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In the project, you have to design and implement a game, which is similar to a famous game called “Plant vs. Zombie”. The goal of this game is to beat your opponent by using the unique ability of Plants and Zombies.
In this game, there will be a human player and a computer player. They play the role of Homeowner/Zombie respectively. Your program should do the following when it starts.
1. At the start of the program, a game menu should be displayed and the human player is asked to enter his/her name. The name may contain spaces and should contain at least one alphabet. 2. The human player is asked to which role (Homeowner or Zombies) he would like to play. The computer player will play the remaining role. 3. After setting up, a battle field should be prepared with 6 (height) x 10 (width) grids, and the game begins.
The homeowner can grow plants while the zombie army can produce zombie warriors in each round. Different plants and zombies have different attributes, e.g. damage, HP, attack range, and cost. Plants have different attack range, while zombies can only attack plants one grid in front of them (i.e. the attack range of the zombies is one grid). Design the values of damage, HP, etc. according to the tables to make the game reasonable.

Zombie Damage HP Attack Range
Cost (Number of coins)
Speed Abbreviation
Basic Zombie
Normal Normal Short Low Normal BZ
Buckethead Normal High Short High Normal BH
Football Weak High Short High Fast FB
Conehead Heavy Normal Short Normal Slow CH
The homeowner starts with an initial hit point (HP) and some number of “sun”, while the zombie army starts with some number of coins.
Behavior of plants and zombies:
t The zombie army can produce at most one zombie warrior at each of the rightmost grids of the battle field. (Therefore, at most 6 zombie warriors can be produced in a round). t The zombies move from the right to the left. t Each grid can only be occupied by one plant or zombie.
Plant Damage HP Attack Range
Cost (Number of “sun”)
Remark Abbreviation
Peashooter Normal Low Long Low PS Bonk Choy Heavy Normal Short Normal BC Threepeater Heavy Low Long High TP Wall-nut None High None Normal WN Sunflower None Low None Low Generate additional “sun” in every round. SF
t In every round, each zombie moves according to its speed. If there is any object (plants or zombies) in its path, it will be blocked. t Zombies can attack the homeowner if it reaches the leftmost grids. t The homeowner can grow plants on any empty grid excluding the rightmost ones of the field. t The plants cannot move. t The plants can only attack zombies to the right of them. t The zombies can only attack plants to the left of them.
t The homeowner gains Y’ “sun”. The zombie army gains Z’ coins. t Each plant will attack the nearest zombie warrior in its attack range. t If there is any plant in the front grid of the zombie, the zombie will attack the plant; otherwise it will move forward. t Any zombie in the leftmost grids of the battlefield will attack the homeowner. t The zombie army produces zombies and the homeowner grows plants.
The homeowner loses when he is killed (HP <= 0). The zombies lose if the homeowner survives after some number of rounds.
You can design your own text user interface (TUI). Graphic user interface (GUI) is optional. You may use abbreviations to represent plants and zombies in the TUI. Please make sure that your program displays important information, so that we can check whether your program is working correctly during the demonstration.
Following is an example of the battle field.
The AI of computer may not be tactical but should be reasonable, which means it should produce some plants/zombies during the whole game.

3. DELIVERABLES In this project, please submit the following artifacts in the two phases:
3.1 PHASE 1
t A use case diagram for the program t A brief description for each use case t A step-by-step description for each use case
t A state chart for the program t For each use case o A number of scenarios o A class diagram (in stereotype) for each use case o A collaboration diagram or a sequence diagram for each scenario in each use case. (Note that the number of collaboration diagrams and the number of sequence diagrams should be roughly the same.) o A flow of events for each collaboration / sequence diagram.
t A final class diagram with attributes, attribute formats, and methods (including accessors and mutators if necessary) for the program.
3.2 PHASE 2
t Source code in C++ o You should enforce some good programming practices to improve the program readability, such as indentation, meaningful variable names, and comments. o You should enforce information hiding, such as declaring private/protected member variables. o You should write classes in separate files. t User manual o A user manual to show how to play the game and list information (e.g. the range of attributes for different classes, the actual damage caused by different skills). Although it is not required to submit anything about the test workflow, you have to perform adequate testing on the program before submission.

The project will be graded according to the correctness and object-oriented software engineering principles, such as information hiding, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Please make sure that your C++ program can be compiled and executed successfully. Otherwise, you will get a very low mark. Please also be reminded that your TA will read your Phase 1 design and Phase 2 code and can identify similar submissions easily. Consequences of confirmed plagiarism cases can be failing of the course and receiving a demerit.
For Phase 1, please submit the various artifacts in soft copies to Blackboard. Any member of the group can submit, but please include all students’ names and students’ IDs of the whole group. Resubmissions are allowed. But only the latest one will be counted. Late submissions within three days can only receive 70% of the marks. Late submissions more than three days will not be graded.
For Phase 2, please submit the user manual in soft copy to Blackboard. Any member of the group can submit, but please include all students’ names and students’ IDs of the whole group. Resubmissions are allowed. But only the latest one will be counted. Late submissions within three days can only receive 70% of the marks. Late submissions more than three days will not be graded.
More information about the submission of source code will be announced later. Since a demonstration session will be arranged for you in the next day after the Phase 2 deadline to show the correctness of the implementation, no late submissions are allowed for the source code.

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