Assignment 5
Red-Black Trees
In this assignment, you need to answer the following two questions. Your answers must be
typed to receive credit. Submit a pdf of your written answers to Moodle to the Assignment 5
Question 1: Does inserting a node into a red-black tree, re-balancing, and then deleting it result
in the original tree?
Question 2: Does deleting a node with no children from a red-black tree, re-balancing, and then
reinserting it with the same key always result in the original tree?
Your answers to these questions need to include a specific example of a tree showing the
original tree, the results of the re-balancing, and the final tree after deleting. Include a graphic
of your tree generated in a graphics program, or the Red-black tree visualization website:
Your answer also needs to include an explanation of how the algorithm proceeds to insert and
delete nodes in the tree. Include information such as which node is the parent, grandparent,
and uncle at each step, and which node is the argument for the left and right rotate steps. Refer
to your specific trees in your explanation.
Red-black algorithms for insert and delete
For your reference, the insert and delete algorithms are provided here.
Insert algorithm
{ x = insert(value) //add a node to the tree as a red node
while(x != root and x.parent.color == red){
If(parent == x.parent.parent.left){
uncle = x.parent.parent.right
if(uncle.color == red){
x.parent.color = black
uncle.color = black
x.parent.parent.color = red
x = x.parent.parent
if(x == x.parent.right){
x = x.parent
x.parent.color = black
x.parent.parent.color = red
//x.parent is a right child. Swap left and right for algorithm }
root.color = black
Delete algorithm
node = search(value)
nodeColor = node.color
if(node != root){
if (node.leftChild == nullNode and node.rightChild == nullNode){
//no children
node.parent.leftChild = nullNode x = node.leftChild
} else if (node.leftChild != nullNode and node.rightChild !=
nullNode){ //two children
min = treeMinimum(node.rightChild)
nodeColor = min.color //color of replacement
x = min.rightChild
if (min == node.rightChild){
node.parent.leftChild = min
min.parent = node.parent
min.leftChild = node.leftChild
min.leftChild.parent = min
} else {
min.parent.leftChild = min.rightChild
min.rightChild.parent = min.parent
min.parent = node.parent
node.parent.leftChild = min
min.leftChild = node.leftChild
min.rightChild = node.rightChild
node.rightChild.parent = min
node.leftChild.parent = min
min.color = node.color //replacement gets nodes color
}else{ //one child
x = node.leftChild
node.parent.leftChild = x
x.parent = node.parent
//repeat cases of 0, 1, or 2 children
//replacement node is the new root
//parent of replacement is nullNode
if (nodeColor == BLACK){
delete node
Red-black rebalancing after delete
while (x != root and x.color == BLACK){
if (x == x.parent.leftChild){
s = x.parent.rightChild
if (s.color == RED){ //Case 1
s.color = BLACK
x.parent.color = RED
s = x.parent.rightChild
if (s.leftChild.color == BLACK and s.rightChild.color ==
BLACK){ //Case 2
s.color = RED
x = x.parent
} else if (s.leftChild.color == RED and s.rightChild.color
== BLACK){ //Case 3
s.leftChild.color = BLACK
s.color = RED
s = x.parent.rightChild
s.color = x.parent.color //Case 4
x.parent.color = BLACK
s.rightChild.color = BLACK
x = root
//x is a right child //exchange left and right
x.color = BLACK