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P3: Saving and Loading Farm Data

P3: Saving and Loading Farm Data (30 marks)
Focus: I/O and Exception Handling
In this part, you will implement a load/save feature in your game. Start by downloading the starter_code
that comes with this assignment then do as required below.
[25 marks] (A) Farm class:
o Add a method void exit(String filename)
• [+4] The method saves the farm data to a file named filename. Farm data includes
at least availableFood and animals (i.e. the array with all animal instances)
• [+1] Once saved, display a message that data was saved successfully.
• [+4] If errors (exceptions) happen during the saving process, the method should print
an error message. You should have at least two catch statements (one of them is
• [+1] Make sure your code closes the output stream regardless of whether an error
happens or not.
• [+2] Implement any required changes in your code (e.g. in other classes) so that this
method works.
o Add a method void load(String filename)
• [+4] The method loads the farm data from a file named filename.
• [+1] Once loaded, display a message that data was load successfully.
• [+3] If errors (exceptions) happen during the loading process, the method should print
an error message. You should have at least three catch statements (one of them is
• [+4] If filename is not found: in addition to the error message from the above bullet,
initialize the game with default values, e.g. availableFood should be 1000,
animals array should have 100 spots and 4 animals: a chicken, a cow, and 2 llamas.
• [+1] Make sure your code closes the output stream regardless of whether an error
happens or not.
o [+2] The constructor should take one argument for the filename of the farm data, String
filename, and loads this file upon creating a new Farm instance. If the file doesn’t exist, an
error message should be displayed and the game should be initialized with default values
(similar to the above bullet).
[1 mark] (B) Update the FarmTest class with the code given below.
Farm myFarm = new Farm("stat.dat");
for(Animal a: myFarm.getAnimals())
System.out.println("\nAvailable food before feeding: " +
myFarm.getAvailableFood() + "\n");
System.out.println("\nInitial list of animals:\n--------------");
System.out.println("\nAdding a clone of the second animal\n--------------");
System.out.println("\nAvailable food after feeding: " +
myFarm.getAvailableFood() + "\n");
System.out.println("\nAfter SORTING:\n--------------");
System.out.println("\nFarm summary:\n--------------");
Above code should print an output similar to the one on the next page. Note that this output may be
slightly different based on several factors such as your animals’ energy and the available food in the
[2 marks] (C) Run FarmTest multiple times and notice how the number of animals increases. Explain why this
happens? (write your answer as a comment in FarmTest class).
Submission Instructions
For this part of the project, you need to do the following:
1- Create a Java project of with any name of your choice.
2- Create a package with the name P3 and write your code within this package.
3- Zip the package P3 and name the zipped file as: YourStudentID_P3. e.g., “1234567_P3”.
4- Submit the zipped file to Canvas.
Note that you can resubmit an assignment one more time, but the new submission overwrites
the old submission and receives a new timestamp.
Data loaded from stat.dat.
The farm has:
- 7 animals (1 Chicken, 4 Cows, and 2 Llamas)
- 779.78 units of available food
Llama2 says: I'm STARVING
Llama1 says: I'm hungry
Cow1 says: I'm STARVING
Available food before feeding: 779.7799999999999
Initial list of animals:
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=72.0
Llama2 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=12.5
Llama1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=46.6
Chicken1: alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=55.5
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=54.2
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=62.6
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=6.0
Adding a clone of the second animal
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=72.0
Llama2 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=12.5
Llama1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=46.6
Chicken1: alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=55.5
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=54.2
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=62.6
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=6.0
Llama2 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=12.5

Cow1 ate 20.0 units
Llama2 ate 9.0 units
Llama2 says: I'm hungry
Llama1 ate 9.0 units
Chicken1 ate 5.0 units
Cow1 ate 20.0 units
Cow1 ate 20.0 units
Cow1 ate 20.0 units
Cow1 says: I'm hungry
Llama2 ate 9.0 units
Llama2 says: I'm hungry
Available food after feeding: 667.7799999999999
Llama2 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=21.5
Llama2 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=21.5
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=26.0
Llama1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=55.6
Chicken1: alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=60.5
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=74.2
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=82.6
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=92.0
Farm summary:
The farm has:
- 8 animals (1 Chicken, 4 Cows, and 3 Llamas)
- 667.78 units of available food
Data saved successfully to stat.dat.

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