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Project 3: Covert Ops

P3 Covert Ops

Project 3: Covert Ops
Corrections and Additions
1. None yet.
Learning Goals
There are two main objectives for this project. The first is to become familiar with x86 assembly
language, which is a tremendously useful skill! In real life, you will face trying to figure out why some
code is not working as planned, and you may need to examine the instructions that are executing on the
processor to figure out the issue. The second objective is to gain familiarity with powerful tools that help
with this process, namely gdb (the debugger) and objdump (the disassembler). These tools will serve
you well in your future endeavors.
In this project, you are a member of an elite Tech Ops team and will be assisting super spy Agent Storm
as he attempts to rescue a group of captives from an enemy stronghold. To gain entry, Agent Storm will
need to bypass several electronic locks. Fortunately, we have the compiled program that controls these
locks. All we need to do is reverse engineer the executable and give the codes to our hero.
Covert_Ops (
Codes.txt (
Covert_Ops_Template.c (
We are providing three files with this project. The first is the executable Covert_Ops. When you run this
executable, it asks for four numbers and then tells you which of the numbers are correct. You can either
enter the numbers manually or use the Codes.txt file with input redirection. Codes.txt is a text file
containing four numbers. Unfortunately, the Codes.txt that we provided does not have the correct
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numbers. Use it as a pattern for you to follow as you do your testing. To use the Codes.txt file, call
Covert_Ops with input redirection:
 ./Covert_Ops < Codes.txt
Note that the original source code has been compiled with the following options. Use these same
options when you compile your version.
 gcc -o Covert_Ops Covert_Ops.c -m32 -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-pie -fno-stackprotector
The final file is Covert_Ops_Template.c. This file contains the main function from the original C code.
Turn in
You will turn in two files. The first is Codes.txt with the correct door codes. The second is Covert_Ops.c.
Your goal for this file is to write source code in C that performs the same task as the executable
provided. There are many ways to write Covert_Ops.c that will reproduce the original meaning and
generate the same results even though the exact lines of source code or assembly may be different. For
example, i++, i+=1, i=i+1, and i=1+i all do the same thing; so does addl $1, %eax, and incl %eax. Don’t
worry about getting your assembled code to match exactly. It just needs to perform the same function.
 We will use this to verify that you understand the assembly code.
Getting Started
The first challenge is to figure out the codes expected by the Covert_Ops program. To do this, begin by
running the provided code (with and without the Codes.txt file) to see what it does when you enter
incorrect codes. Then use two tools: gdb and objdump. Both are incredibly useful for this type of
reverse engineering work.
 ./Covert_Ops < Codes.txt
gdb and ojbdump can be used to investigate the assembly code, memory, registers, and
variables. These tools provide slightly different information, so be sure to examine both. Finally, write
your own version of Covert_Ops, compile it with the same options we used and compare the
assembly. Note, the assembly code does not need to match – it just needs to perform the same task!
I recommend just writing one function at a time. Use the following command to stop compilation after the
generation of assembly code. You can use this output to examine the assembly code corresponding to
your functions.
 gcc -S Covert_Ops.c -m32 -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-pie -fno-stack-protector
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With objdump, two important command line options are:
 -d, which disassembles a binary
 -s, which displays the full binary contents of the executable
For example, to see the assembly code, you would type:
 objdump -d Covert_Ops
This will show an assembly listing of each function. Your first task then might be to look at function f0
and figure out what the code is doing.
The -s flag is also quite useful, as it shows the contents of each segment of the executable. This may be
useful when looking for the initial value of a given variable or for the strings of text output by printf.
By redirecting stdout (i.e., standard output), you can capture the output of objdump in a file, such that
you can look at this output without having to regenerate it every time. And, you can use both command
line options (-d and -s) at the same time to create a complete dump of the contents of the executable as
well as the disassembled contents.
 objdump -d Covert_Ops Covert_Ops.dump
Don’t Panic!!!
The first time you run objdump the output can be a little overwhelming. There is a lot of stuff here that
isn’t important to this project. Some of it is setup before main is called, some of it is to restore the system
after main returns, and some is related to the printf and scanf functions. As you scan through the file for
the first time, notice that it is divided into sections with headers “Disassembly of section…” Within those
sections, the code is broken down by functions. The function names are in <. Below are three columns:
the first column contains the addresses where the instructions are stored in memory relative to a base
address, the second block is the binary code for each instruction (ignore this), and the third column is
the assembly instruction. Scroll down to function <f0 and start there. This one is the easiest. Search
for <f0 to locate where the function is called in main and compare this to the template code. The
beginning of main is a little complicated to read in objdump due to the printf and scanf statements which
