BLG 223E- Data Structures
Homework #1
For this assignment, you are expected to simulate a single processor system that can execute jobs in the
determined order by the input file. A multi-level scheduler will determine the giving order of three types
of process to the processor. The rules determined in the proceeding sections will reveal the multi-level
scheduler. Expectation details in your implementations are
• You should implement 4 classes; ProcessRep, FIFORep, CPU - CPURep, Scheduler - SchedulerRep.
• ProcessRep class should contain the process property and necessary part of your data structure.
• FIFORep class contains your linked list data structure used in the FIFO approach. The class adds a
new item to only the end of the list and removes an item from the beginning of the list.
• CPU - CPURep class list all the finished process with your FIFORep data structure. If the process
runs in the CPU, the class decreases its Process Time every step.
• Scheduler - SchedulerRep class accepts the arriving process, lists and schedules them and sends it
to CPU when its turn.
1 Input Files
You are given some test cases as .txt file (case1.txt, case2.txt, ...). In these files, every line represents the
jobs. Every column represents the various property of the jobs. The columns are arriving time, process
type, process ID, process time respectively. When reading a job from a .txt file, if the simulation reaches
the process’ arrival time, then the process is involved in the simulation by sending it to the scheduler. The
mean of all the columns can be listed as follows;
• Arriving time (1st column), the time when the process is ready to run, and the scheduler saves the
process to its own order for running. It always is increasingly ordered from top to bottom and starts
with zero (0).
• Process type (2nd column) defines 3 kinds of processes (A,B,C) and also a PRINTALL instruction.
– If the simulation encounters a processes type (A, B, C), you have to send the process, which is
read from the line, to the scheduler.
– If the simulation encounters PRINTALL instruction, you have to print all the processes that are
arrived into the scheduler. (The print function is given to you in the main.cpp file.)
• Process ID (3rd column) defines the process number, which is assigned independently for every
process type. It also increases one by one from 1.
• Process Time (4th column) defines the process burst time, which is the amount of time required
by a process for executing on the CPU.
2 Data Structure (FIFO)
For the FIFO approach, arriving new item is added to the end of the list and an item to be removed is dequeued from the beginning of the list. A data structure that follows this FIFO approach can be constructed
by using the linked list. The following two subsections determine two classes that you need to generate
the linked list with the FIFO approach.
2.1 ProcessRep
ProcessRep class containing process properties is a node for linked list data structure applying the FIFO
Private Attributes:
• mpNext: Point to the next Process in the linked list.
• mProcessType: Process type which can be A,B and C.
• mProcessID: Process ID.
• mDeliverTime: Process arriving time.
• mProcessTime: CPU usage time.
Public Attributes:
• remainingTime: Remaining time to finish the process.
• startTime: Time when the process first utilizes CPU.
• endTime: Time when the remaining time becomes zero. (Also means the time when the process
finishes its work.)
Info: m and p precede variable names for referring to private attributes of class and pointer respectively.
1. Constructor(s): You are expected to write a default constructor to initialize all values.
2. Getter(s): You can (and should) implement getter methods for all private attributes (getNext(),
getProcessType(), getDeliverTime(), ...).
3. Setter(s): You can (and should) implement setter methods for all private attributes (setNext(),
setProcessType(), setDeliverTime(), ...) .
Info: Setting and getting private attributes outside of classes, Getter(s) and Setter(s) methods are
2.2 FIFORep
FIFORep class uses the FIFO approach to generate data structure. It holds the head and tail of the list.
Adds items to the end of the list and removes items from the beginning of the list.
Private Attributes:
• mpHead: The First pointer (head) of the linked list.
• mpTail: Last pointer (tail) of the linked list.
1. Constructor(s): It has two constructors; one for assigning the private attributes as NULL other for
assigning a pointer to these attributes.
2. Getter(s),Setter(s): You can (and should) implement getter and setter methods for all private attributes.
3. queue: adds a new process to the end of the process list.
4. dequeue: removes and returns the first process in the list.
5. searchID: search the list for a given process type and ID.
