Assignment 4
Program Design
Blue font represents a variable
Red font represents a constant
Green font represents a function
1. In this assignment you are given the task to complete a simple messenger program. This
assignment will evaluate your knowledge in program design and structures.
You are provided with 3 files: User.h User.c and main.c .
You are to modify only User.c .
User.h defines 3 structures and 10 functions. You are to complete the function definitions
in User.c .
There are a total of 10 users and each of the users is stored in an array called users[]
defined in User.h. The id variable in User represents the index of that user inside the
users[] array.
- The verify_date() function returns 1 if the date is correct, otherwise it returns 0. The
year must be between 1900 and 2013, the month has to be between 1 and 12. The day
depends on the month and should be validated accordingly (for February assume 28
- The verify_name() function converts the name to lower cases and returns 1 only if there
are only letters in the name (first_name and last_name). If there are any other characters
besides letters the function returns 0.
- The verify_username() function returns 1 only if there are only letters and numbers in
the username. If there are any other characters besides letters and/or numbers the
function returns 0.
- verify_user_data() function returns 1 only all of the above verification functions return
1. The verify_user_data() also prints "ERROR: Date of birth" and/or "ERROR: First
name" and/or "ERROR: Last name" and/or "ERROR: Username" in case there are
verification errors.
- The create_date() function creates a Date structure.
- The create_msg() function creates a Message structure.
- The create_user() function creates a user. If there are verification errors then the valid
variable in the user structure is set to 0, otherwise it is set to 1.
- The show_user_info() function prints the user info. The format should be:
\t\t\tUser info:
\t\t\tDate of birth: [month]/[day]/[year]
\t\t\tHeight: [height]
\t\t\tWeight: [weight]
\t\t\tFirst Name: [first_name]
\t\t\tLast Name: [last_name]
\t\t\tUsername: [username]
\t\t\tEmail: [email]
The “\t\t\t” means that there needs to be 3 tab spaces in each line. [month], [day] and
[year] are part of the Date structure of the User. [height], [weight], [first_name], [last_name],
[username], [email] are part of the User structure.
- The send_message() function sends a message form user with user id _sender to user with
user id _receiver by changing the message variable in the user with user id _receiver. The
Message structure has two variables. The from variable represents the username of the user with
user id _sender, and the content variable is the content of the message.
- The read_message() function prints the message content from the user with user id
_user_id. The format should be:
The “\t\t\t” means that there needs to be 3 tab spaces in the line and [content] is the message
content of the user with user id _user_id
EXTRA CREDIT (10 points):
-The verify_email() function returns 1 if the email format is valid. A valid email format
should be username@mail.usf.edu where username can contain only letters and numbers.
You are provided with the files:
You are to complete the functions in User.c
You are NOT to modify User.h
You can use main.c to test the correctness of the functions.
Your code will be tested with 9 regular test case inputs (10 points each) and 2
special test case inputs (5 points each)
Submission should be done only through Blackboard. Submit only User.c
Compiling and testing:
To compile your file make sure all of the files are in the same directory. Type
“make --always-make” in the terminal in the directory of the files. If there
are no compilation errors a main executable will be created.
To test your program run “./main” from the terminal in the directory of the