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Relational Algebra and Normal Forms_Assignment 3

A.RelationalAlgebra Consider the following extended schema about Kids (Campers) that register for Camps in Adventures and Science in Engineering at uOttawa.
Camper(CName : string,Age : string,Email : string,tshirt : string,Fee : real) Camp(CampID : int,CampTitle : string,EmpID : int,StartDate : date,Year : date) Signup(CName : string,CampID : string) Mentor(EmpID : int,Name : string,EmploymentDate : date,Salary : currency)
1. Provide the relational algebra statement to find the names, fees and emails of all Campers who attended both the GirlScience and the GirlTech camps in 2016 (3 marks). 2. Provide the relational algebra statement to find the names of the mentors who ran the MakerTech Camps for Campers that where older than 10 years old. Display their names together with the start date and year of the Camps they attended (3 marks). 3. Provide the relational algebra statement to find the names, t-shirt sizes and emails of the 7 year old Campers who never attended a Camp that was led by a Mentor named Sandy who earns a salary of $500.00 (4 marks).
B.NormalForms ConsideraBookrelationdenotedbyRwithattributesABCD. Asampleinstance of R is shown below: BookTitle (A) Distributor (B) Topic (C) Price (D) Java Solutions Prentice Hall Programming 119.00 Topology Independent Math 120.00 Database Design Addison W Databases 115.00 C++ Wiley Programming 119.00 C++ Addison W Programming 129.00
1. Thisrelationmayhavesomedataanomalies. Explainwhatthethreeanomalies are and give an example of each, using the Book relation (2*3 = 6 marks). 2. SupposethatthefollowingsetsoffunctionaldependenciesholdoverR.For each one of the following sets of functional dependencies, determine the highest normal form and motivate your answer (2*3= 6 marks). (a) C−→D, C−→A, B−→C (b) A−→B, BC−→D, A−→C (c) AB−→C, AB−→D, C−→A, D−→B
C.Physicaldatabasedesign ReconsiderthefollowingrelationalschemaaboutKids(Campers)thatregisterfor Camps in Adventures in Science and Engineering.
Camper(CName : string,Age : string,Email : string,tshirt : string,Fee : real) Camp(CampID : int,CampTitle : string,EmpID : int,StartDate : date,Year : date) Signup(CName : string,CampID : string) Mentor(EmpID : int,Name : string,EmploymentDate : date,Salary : currency)
Suppose that the Camper table is organized as a heap file, and that it contains the records of a total of 20,000 kids (i.e. current and past Campers). A disk block has the capacity to store 1,000 records and the buffer pool contains 10 slots. On average, a Camper registers for two Camps in a year and attends the Camps for four years in a row.
1. Explainhowyouwoulduseanyoneofthetwodifferentheapfileimplementations, as discussed in class, in order to organize the pages of the Camper table on disk (5 marks). 2. Assume that you wish to execute a query that displays all the personal information about the Campers in your database (i.e. SELECT * FROM Camper). Explain the exact process that is followed i) to locate the data on disk, ii) to transfer the data into the buffer and iii) to deal with potential buffer sizing issue (8 marks).

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