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Assignment 2 Graphics Pipeline

Assignment 2
Graphics Pipeline
Weight of this assignment: 10%
Total Marks: 100 Marks (+ 20 Bonus)
Overall Description
You are to write a program that displays and interactively manipulates a wire-frame box that you
should construct with vertices at the 8 unit points (±1, ±1, ±1).
You are to provide a set of coordinate axes (a modelling gnomon) that you should construct with
three lines, drawn from (0, 0, 0) to (0.5, 0, 0), (0, 0.5, 0) and (0, 0, 0.5) respectively. This gnomon
will represent the local modelling coordinates of the box, and it must be subjected to every modelling,
viewing and projection transformation applied to the box, except scaling.
You are also to draw a separate set of axes for the world coordinates, which are the same size
(coordinates) as the modelling gnomon, but are alinged with the world coordinate axes instead
of the modelling axes. The world gnomon should be at (0, 0, 0). You should subject this world
gnomon only to the viewing and projection transformations. Note that the gnomon are merely
graphical representations of the coordinate axes; for the coordinate axes themselves you should
use orthonormal bases.
You are to apply modelling transformations to the box (rotations, translations, and scales) and
viewing transformations to the eyepoint (rotations and translations). Transformations will be
menu-selected and will be applied according to mouse interactions. Specifically, x motion of
the mouse will be used as a controller to the amount of each transformation, and the mouse buttons
will be used to select the axis of the transformation, and a menu will be used as the choice device
to determine the major modes of the program’s execution.
You will need to maintain four distinct coordinate systems in this assignment. Three of these coordinate
systems are 3D and one is 2D: the box (“model”) coordinates (3D), the eye point (“view”)
coordinates (3D), the universal (“world”) coordinates (3D) and the display (“screen”) 2D normalized
device coordinates (which arise from the perspective projection of the eye’s view onto the
eye’s x − y plane).
The modelling transformations apply with respect to the model coordinates (ie. a model mode
rotation about the x axis will rotate the box around its current x axis, not the world’s x axis). The
viewing transformations apply with respect to the view coordinates (ie. a view mode rotation about
the x axis will appear to swing the objects of the view up or down on the screen, since the eye’s
x appears parallel to the screen’s horizontal axis). None of the modelling transformations will
change the world coordinates (ie. the world gnomon never changes its location, though of course
it may drift out of our view as a result fo the viewing transformations).
You are to form all the matrices yourself and accumulate all matrix products in software. You will
also do the perspective projection yourself, including the division to convert from 3D homogeneous
coordinates to 2D Cartesian coordiantes. This means that you will have to do a 3D near-plane
line/plane clip in the viewing coordinate system to avoid dividing by zero or having line segments
“wrap around.”
The Interface
As with the previous assignments, this is implemented in C++ with Qt. We have provided some
code for you that sets up a window and draws an example set of lines for you. You will need to
add the parts that do all the 3D transformations, projections, etc. Note that algebra.h, algebra.cpp
contains custom in-house class implementations of Point2D, Point3D, Vector3D, Matrix4x4 and
Colour. You are to use (and if needed expand) these classes rather than their Qt implementations,
to demonstrate your understanding of the transformation matrices. Additionally, for drawing,
you will not be using VAOs, VBOs, or any other OpenGL commands. Instead you will use
the set colour and draw line commands for any drawing. Examples of use are found in Renderer::paintGL.
We suggest you add a few matrices to the Renderer - which ones you add and what each means is
up to you. At the very least, you will need a modelling matrix and a viewing matrix.
You should implement the stub functions already found in Renderer and perhaps add some more
of your own. You will also want to implement the missing matrix functions in a2.h and a2.cpp
and use these in your Renderer.
Drawing Lines
In draw.cpp, we provide the following C++ routines to draw lines and set colours in an OpenGL
• draw init(int width, int height) - call this before drawing any line segments.
It will clear the screen and set everything up for drawing.
• draw line(const Point2D& p, const Point2D& q) - draw a line segment. p
and q are in window coordinates.
• set colour(const Colour& col) - set the colour of subsequent calls to draw line.
