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OAuth Authorization_Assignment 3 Solution

# WebAPI_HW3


• The purpose of this assignment is to protect the proxies using OAuth Authorization.
For this assignment, you will need to create two proxies. One will be used for the main flow of requests and verify the correct credentials have been sent in. In order to accept OAuth access tokens, you will need to create an additional proxy to create and revoke these tokens.
If invalid credentials are sent in, the flow should stop and a useful error should be returned to the user. If the correct credentials are sent in, the proxy should make a callout to Github and return information for a given user. The user will be passed in as a query parameter or header, your choice. This request can be done through Apigee’s policies/flows or through a Node.js server, similar to the one in assignment two.


• Create two proxies on Apigee, one to accept the request that is routed to Github and another to create and revoke OAuth licenses.
– The primary proxy should only accept GET requests.
– The proxy should have two different URNs that only accept a given authorization credential.
∗ /oauth should only accept OAuth Authorization access tokens.
• The response from Github should be some bit of information about a user, it can be their repos, name, followers, etc. There’s a wide range to choose from, we’re just looking for a successful response from Github.
The response from Github doesn’t need to be manipulated in any way, just pass back to the user.
• If the user sends in an invalid authorization, return a helpful error message. Avoid using the default error response from Apigee.
• Include a small Postman project that can shows all the requirements have been met.– This project should include valid requests, as well as requests that fail (sending an invalid
Basic Authorization header, etc.).

# Why sometimes OAuth should be revoked despite valid credentials?
OAth is revoked despite valid credentials mainly because of security reasons. There are cases when it can be a threat to give OAuth permission a to a user. For example, if a user has visited IP addresses that can be blacklisted, or there can be other indications about the user's information that causes a sort of self defense mechananism where Oauth is only protecting itself.

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