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Homework #2 Nearest neighbor

TCSS 455: Introduction to Machine Learning
Homework #2
Due: Tuesday, May 14
Please submit a hard copy of your answers to the homework problems below. Staple all of your
pages together (and order them according to the order of the problems below) and have your name
on each page, just in case the pages get separated. Write legibly (or type) and organize your
answers in a way that is easy to read. Neatness counts!
1. Nearest neighbor. (2pts) You are given 6 training examples for a binary classification
problem as follows:
X1 X2 Y
10 0 +
0 −10 +
5 −2 +
5 10 −
0 5 −
5 5 −
Plot these points in a 2-dimensional grid and show the decision boundary resulting from 1-
Nearest Neighbor. Hint: To get started, connect each point with the closest point from
the opposite class. Then, for each of the 5 line segments that you drew in this way, draw
the perpendicular bisector. The decision boundary consists of certain line segments of these
bisectors. After doing this exercise, you will certainly appreciate the complexity of target
functions that can be learned with nearest neighbor!
2. Decision trees. (8pts) Throughout the course, we usually rely on implementations of machine learning algorithms in Python’s scikit-learn library. This homework problem is very
different: you are asked to implement the ID3 algorithm for building decision trees yourself.
Refer to p. 56 in Mitchell for pseudocode of the ID3 algorithm that you are expected to implement. You are not allowed to use sklearn or any other library with a built-in implementation
of ID3.
Your program should read in a training dataset, a test dataset (both as csv files), and the
name of the target variable (= classification attribute), and output to the screen:
• your decision tree in a readable format (see below)
• its accuracy over the test set
Two pairs of sample datasets are available on Canvas, in the folder Files/homeworks/hw2,
namely playtennis train.csv and playtennis test.csv, and republican train.csv and republican test.csv. The first line of the csv files contains the names of the fields. The target
variable is not necessarily in the last column.
Name your Python program It should take command-line parameters for a file with
training data, a file with test data, and the name of the target variable. In particular, it
should run correctly when executing the following commands at the command-line:
python playtennis_train.csv playtennis_test.csv playtennis
python republican_train.csv republican_test.csv republican
The file in Files/homeworks/hw2 contains starter code that visualizes a tree and
computes accuracy. It will produce some output when run for the playtennis data (using the
exact same command and arguments as written above). The output is nonsense, in the sense
that the tree is hard coded and not constructed based on the data. You need to remove the
tree = funTree() statement from the body of the id3(examples, target, attributes)
function, and write a correct body for this function yourself. This is the only part of the
starter code that you are expected to touch. You can of course introduce your own additional
functions as you deem appropriate. Your final program should also work for the
republican data and for other, similarly structured, datasets.
Important notes:
• Write your code in Python 3. Python 3 is the first version of Python in the history of
the language to break backward compatibility. This means that code written for earlier
versions of Python probably won’t run on Python 3. I won’t be able to run and grade
your program if it is written in Python 2.x. Any version of Python 3.x should be fine.
• I will not test your code on datasets with continuous-valued attributes. Your implementation of ID3 can assume that all attributes are discrete-valued. You are expected to
use information gain to guide the search for the best split attribute.
• If you are new to Python, then this homework will require you to invest some time
in learning the language. As Python is a prominent language among data scientists,
acquiring basic skills in Python is an integral part of our machine learning course. A
useful reference book on Python is: “The Quick Python Book”, 2nd edition, Naomi
R. Ceder, Manning Publications, 2013. From the book: “This book is intended for
people who already have experience in one of more programming languages and want to
learn the basics of Python 3 as quickly and directly as possible.”
(a) a printout of your code in class, as part of the hard copy of this homework
(b) an electronic version of your file on Canvas

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