• draw complete() - call this after you are done drawing line segments.
These routines use OpenGL. Your assignment should not contain any further OpenGL calls. Further,
you should not modify draw.cpp. You should call these routines from renderer.cpp with the
GL widget active. There is already example code in renderer.cpp that does this for you.
Top Level Interaction
The menubar will support (at least) two menus: the File and Mode menus. The File menu will
have to selections: Reset (keyboard shortcut A), which will restore the original state of all transforms
and perspective parameters, and set the viewport to its initial state; and the Quit (keyboard
shortcut Q) which will terminate the program. The Quit menu item and shortcut are already implemented
in the provided code; be sure not to break it.
The Mode menu selections will be used to determine what effect mouse dragging on the viewing
area will have on the transformations. The Mode menu will consist of a list of radiobuttons which
select among the viewing and modelling modes, and a viewport mode. There should be an onscreen
indication of what mode is currently active (eg. a status bar).
In any View and Model interaction modes, transformations are initiated with the cursor in the 3D
viewing area, up on a button down event. Relative motion of the cursor is tracked and the transformations
are continuously updated until a button up event is received. The current interactive mode
should be presented in a status bar somewhere on the display widget.
If multiple mouse buttons are held down simultaneously, all relevant parameters should be updated
in parallel. For rotation, you may apply the rotations in a fixed order, as opposed to composing
multiple infintesimal rotations. However, this ONLY applies to the case where multiple mouse
buttons are held down; in general you will want to be able to compose an arbitrary sequence of
These interaction modes are a bare minimum, and form a poor 3D user interface. We’ll look at
better ways to create an interface for 3D rotation in Assignment 3.
View Interaction Modes
The following view interaction modes should be supported:
• Rotate (keyboard shortcut O): Use x-motion of the mouse to:
– LMB: Rotate sight vector about eye’s x (horizontal) axis.
– MMB: Rotate sight vector about eye’s y (vertical) axis.
– RMB: Rotate sight vector about eye’s z (straight) axis.
• Translate (keyboard shortcut N): Use x-motion of the mouse to:
– LMB: Translate eyepoint along eye’s x axis.
– MMB: Translate eyepoint along eye’s y axis.
– RMB: Translate eyepoint along eye’s z axis.
• Perspective (keyboard shortcut P): Use x-motion of the mouse to:
– LMB: Change the FOV over the range of 5 to 160 degrees.
– MMB: Translate the near plane along z.
– RMB: Translate the far plane along z.
A good default value for FOV (Field of View) is 30 degrees.
Model Interaction Modes
The following model interaction modes should be supported:
• Rotate (keyboard shortcut R): Use x-motion of the mouse to:
– LMB: Rotate box about its local x axis.
– MMB: Rotate box about its local y axis.
– RMB: Rotate box about its local z axis.
• Translate (keyboard shortcut T): Use x-motion of the mouse to:
– LMB: Translate box along its local x axis.
– MMB: Translate box along its local y axis.
– RMB: Translate box along its local z axis.
• Scale (keyboard shortcut S): Use x-motion of the mouse to:
– LMB: Scale box along its local x axis.
– MMB: Scale box along its local y axis.
– RMB: Scale box along its local z axis.
The initial interaction mode should be model-rotate, and this mode should be restored on a reset.
The amount of translation, rotation or scaling will be determined by the relative change in the
cursor’s x value referenced to the value read at the time the mouse button was last moved. Make
sure your program doesn’t get confused if more than one butto is pressed at the same itme; all the
motion events should be processed simultaneously, as specified above, although individual “incremental”
transformations can be compused in a fixed order.
You should use appropriate scaling factors to map the relative mouse motions to reasonable changes
in the model and viewing transformations. For example, you might map the width of the window
to a rotation of 180 or 360 degrees.