6. printFIFO: print all items in the list with the following format.
<Process Type><ID><" "><start Time><" "><Finish Time><" ">
3 CPU - CPURep
CPURep class list all the finishing processes in the mFinishedProcess variables, and it also acts like it runs
the process by decreasing remainingTime one.
Private Attributes:
• mFinishedProcess: It is an object of FIFORep which keeps the completed process.
1. Constructor(s): One constructor for assigning private attributes.
2. runCPU: It execute the process by subtracting one from remainingTime. If process finishes, it add
to mFinishedProcess.
3. getFinishedProcess: returns with mFinishedProcess.
4. setFinishedProcess: defines a new FIFO for mFinishedProcess.
4 Scheduler - SchedulerRep
SchedulerRep class organizes all the process inputs-outputs and CPU runs. For the organization of the
process order, you have to follow the below rules;
• Scheduler has to organize 3 types of processes whose quantum (Q) differs from each other. It means
that the scheduler has to keep the tree level (l) of FIFO whose quantum time changes according to
the formula (Q = 2l
• Every process should be written into their FIFO level.
• Quantum time of three levels and corresponding process types with FIFO index is given below.
– level(l) = 1 keeps the process type A with Q = 2 (mpProcessFIFO[0]).
– l = 2 keeps the process type A with Q = 4 (mpProcessFIFO[1]).
– l = 3 keeps the process type A with Q = 8 (mpProcessFIFO[2]).
Warning: quantum (time slice): After this amount of time, although process’ remaining time
doesn’t become zero, the process is put back in the list.
• Prioritizing among the three level of process is A > B > C or l1 > l2 > l3. These priorities mean
that if the scheduler has a higher priority process, the next process that will be run is that.
• If the running process (B) is a lower priority than the arriving process (A), then the running process
(B) is terminated, and arriving process (A) is sent to the CPU.
• If two processes arrive at the scheduler at the same time and need to add to the list; one from the
CPU, and another from the file, the priority belongs to the one coming from the file.
Info: You can check the file ( named Scheduling Examples.pdf) given in assignment file for scheduling example.
Private Attributes:
SchedulerRep class has
• mpProcessFIFO[3]: It is an 3 dimensional object array that contains three level of process from
lower priority to higher.
• mpRunningProcess: It keeps current running process.
Public Attributes:
• pCpuObj: CPU object to representation of the CPU. Scheduler class send the next process to this
• timeSliceCount: This integer variable keeps track the running process’ Quantum or time slice count..
• totalTime: The total time passed after the simulation starts.
1. Constructor(s): You are expected to write a default constructor which will initialize all values.
2. Getter(s),Setter(s): You can (and should) implement getter and setter methods for all private attributes.
3. checkTimeSlice: It check the quantum time of running process. If it reaches the limits return true.
4. sendProcessToCPU: It sends process to pCpuObj object.
5. schedule: It takes the process properties and organize the process according to given rules.
6. schedule: It is a function overload and also copy of the previous schedule function. Just its arguments is changed.It is called only with NULL.
Notice: You are already given a skeleton code. Please examine it before writing your own codes.
Skeleton code for classes (header file) includes all necessary classes and variables. You are expected
to implement the methods of these classes. You are also given the read file and print functions. You
don’t need to implement them.
5 How to compile, run and test your code
If you want to compile and run the provided code on terminal, you can use these commands:
g++ -Wall -Werror -g main.cpp SchedulerRep.cpp ProcessRep.cpp FIFORep.cpp CPURep.cpp -I ../include -o ../bin/main
../bin/main ../case1.txt
You can (and should) run the calico file on terminal to check your assignment with the command:
calico testcalico.yaml −−debug
6 Submission
Submit all the files which you are given to Ninova. Before submitting, please make sure you are passing
all cases in the calico file. The Calico file you received is not the grading file, so taking full points does
not correspond to a full grade for your assignment. Passing all cases will show you that your output is
compatible with the grading file. Otherwise, you might not receive a full grade for the assignment.