P2 - Battleship
File Types c
Learning Objectives
This assignment aims to practice dynamic memory allocation, traversing 2D arrays using address
arithmetic, and file I/O in C.
The board game Battleship (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battleship_(game)) inspires this assignment.
We will be implementing a small part of this popular game. We will be loading a save game file for one
player. Verifying that the ships are valid as they are added to the board and then adding attacks made
by the opponent to that player’s board. Finally, we will determine if the player has lost or if the game is
still in progress.
battleship_template.c (https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/230411/files/19028873/download?
download_frd=1) (rename this file to battleship.c after downloading)
battle1.txt (https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/230411/files/19028877/download?download_frd=1)
output1.txt (https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/230411/files/19028874/download?download_frd=1)
(save game files and output after running the program)
battle2.txt (https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/230411/files/19028872/download?download_frd=1)
output2.txt (https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/230411/files/19028875/download?download_frd=1)
P2_Extra_Tests (To use runtests.sh, you will need to edit the first line and replace it with the name
of you battleship.c file. Note: in1 is battle1.txt and in2 is battle2.txt)
Results-Based Grading
The grading for this assignment is results-based. We provide a template file and strategy advice for
completing the project; however, you may change anything in the template.
A key objective of this assignment is for you to practice using pointers. To achieve this, you are not
allowed to use indexing to access the array that represents the battleship board. Instead, you are
required to use address arithmetic and dereferencing to access it. You may not use brackets, e.g.,
writing “board[1][2]” to access square (1,2) of the game board. Submitting a solution using indexing to
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access the battleship board will result in a 50% reduction of your score. You may use indexing to
access any other arrays that your program uses.
Board: We will be using a nonstandard game board for our project. Our game board is a rectangular
board with R rows and C columns of characters. Please find the row and column sizes for each game in
the battle.txt files. Note the upper left corner of the board is at position (0,0), and the lower right corner
is at (R-1, C-1). For example, an empty board with dimensions 3 4 would look like:
Use malloc to reserve dynamically allocated memory on the heap after reading the size of the game
board. You may either reserve a contiguous block of 1D memory then use math to map the 2D indexes
to this block of memory. This first option is easier. Or you may reserve space for an array of pointers that
each point to one row of the game board. We recommend you choose the option that makes more
sense to you.
Remember to verify that the pointer returned by malloc is valid and to free the memory when you are
The minimum board size is (1, 1). We are not providing the maximum board size that we will use for
Ships: The ships are described in the save game file by four pieces of data. The first two numbers are
the upper left coordinates of the ship. The third number is the length of the ship. And the fourth datum
character is either ‘V’ or ‘H’, indicating the ship's orientation – either vertical or horizontal, respectively.
Adding ship “0 1 3 V” to the board above would look like this:
The number of ships is provided in the battle.txt file for each saved game.
The template file provides a struct definition to hold the data for each ship. Using this struct is optional.
We recommend using malloc to reserve space for an array of SHIP structs to store this data. Remember
to free this memory when finished. If you prefer to approach storing this data in another way – you are
welcome to ignore this struct definition
At most, we will test your code with 26 ships.
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Attacks: The number of attacks is stored in the battle.txt file. Each attack has two pieces of data the
row and column coordinates. For each attack, we will change the game board. If the attack hits a ship,
we will replace the ‘S’ with the letter ‘H’. If the attack misses a ship, we will replace the ‘.’ with the letter
The template file provides a struct definition to hold the data for each attack. Using this struct is
optional. We recommend using malloc to reserve space for an array of ATTACK structs to store this
data. Remember to free this memory when finished. At most, we will test your code with R*C attacks.
Battle.txt: Below is a sample save game file decorated with descriptive comments that describe each
line. Actual game files do not have these comments. Please see the provided battle.txt files
Board Size (Rows, Columns) // ignore this line
4 6 // the number of rows and the number of columns separated by a single space
Number of Ships // ignore this line
1 // the number of ships
0 1 3 V // ship 0: row column length orientation, separated by a single space
Number of Attacks // ignore this line
2 // the number of attacks
0 1 // attack 0: row column, separated by a single space
0 2 // attack 1: row column, separated by a single space
After the series of attacks described in this file, the board will look like this:
Assume all battle.txt files are correctly formatted.
Output: Your program will provide status updates on the game loading process in five stages.
Stage 1: Reading Save Game File. This stage logs the data read from the save game file as the file is
read in. Please see the sample output file for the formatting of this data.
Stage 2: Initializing Board. This stage prints the empty board using ‘.’ to represent each space.
Stage 3: Adding Ships. This stage first verifies that the ships are valid in two steps. First, it confirms
that each ship fits on the board and does not go out of bounds. If it does go out of bounds, it prints an
error message and skips that ship. Then it verifies that the ships do not overlap with any already placed
ships. If the ship tries to occupy a space that already has a ship, it prints an error message and skips
the ship. Please see output2.txt for the exact text of these messages. If the ship is valid, it adds the
ship to the board by replacing the ‘.’ with the letter ‘S’ for the ship's squares.
