,000 documents. The label
(category) of a document is its folder name. For this homework, you will only be using two categories: and comp.sys.mac.hardware in the train/test folders.
Your task is to implement a na¨ıve Bayes classifier for text classification. As a preprocessing step, you
need to convert each text document into a sequence of tokens using spaCy (
linguistic-features). The preprocessing will include the following steps: sentence segmentation, word
tokenization and lowercasing, and optionally, lemmaization and stopword removal (see
To build the classifier, you can modify the provided starter code in HW1 or implement your own na¨ıve Bayes
classifier using an existing library/toolkit (see
2-2 Homework 2
sklearn.naive_bayes.MultinomialNB.html). If you choose to modify the starter code, be sure to modify
the train/test splits so that the classifier will report results on the provided test set.
• (2 points) After preprocessing the documents in the training set (those in and
comp.sys.mac.hardware folders), how many documents are there in each category? What is the size
of your vocabulary?
• (6 points) Evaluate performance of your model on the test set (documents in and
comp.sys.mac.hardware folders) by calculating the F1-score, assuming is the positive category (see
html). What scores do you get?
Please submit: (1) A report named report firstname lastname.pdf. In the report, answer the above
questions and describe your experimental setup, including but not limited to the programming language,
preprocessing steps, running time, etc. (2) source code of your implementation in a zipped/tar file.

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