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Homework 4 - Block-based Motion Compensation

Homework4- Block-based Motion Compensation
0. What your program should do
Name your main application as CS4551_[Your_Last_Name].java.
<eg On Command Prompt
java CS4551_Doe
Display the following main menu to the user.
Main Menu----------------------------------- 1. Block-Based Motion Compensation 2. Removing Moving Objects 3. Quit
Please enter the task number [1-3]:
After performing the selected task, display the menu again.
Download the HW4 test dataset, IDB. IDB includes 200 PPM images (Walk_000.ppm ~ Walk_200.ppm). Before programming, check the images using Irfanview.
Download Sample Result.
1. Task1 - Block-based Motion Compensation (50pts)
Write a routine(method) that compensates motions between two images (one is the target image and the other one is the reference image). Receive two images as parameters. Make the routine perform the followings:  Receive an integer n for the macro block size from the user. n must be 8, 16, or 24.  Receive an integer p for search window from the user. p must be 4, 8, 12, or 16.  Divide the target image into a set of nxn macro blocks.  For each target macro block: o Estimate a motion vector by finding the best matched macro block (a.k.a. predicted block) in the reference image using p for the search area size and MSD (Mean Square Difference) for the matching criteria. When you compute MSD, use Gray values. Gray = round(0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B) o After finding the best matched block, compute the motion vector using
d=(dx, dy)=(tx,ty)-(rx,ry) where (tx,ty) is the target block location and (rx,ry) is the best matched block location in the reference frame
Also, compute the error block (a.k.a. residual block) consisting of pixel differences (absolute values) between the target block and the best matched block (a.k.a predicted block). error_pixel_value = | pixel_in_target_block – corresponding_pixel_in_the matched_block |
 Outputs o Display and Save your error (or residual) image. Your error image is a composition of all error blocks. Scale error values to range [0, 255]. In order to do so, compute MINerror and MAXerror and map values from [MINerror, MAXerror] to [0, 255]. o Save the estimated motion vectors to the mv.txt. It should have motion vectors of all target blocks. Refer to the, refer sample mv.txt file.
Extracredit (15pts): Implement matching in the half-pixel accuracy. Provide an additional menu option for this. Display and save motion vectors and a residual image.
Extracredit (30pts): Implement logarithmic search for matching. Provide an additional menu option for this. Display and save motion vectors and a residual image. Also, display the number of matches performed given p.
2. Task2 - Application - Moving Object Detection and Removal (50pts)
The block-based motion compensation can be used in applications other than compression. One example is to remove moving objects in the scene.
When you have a video sequence where the camera has not moved and the background is relatively static (like our dataset in IDB) but a few objects (e.g. person in our dataset) are moving, you can estimate which blocks were moved (dynamic block) and which blocks were not moved (static block) based on the estimated motion vector by the first task routine. By replacing the dynamic blocks with other static blocks, you can create a scene as though the moving object was never there.
Use IDB and implement the following steps to achieve this task:  Select the target image.
For the target image, receive from the user a frame number n between 19 and 179. 19~179 frames in the data set include moving people.  Identify dynamic blocks. Given the input n, use (n-2)th as the reference image automatically. Identify dynamic blocks in the target image by performing the block-based motion estimation and checking motion vector as you have done in the task1.  Mark dynamic blocks: Mark dynamic blocks. For example, draw boundaries of dynamic blocks or composite dynamic blocks with red color. Display and save the result.  Remove moving object from the target image. Apply two different methods and display two different result images: 1. For each dynamic block d, find the closest static block s in the nth frame and replace d with s. After processing all dynamic blocks, display and save the result. 2. The 5th frame of test data set does not include any moving objects. Utilize the 5th frame to get static block s. For each dynamic block d, find the static block s from 5th frame and replace d with s. After processing all dynamic blocks, display and save the result.
See the sample outputs for the result format.

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