Do not limit the accumulation of rotations and translations; ie. there should be no restriction on the
cumulative amount of rotation or translation applied to an object, or to the number of sequential
Viewport Mode
The viewport mode allows the user to change the viewport. Assume you have a square window into
the world, and that this window is mapped to the (possibly non-square) viewport. The window-toviewport
mapping has been described in lecture and in the optional course textbook; if the aspect
ratio of the viewort doesn’t match the aspect ratio of the window (ie. the viewport is not square),
then the objects appearing in the viewport will be stretched. Further, when you change the viewport,
you will see the same objects in the new viewport (possibly scaled and stretched) that you
saw in the old viewport.
You should draw the outline of the viewport so we can tell where it is.
In the viewport mode, the left mouse button is used to draw a new viewport. The left mouse button
down event sets on corner, while the left mouse button up event sets the other corner. You should
be able to draw a viewport by specifying the corners in any order. If a mouse up position is outside
the window, clamp the edges of the viewort to the visible part of the window.
The initial viewport should fill 90% of the full window size, with a 5% margin arond the top, buttom,
left and right edges. This is important so we can verify that your viewoprt clipping works
correctly - if you do not do this, you may lose marks in two places. The user should be able to
set the viewport to any portion of the window, including sizes larger than the original size. Note
also that the viewport is to be reset to the initial size when the reset option is selected from the File
The keyboard shortcut for viewort mode should be V.
Projective Transformation
You will need to implement a projective transformation. This will make the cube look threedimensional,
with the perspective foreshortening distinguishing front and back. You may use a
projective transformation matrix if you wishs. However, note that for this assignment there is no
need to transform the z-coordinate. You can use the mappings x/z and y/z, although note that
some additional scaling will be necessary to account for the field of view.
Orthographic View
If you cannot get your projective transformation matrix working, you may implement an orthographic
view (no perspective) instead. However, you will not get full marks. You may also want
to implement an orthographic view first, and do your projective transformations last.
Line Clipping
You will need to clip your lines to the viewing volume. There are several ways to clip, any of
which will suffice for this assignment. Note, however that you must clip to the near plane before
completing the perspective projection, or you will get odd behaviour and coredumps. You may find
it easiest to clip to the remaining sides of the viewing volume after you complete the projection
(since you will be clipping to a cube), but you may clip at any point in your program. Note that we
will be testing clipping against all sides of the view volume.
Donated Code
You have been provided with the following files:
• main.cpp - The main point of entry into the application.
• draw.cpp, draw.h - The drawing routines.
• window.cpp, window.h - The application window, to which you may add widgets.
• renderer.cpp, renderer.h - A widget that will display your rendering. This is
where the core part of your code will go.
• algebra.cpp, algebra.h - Routines for geometry, points, etc.
• a2.cpp, a2.h - Matrix routines you should implement and use.
To compile and run the provided program, execute:
qmake -project QT+=widgets
The provided code creates the UI for your simple box drawing program. As a test, it draws four
lines, cross through the center of the screen, and in the top left corner. You need to modify this
code to draw your visible viewport, render a box and the two gnomons, and perform the requested
transformations and clipping. A suggested to-do list, in an order that will help you is as follows:
• Draw the outline of the default visible viewport.
• Consider an orthographic projection and define the coordinates necessary for drawing a box.
Transform each 3D line segment into your 2D screen coordinates. You may wish to create
a helper function that takes an arbitrary line segment, and draws it on the 2D screen. If this
goes well, work directly with a perspective projection, otherwise leave it till later.
• Extend your viewport to support resizing, and implement clipping.
• Incorporate model transformations. Then incorporate view transformations. Make sure to
leave sufficient time to debug the composition of matrices as you generate your final MVP
• Wrap up the necessary UI controls and if not already done, perspective projection including
near/far/FOV controls.
You may wish to create helper methods, helper classes or use data structures such as queues or
stacks, depending on your design. C++ standard template library offers stacks, queues and other
collection mechanisms which may be used.
Bonus (20 Marks)
The core of this assignment is fundamentally a decent amount of work. However, if you have time,
and the creative inclination, there are a lot of ways this simple graphics pipeline can be made much
more interesting. You are encouraged to experiment with the code to implement these sorts of
changes, as long as you have already met the assignment’s basic objects. The maximum additional
marks from bonuses is 20. It is at the discretion of the TA to determine coolness factors in awarding
bonus points.
