This project will give you some experience writing database queries in SQL and
connecting to a SQLite database from Python.!
Reading! !
Introduction to Computing Using Python, Sec 12.1 -- 12.2, plus resources available
on the class web site.!
Write a query that will answer each of the following questions based on the data in a
SQLite database named sakila.db. Test your queries using the sqlite3 command
line client. Then copy and paste the queries and the output they produce into a
document called queries.txt.!
NOTE: some queries (like the first one) will produce hundreds of lines of output. In
these cases add “limit 5” to the end of your query.!
1. What are the first and last names of all the customers?!
select first_name, last_name from customer;
2. What are the e-mail addresses of customers whose first name is “Willard”?!
select email from customer where first_name = "WILLARD";
3. How many customers are there?!
select count(*) from customer;
4. How many customers shop at store number 1?!
select count(*) from customer where store_id = 1;
5. How much does it cost to rent the film named “Virtual Spoilers”?!
select rental_rate from film where title = "VIRTUAL SPOILERS";
6. Do any films have the word “Princess” in the title?!
select title from film where title like "%PRINCESS%";
7. What are the titles of the films that are longer than 180 minutes?!
select title from film where length 180;
8. How many films have a “G” rating and are less than 60 minutes long?!
select count(*) from film where rating = "G" and length < 60;
9. What is the maximum replacement cost for any film?!
select max(replacement_cost) from film;
10. Print a table that lists the different types of ratings and the number of films that
have that rating.!
select rating, count(*) from film group by rating;
CIS 211!
Spring 2014
Note: Names, titles, and
other strings in this
database are in all caps,
and sqlite3 string
comparisons are case
sensitive.The following queries all require a join of two or more tables. As a hint for how to
create the query the table names are shown to the left of a question.!
11. How many actors starred in the film named “Scalawag Duck”?!
select count(*) from film join film_actor using (film_id) where title
12. What are the film IDs of movies starring Jude Cruise?!
select film_id from actor join film_actor using (actor_id) where
first_name = "JUDE" and last_name = "CRUISE"; !
13. What language was “Ace Goldfinger” filmed in?!
select name from film join language using (language_id) where title =
14. Produce a table that shows how many films each customer has rented.!
select last_name, count(*) from customer join rental using
(customer_id) group by customer_id; !
15. How many films did the customer named Smith rent?!
select last_name, count(*) from customer join rental using
(customer_id) where last_name = "SMITH" group by customer_id; !
16. Which customers have not returned films (i.e. the return_date field in the rental
table is null)?!
select last_name, rental_date from customer join rental using
(customer_id) where return_date is null; !
17. Which actors starred in “Splash Gump”?!
select first_name, last_name from (film join film_actor using
(film_id)) join actor using (actor_id) where title = "SPLASH GUMP"; !
18. Which films has Penelope Guiness starred in?!
select title from (film join film_actor using (film_id)) join actor
using (actor_id) where first_name = "PENELOPE" and last_name =
19. What are the names of the films rented by the customer named Knight? !
select last_name, title from customer join rental using (customer_id)
join inventory using (inventory_id) join film using (film_id) where
last_name = "KNIGHT";
film, film_actor
actor, film_actor
film, language
customer, rental
customer, rental
customer, rental
film, actor,
film, actor,
customer, rental,
inventory, filmProgramming Project!
Write a Python program named summary.py that will print a report showing the
monthly bill for a customer at the Sakila DVD Store. The program will be called from
the command line; arguments will specify the customer’s last name, a year, and a
month. The program should fetch the necessary information from the database and
print a monthly bill for that customer.!
Here is an example that shows the bill for the customer named “Ebert” for the month
of June, 2005:!
$ python3 summary.py ebert 2005 6 !
--- Sakila DVD Rentals --- !
Monthly report for Leo Ebert !
Lonely Elephant 06/16/2005 $2.99
**late fee 06/24/2005 $2.99
Enemy Odds 06/18/2005 $4.99
**late fee 06/27/2005 $4.99
Song Hedwig 06/20/2005 $0.99
**late fee 06/26/2005 $0.99
Wash Heavenly 06/21/2005 $4.99
Hurricane Affair 06/21/2005 $2.99 !
Monthly total: $25.92
Your program needs to do two queries to make a report like the one shown above:!
• fetch the customer’s first and last name so you can print the header (“Monthly
report for....”)!
• fetch all of the rental information for the specified month and year so you can print
a list of films the customer rented!
All of the information you need for the films, dates, and fees can be retrieved with a
single query that joins the rental, inventory, film, and customer tables. Note that this
is the same query used to answer Question 19 above, except with different column
To compute the total bill, add all the rental fees, and for any film returned late charge
an additional rental. In the example shown above, Leo rented Lonely Elephant on
June 16 but didn’t return it until June 24. It was a 3-day rental, so he was charged an
additional $2.99 (it was 5 days late, so we could have charged him $4.98 in late fees,
but we’ll keep it simple and just charge the basic fee as the late fee).!Strategy!
We strongly recommend you follow the incremental design strategy for this project.
Start with a very simple version and gradually add parts until the final program is
1. Get the arguments from the command line, i.e. the first version should do nothing
more than print “preparing report for customer x for z y” where x, y, and z are the
three values from the command line.!
2. Fetch the first and last name from the database. Now you have enough
information to print the actual header lines of the output.!
3. Execute the query that gets all the rental information. This version should just
print the films without figuring out the total.!
4. Add up the basic rental fees, but don’t worry about late fees yet. This version
can print the monthly total.!
5. Write the code that figures out if a film was returned late, and if so, add an
additional charge.!
Computing Late Fees!
To decide whether a film was returned late you need to subtract the rental date from
the return date and see if the difference is greater than the rental duration. The
easiest way to do this is to use Python’s datetime library.!
Here is the code that will create a datetime object from a date string in the Sakila
database. If rent_date is a string you have fetched from the rental table, use this
statement to make a datetime object named rented:!
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
rented = datetime.strptime(rent_date, date_format)
The method name strptime stands for “string parse time” -- it parses a string to
figure out the year, month, etc. using the format specification given in the second
Do the same thing for the return date, making an object named returned. Then
subtract the rental date from the return date to get a timedelta object:!
diff = returned - rented
Now you can get attributes of the diff object to tell you how far apart the dates were,
for example diff.days will tell you the difference in days.!Extra Credit Ideas!
• Extend the command line API to allow the user to specify either the customer ID or
customer name, e.g.!
$ python3 summary.py -id 466 2005 6
• Make the month parameter optional. If no month is given, print a summary for
each month of the specified year.!
• Fetch the customer’s address and other information, print that along with the
customer name at the top of the report.!
• Determine which store the customer shops at and print the store address at the top
of the page.!
• [Many extra points] Figure out how to use the locale library, and print the rental
dates and currency using the locale settings on your computer.!
What to Turn In!