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Operator Overloading Lab

Operator Overloading Lab
The array construct in C is very efficient but also very dangerous for the unwary.
For example, many novice programmers fall into the trap of declaring an array of
100 elements and then try to access the element with index 100. Not only is this an
error in C, but the language won't even alert the user when the mistake is made.
C++ allows programmers to define safer and more flexible array constructs if they
are willing to sacrifice some of C's runtime efficiency. The purpose of this lab is to
see how this is done and to gain some experience in overloading operators.
The heart of this assignment is a class that you will define called IntArray. With
it, the user will be able to declare integer arrays of any size with automatic range
checking of indices. The upper and lower indices can be any integer, positive or
negative, rather than the fixed limits of 0 to SIZE-1. It will also be possible to
assign entire arrays to each other, compare two arrays for equality and inequality,
add two arrays, and output arrays using the overloaded << operator. For example:
#include <iostream
#include "IntArray.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
IntArray a(10), w(10); // Ten elements, indexed 0 to 9
IntArray b(-3, 6); // Ten elements, indexed -3 to 6
IntArray c(6, 8); // Three elements, indexed 6 to 8
IntArray d(5, 5); // Single element array, indexed at 5
IntArray z; // Ten elements, indexed 0 to 9
// high() and low() return largest and smallest legal indices
for (int i = a.low(); i <= a.high(); ++i)
a[i] = i * 10; // Access just like normal array
// Output array contents. Note that you will overload
// the << operator to do this.
cout << a << endl;
// The code for the overloaded << operator will look something
// like this:
for (int i = a.low(); i <= a.high(); i++)
cout << "a[" << i << "] = " << a[i] << " ";
// Similar code initializes b, c, and d.
// Note that we will not be able to mimic the C style aggregate
// initializer: int a[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
IntArray e(c); // e is a copy of c
b = a; // b holds copy of a's elements,
// but indices run from -3 to 6
w = a + b; // sum two arrays into third array
w += a; // sum two arrays into first array
a[10] = 1; // Runtime error: illegal index
// Print diagnostic and halt.
b = c; // Runtime error: lengths different
// Print diagnostic and simulate halt.
if (a == d) // Elements compared. No run-time error
cout << "TRUE" << endl; // if lengths don't match. != also works.
cout << "FALSE" << endl;
It's up to you to define the IntArray class, but it should fulfill the following
· An IntArray may be declared in any of four ways:
1) With a single integer giving the number of elements, in which case
the indices will run from 0 to one less than the number of elements.
2) With two integers, which will be taken as the lower and upper
indices. It is an error for the first index to be greater than the
second index, but having both indices the same specifies a valid,
single element array.
3) With no integers, which creates a ten element array whose indices
run from 0 to 9.
4) With another object of type IntArray. The new object will be a
copy of the old one, with each entry and the index range duplicated.
· Except in case 4, the initial array elements are undefined. Once an
IntArray object has been created, its size cannot be changed, and each
object should use just enough storage to hold its elements, plus a fixed
amount of space for bookkeeping information.
· Elements of an IntArray are accessed using the standard C style array
indexing notation. If the index falls outside the legal range, an error
message should be printed, and the program should simulate a halt.
· IntArray objects may be assigned to each other if they have the same
number of elements. The indices need not match, and the indices of the
target object will not change; only the elements will be copied. If the sizes
of objects being assigned don't match, an error message should be printed,
and the program should simulate a halt.
· Two IntArray objects can be compared using the == and != operators. If
the arrays have the same number of elements and all the corresponding
elements match, the objects are equal and the comparison operator (==)
should return a non-zero value, even if their indices are different. Comparing
IntArray objects with different number of elements is legal, and the result
is always zero. The != operator should return zero whenever == would
return non-zero, and vice versa.
· Class IntArray should also overload the operators below. An error should
be generated if the arrays are of a different size.
[] - allows index range checking
+ - allows the sum of two arrays to be assigned to a third array
+= - allows the sum of two arrays to be assigned to the first array
<< - allows the contents of an array to be output
· The IntArray class should have high() and low() member functions
that return the maximum and minimum legal index for a given array.
· The IntArray class should also contain a private data member that will
hold the name of the IntArray object when instantiated. This data member
should be initialized with a call to a setName() member function.
I will supply a driver program, iadrv.cpp, that demonstrates the use of the
IntArray class. The driver will demonstrate all operation and error condition
features separately. Each test will note what feature is being demonstrated and
output each array name, index, and corresponding element using the overloaded <<
operator. Note that for each array test data, the driver will simply multiply the
array index by 10 immediately after each array is initialized or modified and output
its contents. When your program encounters a run-time error, you should "simulate"
a halt with appropriate diagnostics rather than actually halting the program. When
elements of an array are output, the array name should be output, a left bracket, an
index value, a right bracket, an equal sign, and finally a value: a[3] = 30. Note that
the driver program outputs array elements vertically down the page. This behavior
should not be changed. The driver program will include the following tests:
1. Test array declared with single integer:
IntArray a(10);
2. Test array declared with two integers, one of which is negative:
IntArray b(-3, 6);
3. Test array declared with two non-negative integers:
IntArray c(6, 8);
4. Test array declared with two identical integers:
IntArray d(5, 5);
5. Test array declared with no integers:
IntArray z;
6. Test array declared with another object of type IntArray:
IntArray c(6, 8);
IntArray e(c);
7. Test array assigned to another array with different indices:
IntArray f(1, 4);
IntArray g(5, 8);
f = g;
8. Test multiple array assignment with different indices:
IntArray j(3, 6);
IntArray k(6, 9);
IntArray l(1, 4);
j = k = l;
9. Test overloaded equality operator (identical elements):
IntArray m(3, 7);
IntArray n(3, 7);
m == n
10. Test overloaded equality operator (different elements):
IntArray o(3, 7);
IntArray p(1, 5);
o == p
11. Test overloaded equality operator (different size arrays):
IntArray q(1, 3);
IntArray r(1, 4);
q == r
12. Test overloaded inequality operator (identical elements):
IntArray s(3, 7);
IntArray t(3, 7);
s != t
13. Test overloaded inequality operator (different elements):
IntArray u(3, 7);
IntArray v(1, 5);
u != v
14. Test overloaded inequality operator (different size arrays):
IntArray w(1, 3);
IntArray x(1, 4);
w != x
15. Test sum of two arrays assigned to third array (note that corresponding array
elements get added to each other and assigned to the corresponding element in the
third array):
IntArray a(1, 5);
IntArray b(4, 8);
IntArray c = a+b;
16. Test sum of two arrays assigned to first array (note that corresponding array
elements get added to each other and assigned to the corresponding element in the
first array):
IntArray d(10,13);
IntArray e(30,33);
d += e;
17. Test array declared with illegal array bounds:
IntArray f(5, 2);
18. Test array for index out of range:
IntArray g(10);
num = g[10];
19. Test arrays for length mismatch:
IntArray m(1, 4);
IntArray n(3, 7);
m = n;
20. Test array subscript operator as an lvalue and rvalue:
IntArray o(7, 8);
o[7] = 25;
o[8] = o[7];

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