Stage 4: Processing Attacks. At this stage, the program goes through each of the attacks. If the attack
is not valid, for example, attacking square (7,7) on a board that is only 3x5, the program prints an error
message and skips this attack. For attacks that are in bounds, if the attack hits a ship, then the square
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is updated from ‘S’ to ‘H’ to represent the hit. Otherwise, the attack misses, and the square is updated
from ‘.’ to ‘M’ for miss. Duplicate attacks are ignored with no error message.
Stage 5: Game_Over. Finally, the program analyzes the state of the game. If all of the ships have been
sunk the player has lost and the message “All ships have been sunk - game over” is printed. Otherwise
the message “Ships remain afloat - game on” is printed. If any square of the board contains an ‘S’ then
the battle has not yet been lost.
You are strongly encouraged to develop your solution in phases. For example, first code a solution
that uses indexing. Once you have that solution working, you can replace indexing with pointer
arithmetic before final testing and submission. If you use this approach, make sure to replace all
accesses to your board use address arithmetic and dereferencing to avoid a penalty.
You are strongly encouraged to use incremental development to code your solution rather than
coding the entire solution, followed by debugging that entire code all at once. Incremental development
adds code in small increments. After each increment is added, test it to verify it works as desired before
adding the next increment of code. Bugs in your code are easier to find since they are more likely to be
in the new code increment rather than the code you have already tested.
Rename the template to battleship.c. Do your work in this file. Compile and run your program
battleship.c using the save game file, battle1.txt and output redirection ( output1.txt – will send your
printf statements to this file instead of printing them to the screen). You can then use diff to verify your
output matches the sample output.
gcc -o battleship battleship.c -m32 -Wall
./battleship battle1.txt myoutput1.txt
diff output1.txt myoutput1.txt
You may find it easier to write the code that reads the input file directly in main rather than writing a
function to perform this task. We are providing function prototypes used when we developed our
solution. You are welcome to use these or modify them.
Using library functions is something you will do a lot when writing programs in C. Each library function is
fully specified in a manual page. The man command is very useful for learning the parameters a library
function takes, its return value, detailed description, etc. For example, to view the manual page
for fopen, you would issue the command man fopen. If you are having trouble using man, the same
manual pages are also available online. You will need some of these library functions to write this
program and will see that some of them are already used in our code. You do not need to use all of
these functions since a couple of them are just different ways to do the same thing.
fopen()to open the file.
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malloc()to allocate memory on the heap
free()to free up any dynamically allocated memory
fgets()to read each input from a file. fgets can be used to read input from the console as well, in
which case the file is stdin, which does not need to be opened or closed. An issue you need to
consider is the size of the buffer. Choose a buffer that is reasonably large enough for the input.
fscanf()/scanf():Instead of fgets() you can also use the fscanf()/scanf() to read input from a file or
stdin. Since this allows you to read formatted input you might not need to use strtok() to parse the
fclose()to close the file when done.
printf()to display results to the screen.
fprintf()to write output to a file.
atoi() to convert the input which is read in as a C string into an integer
You will only be submitting battleship.c
Verify that you are not using indexing, but instead using arithmetic addressing to access your 2D
Verify you are dynamically allocating the board on the heap with malloc
You must format your print messages and your board output exactly as specified above and
demonstrated in the sample output files.
We will compile your programs with gcc -Wall -m32 on the Linux lab machines. So, your program
must compile there, and without errors.
Please follow the same style guide as given in P1
Style (5 points)
1. Use meaningful variable names. Either use underscores for multi-word variables or CamelCase. Be
2. Be consistent with capitalization. For example, capitalize function names, use all caps for structs,
and #defines, and use lower case for variables.
3. Indent to match scope. Use spaces instead of tabs.
4. Organize your code as follows:
1. #include <
2. #include ""
3. #defines
4. Data Types (e.g., structures and typedef)
5. Global variables – (use of global variables only when necessary)
6. Function Prototypes
7. Code - main() should be either first or last.
1. Describe what each block of code is trying to do.
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Project 2
2. Good variable names may make this description easier.
3. For functions describe the purpose of the function and indicate the purpose of input parameters,
output parameters, and the return value.
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Criteria Ratings Pts
6 pts
8 pts
8 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
0. Compilation 6 pts
Code compiles
0 pts
Code does not compile
1. Execution test: battle1.txt (provided) 8 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
2. Execution test: battle2.txt (provided) 8 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
3. Execution test: 1x1 board no attack 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
4. Execution test: 1x1 board with attack 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
5. Execution test: no ships, with attacks 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
6. Execution test: overlapping ships 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
7. Execution test: regular ships and attacks 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
8. Execution test: duplicate attacks 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
9. Execution test: attacks everywhere 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
10. Execution test: all ships sunk 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
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Total Points: 50
Criteria Ratings Pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
11. Execution test: all horizontal ships 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
12. Execution test: horizontal out of bound 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
13. Execution test: all vertical ships 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
14. Execution test: vertical out of bound 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
15. Execution test: attacks everywhere + a duplicate attack 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer
16. Execution test: large board 2 pts
Correct answer
0 pts
Incorrect answer