are translated as memory addresses and not labeled as printf or scanf. We’ll explore these with gdb
The debugger, gdb, is an even more powerful ally in your search for clues. To run gdb:
 gdb ./Covert_Ops
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which will launch the debugger and prepare you for a debugging session. The command run causes the
debugger to run the program, which will prompt you for input. However, before running the debugger,
you likely need to set some breakpoints. Breakpoints are places in the code where the debugger will
stop running and let you take control of the debugging session. For example, a common thing to do will
be to start up the debugger, and then enter:
 break main
to set a breakpoint at the main() routine of the program, and then type
to run the program. When the debugger enters the main() routine, it will then stop running the program
and pass control back to you, the user.
At this point, you will need to do some work. Type layout asm to switch to assembly layout where you
can see the assembly instructions on the top window and enter your gdb commands in the bottom
window. Use stepi to step through the code one instruction at a time and nexti to step through the code
one instruction at a time but jump over function calls. Another useful command is info registers, which
shows you the contents of all of the registers in the system. Use the examine command x/x
0xADDRESS to show you the contents at the address ADDRESS in hexadecimal. Note, the second x
indicates the format (Hex), and the first x is the examine command. You can also have gdb disassemble
the code by typing the disassemble command. Finally, break *0xADDRESS sets up another breakpoint
at address ADDRESS, and continue resumes the execution until the next breakpoint is reached.
Getting good with gdb will make this project go smoothly, so it is worth spending a little time to learn how
to use it. One thing to notice: using the keyboard's up and down arrows (or control-p and control-n for
previous and next, respectively) allows you to go through your gdb history and easily re-execute old
commands; if you are in the layout asm (i.e., assembly layout mode) only CTRL+p and CTRL+n will
work to cycle through your history.
Don’t Panic Part 2!!!
Looking at assembly code in gdb can be a little overwhelming the first time. The debugging tools were
not enabled when the code was compiled. So we’ll have to examine the assembly version. Let’s take a
look first at f0 and then at main. Start by setting a breakpoint with break f0 then advance the code to f0
by typing run. It will stop at the scanf line and ask you to enter 4 numbers. Enter 4 numbers separated
by spaces and push enter. The code will again stop at f0. At this point let’s switch to layout asm to
examine the assembly code. Gdb displays three columns in this mode. The first is the memory address
of the instruction. The second is the relative offset from the first instruction in the function, and the third
is the assembly code. Step through this function by typing stepi. You can push enter to repeat this
command. At any time we can use info registers to get the contents of all of the registers as both hex
and decimal values.
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Next, let’s take a look at main. Set a breakpoint with break main and restart execution of the program
with run. Let’s use nexti to advance through the beginning of main past the printf and scanf calls to the
point where we call function f0. Remember that nexti will jump over functions, while stepi will step into
functions. Push enter a few times to repeat nexti. Examine the instructions around <f0. These
instructions prepare for the function call and clean up after the call. Pay special attention to what
happens to the return value.
All types are int, pointers to ints, or arrays of ints. The words char, short, and long do not appear in
the original source code.
All codes will appear in one of the registers at least once.
Neither your C code nor your assembly code has to match exactly. It just needs to be in the spirit of
code that does the same thing. For example, there are lots of ways to write loops in C (for, while, do
while, goto); you can't tell from the assembly what type of loop was in the C code. We will examine
your code to see that you recognized that some kind of loop was used.
Same thing for assembly code. Many of different versions of assembly can be written for any given
C code segment. We do not expect the code to match exactly - just perform the same function.
Think carefully about function prototypes. Do they return a value? What parameters are passed to
the function? Are they of type int or int*? What do these look like in assembly?
You will observe that parameters and local variables in the assembly code are referenced as offsets
from %ebp. As you write your own version of the code, it may be useful to name your variables with
a similar convention, something like int ebp4 = 3; or int *ebp8 = &ebp4.
1. Use meaningful variable names. Either use underscores for multi-word variables or CamelCase. Be
2. Be consistent with capitalization. For example, capitalize function names, use all caps for structs,
and #defines, and use lower case for variables.
3. Indent to match scope. Use spaces instead of tabs.
4. Organize your code as follows:
1. #include <
2. #include ""
3. #defines
4. Data Types (e.g., structures and typedef)
5. Global variables – (use of global variables only when necessary)
6. Function Prototypes
7. Code - main() should be either first or last.
1. Describe what each block of code is trying to do.
2. Good variable names may make this description easier.
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3. For functions describe the purpose of the function and indicate the purpose of input parameters,
output parameters, and the return value.

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