• A fancy way of drawing the viewport. (up to 5 marks)
• Additional geometric shapes; 3 marks per shape. (up to 10 marks)
• Support for OBJ file loading. (5 marks)
• Support and GUI support for adding, transforming and removing multiple 3D shapes on the
screen. (10 marks)
• Support face drawing (rasterization), including hidden surface and z-buffer algorithms. (10
If you make an amazing modification (an actual feature, not an unintended bug...), document it in
your README and it will be considered and graded at the discretion of the TA for a maximum of
10 marks.
If you make extensive changes, additionally offer a “compatibility mode” by default. You should
support at least the user interface required by the assignment. You can activate your extensions
either with a special command line argument or a menu item. Document this in your README file.
Non-functional Requirements (20 Marks)
1. You must provide a README file. A sample one has already been provided.
2. Your README file should contain:
(a) Your name and UCID.
(b) Short description of algorithms you implemented to complete the program. This includes
how you set up the view volume clips and what you called the function that
implements these clips.
(c) A brief description of the data-structures you used to implement the assignment. This
includes what matrices you chose to store in the renderer.cpp and their purpose.
3. You must provide at least one screenshot of your assignment demonstrating its capabilities.
Additional screenshots are necessary to demonstrate any implemented bonuses. Screenshots
should be named ‘firstname.lastname a2 #.png’ where # is 1-n for n screenshot images.
Source Code
1. All your source code must be written in C/C++ and properly commented. All graphics rendering
must be done using OpenGL. All event handling and windowing must be performed
via Qt. Your source code must compile on the lab machines in MS 239 without any special
modifications. Your source code must be clear and well commented.
2. You will lose marks for inefficient and slow implementations.
3. You may reuse source code:
(a) which has been provided by the instructor for use in the course,
(b) which has been written by you which implements basic data structures, such as linked
lists or arrays,
(c) which you have received permission from the instructor or one of the TAs of CPSC 453
prior to handing-in your assignment,
4. Any instances of code reuse by you for this assignment must be explicitly mentioned within
the README file. Failure to do so will result in a zero in the assignment. Please read the
University of Calgary regulations regarding plagiarism
Functional Requirements (80 Marks Total)
Transformations (30 Marks)
1. Model transformations performed with respect to the box’s local origin. (8)
2. Model’s gnomon undergoes all transformations except scaling. (4)
3. Viewing transformations work as specified. (8)
4. Rotation, translation and scale can occur in any order, at any time, with no restrictions on
model or view transformation ordering. Regardless of the sequence, the box never distorts
so that edges fail to meet at right angles (in 3D). (10)
Viewing and Clipping (30 Marks)
1. Perspective transformation correctly implemented. (8)
2. Viewport mapping works as specified. Defaults to a centered square with 90% maximum
size. (8)
3. Lines are clipped to the near and far planes. (7)
4. Lines are clipped to the sides of the viewing volume. (7)
UI Interaction (20 Marks)
The user should be able to:
1. Access pull down menus for controls as specified. (5)
2. On-screen feedback for current mode as specified. (5)
3. Mouse controls for model, view and viewport as specified. (5)
4. Perform transformations smoothly while mouse is moving. Pressing two buttons simultaneously
results in two transformations performed together. (5)
Lost Marks
Possible areas for losing marks:
• Lines drawn outside the viewport region.
• Gnomon does not follow box model.
• Gnomon size scales.
• Unable to see box and gnomons on application start up.
• Poor choice of mapping from mouse x values to transformations (eg. cause excessively rapid
or excessively slow transformations). Ideally the motion follows the mouse movement.
• Poor cumulation of transformations. eg. As the mouse moves uniformly across the screen,
the box translates faster and faster.
• Application redraw slows down over time, as more transformations are applied.
• Draw updating is not live with mouse movements.
You are required to give an approximately 5 minute live demo to your TA. Failure to show up at
the presentation will result in a zero in the assignment. You will need to schedule your demo with
your TA - they will have details about how your tutorial section demos will run.

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