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Motion Estimation_Homework 3 Solution

The contents of the file should be:
1. A pdf file with your writeup. This should have all code attached in the appendix. Name this file: CSE 252A hw3 lastname1 lastname2.pdf. 2. All of your source code in a folder called code.
The code is thus attached both as text in the writeup appendix and as source-files in the compressed archive. ˆ No physical hand-in for this assignment. ˆ Coding is to be done only in MATLAB. ˆ In general, MATLAB code does not have to be efficient. Focus on clarity, correctness and function here, and we can worry about speed in another course.
1 Image warping and merging [10 pts]
All data necessary for this assignment is available on the course web page (plotsquare.m, stadium.jpg).
In this problem, we consider a vision application in which components of the scene are replaced by components from another image scene. Optical character recognition, OCR, is one computer visions more successful applications. However OCR can struggle with text that is distorted by imaging conditions. In order to help improve OCR, some people will ‘rectify’ the image. An example is shown in Fig. 1. Reading signs from Google street view images can also benefit from techniques such as this. This kind of rectification can be accomplished by finding a mapping from points on one plane to points another plane. In Fig 1, P1, P2, P3, P4 are mapped to (0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1). To solve this section of the homework, you will begin by deriving the transformation that maps one image onto another in the planar scene case. Then you will write a program that implements this transformation and uses it to rectify ads from a stadium. As a reference, see pages 316-318 in Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision by Trucco and Verri1 To begin, we consider the projection of planes in images. Imagine two cameras C1 and C2 looking at a plane π in the world. Consider a point P on the plane π and its projections p = (u1,v1,1) in image 1 and q = (u2,v2,1) in image 2. Fact 1 There exists a unique (up to scale) 3x3 matrix H such that, for any point P: q ≡ Hp (Here ≡ denotes equality in homogeneous coordinates, where the homogeneous coordinates q and p are equal up to scale) Note that H only depends on the plane and the projection matrices of the two
1Available on the course webpage.
Figure 1: Input image (left) and target (right) for image mapping problem
The interesting thing about this result is that by using H we can compute the image of P that would be seen in camera C2 from the image of the point in camera C1 without knowing its threedimensional location. Such an H is a projective transformation of the plane, also referred to as a homography.
Problem definition
Write files computeH.m and warp.m that can be used in the following skeleton code. warp takes as inputs the original image, corners of an ad in the image, and the homography H. Note that the homography should map points from the destination image to the original image, that way you will avoid problems with aliasing and sub-sampling effects when you warp. You may find the following MATLAB files useful: meshgrid, inpolygon, fix, interp2.
I1 = imread('stadium.jpg'); % get points from the image figure(10) imshow(I1) % select points on the image, preferably the corners of an ad. points = ginput(4);
figure(1) subplot(1,2,1); imshow(I1);
new points = [...]; % choose your own set of points to warp your ad too H = computeH(points, new points);
% warp will return just the ad rectified warped img = warp(I1, new points, H);
subplot(1,2,2); imshow(warped img);
For three of the ads in stadium.jpg, run the skeleton code and include the output images in your report.
2 Optical Flow [13 pts]
In this problem you will implement the Lucas-Kanade algorithm for computing a dense optical flow field at every pixel. You will then implement a corner detector and combine the two algorithms to compute a flow field only at reliable corner points. Your input will be pairs or sequences of images and your algorithm will output an optical flow field (u,v). Three sets of test images are available from the course website. The first contains a synthetic (random) texture, the second a rotating sphere2, and the third a corridor at Oxford university3. Before running your code on the images, you should first convert your images to grayscale and map intensity values to the range [0,1]. I use the synthetic dataset in the instructions below. Please include results on all three datasets in your report. For reference, your optical flow algorithm should run in seconds if you vectorize properly (for example, the eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix can be computed directly). Again, no points will be taken off for slow code, but it will make the experiments more pleasant to run.
Figure 2: Input images
2.1 Dense Optical Flow [5pts]
Implement the single-scale Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm. This involves finding the motion (u,v) that minimizes the sum-squared error of the brightness constancy equations for each pixel in a window. As a reference, read pages 191-198 in Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision by Trucco and Verri4. Your algorithm will be implemented as a function with the following inputs,
function [u, v, hitMap] = opticalFlow(I1, I2, windowSize, tau)
Here, u and v are the x and y components of the optical flow, hitMap a binary image indicating where the corners are valid (see below), I1 and I2 are two images taken at times t = 1 and t = 2 respectively, windowSize is the width of the window used during flow computation, and τ is the threshold such that if the smallest eigenvalue of ATA is smaller than τ, then the optical flow at that position should not be computed. Recall that the optical flow is only valid in regions where ATA =? PI2 x PIxIyP IyIx PI2 y ? has rank 2 (why?), which is what the threshold is checking. A typical value for τ is 0.01. Using this value of τ, run your algorithm on all three image sets (the first two images of each set), for three different windowsizes of your choice, to produce an image similar to Fig. 3. Also provide some comments on performance, impact of windowsize etc.
2Courtesy of 3Courtesy of the Oxford visual geometry group 4Available on the course webpage.
Figure 3: Result for the dense optical flow problem on the corridor image.
2.2 Corner Detection [2pts]
Use your corner detector from Assignment 2 to detect 50 corners in the provided images. Use a smoothing kernel with standard deviation 1, and windowsize of 7 by 7 pixels for your corner detection throughout this assignment. Include a image similar to Fig. 4a in your report. If you were unable to create a corner detection algorihtm in the previous assignment, please email the TA for code.
2.3 Sparse Optical Flow [3pts]
Combine Parts A and B to output an optical flow field at the 50 detected corner points. Include result plots as in Fig. 4b. Select appropriate values for windowsize and τ that gives you the best results. Provide a discussion about the focus of expansion (FOE) and mark manually in your images where it is located. Is it possible to mark the FOE in all image pairs? Why / why not?
(a) Result of the corner detection problem on the corridor image.
(b) Result of sparse optical flow algorithm on the corridor image.
Figure 4: Corner detection and sparse optical flow
3 Iterative Coarse to Fine Optical Flow [10 pts]
Implement the iterative coarse to fine optical flow algorithm described in the class lecture notes (pages 8 and 9 in lecture 13). Show how the coarse to fine algorithm algorithm works better on the first two frames inside of than dense optical flow. You can do this by creating a quiver plot using your code from problem 2 and a quiver plot for the coarse to fine algorithm. Try 3 different window sizes: one of your choice, 5, and 15 pixels. Where does the dense optical flow algorithm struggle that this algorithm does better with? Can you explain this in terms of depth or movement distance of pixels? Comment on how window size affects the coarse to fine algorithm? Do you think that the coarse to fine algorithm is strictly better than the standard optical flow algorithm? Example output shown in Fig. 5a. Note: Like in problem 2, convert the image to intensity gray scale images.
(a) Result of dense optical flow on the flower sequence
(b) Result of coarse to fine optical flow algo

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