PA4: LinkRate Virtualization
In this programming assignment, you are to implement linkrate virtualization to support two clients. The
first client schedules packets onto its virtual link using weightedfair queueing (WFQ). The second client
uses firstin firstout (FIFO) scheduling with tokenbucket filter (TBF) to control its transmission rate
and burstiness. The assignment consists of the following graded tasks.
Graded tasks (100 points total)
1. Linkrate virtualization (60 pts)
2. Client 1: Weightedfair queueing (25 pts)
3. Client 2: FIFO with rate control using tokenbucket filter (15 pts)
4. Writeup
The specification of this assignment relies heavily on Labs 7 and 8. The support code for this assigment
consists of the support codes for Labs 7 and 8.
No client management
Ideally, our link virtualization mechanism can support a variable number of clients. For this assignment,
we bake into the code support for only two clients. One way to implement this is by refactoring the imgdb
class in labs 7 and 8 into three classes: a FIFO class, a WFQ class, and an overall imgdb class. Support for
the two clients then simply requires an instantiation of the WFQ class and an instantiation of the FIFO class
within the imgdb class. The provided refimgdb takes a new command line argument ‐f which specifies
the fraction of link bandwidth to assign to client 1. Client 2 is then assigned the remainder of the link
No flowsetup protocol
Ideally, we have a flowsetup protocol to communicate to the link virtualization mechanism the
parameters of each flow, including to which client a flow belongs. Instead, we assume that the client
running the FIFO scheduler can support only one flow. The provided refnetimg has been modified to
allow for flow setup with rate 0 (‐r 0). We use this hack to set up a client 2 flow. When the provided
refimgdb server receives an iqry_t packet with iq_frate set to 0, it automatically rewrites iq_frate to be
the virtual link rate of client 2 and assigns the flow to client 2's FIFO scheduler. Any iqry_t packet with
nonzero iq_frate is assigned to client 1 and is added to the client's WFQ schedule, space permitting.
No idle flow
As in labs 7 and 8, we assume no flow ever goes idle; that is, each flow always has something to send
until the end of transmission.
LinkRate Virtualization
Command line options
On the client side, modify ‐r to accept 0 as a valid argument. On the server side, modify ‐g to accept 1 as
a valid argument and add ‐f to specify client 1's fraction of the link rate.
Flow setup and transmission
In imgdb::handleqry(), if iq_frate of the incoming query packet is 0, set it to client 2's fraction of the
link rate and pass the query along to client 2's FIFO query handler. Otherwise, pass it along to client 1's
WFQ query handler. The FIFO query handler should check whether there's already an active flow in the
FIFO queue. If so, return an imsg_t packet with im_type set to NETIMG_EFULL to the client. Otherwise,
initialize the flow by calling Flow::init() to load the image and setup the necessary tokenbucket filter
variables as in Lab 7. The WFQ query handler can pretty much reuse the flow addition code in Lab 8.
Back in imgdb::handleqry(), if a new flow has been added, update the imgdb::nflow member variable
and start transmissions if the requisite number of flows have been added. (Since client 2's flow doesn't
reserve a rate, we can no longer start transmission based on reserved rates reaching link rate.)
Once all the flows are added, imgdb::sendpkt() is called to transmit the next packet. When packets are
transmitted backtoback, the gap between packet i and packet i+1 is the length of packet i divided by the
transmission rate. Since we assume all flows are active until they cease transmission, we simply alternate
between the flows, sending the packet with the smallest transmission time first. One way to implement
this is to write a FIFO::nextxmission() and a WFQ::nextxmission method that return the amount of time
(in microseconds) until the transmission of the next packet from the FIFO and WFQ respectively.
imgdb::sendpkt() then sleeps for the smaller of the two amounts of time by calling usleep(). Upon
waking up, it sends the packet with the smallest transmission time, by calling WFQ::sendpkt() or
FIFO::sendpkt() as appropriate, update the transmission time of the other client's packet by subtracting
the amount of time spent sleeping, and repeat the whole process. You may want to have a member
variable in the imgdb class to help you track the times until next transmission of both clients. You may
want to initialize this variable and start the process of establishing the next packet to be transmitted in the
imgdb::handleqry function. This is arguably the only "new code" you need to write for PA4. It should be
less than 30 lines total.
The function WFQ::nextxmission() comprises the first half of imgdb::sendpkt() from Lab 8 that calls
Flow::nextFi() and determines the smallest finish time. Once the packet with the smallest finish time has
been selected, compute the transmission time of the packet, in microseconds, given the virtual link rate
(fraction of link rate) given to the WFQ and return it to the caller. FIFO::nextxmission() comprises the
Task 2 portion of imgdb::sendimg() from Lab 7. It may be convenient to call Flow::nextFi from
FIFO::nextxmission() to compute the current segment size even if we don't need to compute any finish
time. Similar to WFQ::nextxmission() compute and return the transmission time, in microseconds, of the
next packet. If the token bucket is empty and we need to accumulate tokens, include this accumulation
time, in microseconds also, in the return value. In this assignment, we assume tokens are accumulated
only when the bucket is empty and during the computed token accumulation time, we don't accumulate
token during transmission time. Finally, both WFQ::sendpkt() and FIFO::sendpkt() are variations on the
second half of imgdb::sendpkt() from Lab 8 that calls Flow::sendpkt() and handles the accounting and
cleanng up once a flow has completed transmission.
You may also want to consult the lecture notes on PA4 walkthrough. Your implementation of the server
must interoperate with the reference implementation of the client.
Testing Your Code
You may want to start by testing your WFQ and FIFO queues separately. Run imgdb with ‐g 1 and
connect a client to it, with ‐r 0 to test the FIFO queue and ‐r non‐zero to test the WFQ.
Running the server with ‐g 2 should allow you to test 2 clients, each getting half of the link
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐s localhost:<port
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐r 0 ‐s localhost:<port
Both flows should complete about the same time. However, specifying a smaller token bucket for
the FIFO flow would let the WFQ flow to complete transmission first:
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐s localhost:<port
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐r 0 ‐w 10 ‐s localhost:<port
If you run the server with ‐g 3 ‐f .67, you can run three clients:
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐r 3430 ‐s localhost:<port
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐r 3430 ‐s localhost:<port
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐r 0 ‐s localhost:<port
and they should all end about the same time. If you run the server with ‐g 4 ‐f .67 and four
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐r 2286 ‐s localhost:<port
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐r 2286 ‐s localhost:<port
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐r 2286 ‐s localhost:<port
% netimg ‐q BlueMarble2004‐08.tga ‐m 10240 ‐r 0 ‐s localhost:<port
the FIFO client should finish first, follow by the other three about the same time. These last
two scenarios show that the FIFO flow received its allocated share of the link bandwidth and
we have successfully virtualized the link rate across two clients.
And that's all the programming assignments for EECS 489. Thank you for taking the course!
Submission Instructions
As with PA1, to incorporate publicly available code in your solution is considered cheating in
this course. To pass off the implementation of an algorithm as that of another is also
considered cheating. If you can not implement a required algorithm, you must inform the
teaching staff when turning in your assignment, e.g., by documenting it in your writeup. As
with PA1, if you have not been able to complete Lab 7 and would like the solution so that you
can complete this assignment, you may choose to forfeit the 15 points associated with it and
obtain a solution from us. Similarly for Lab 8, you can get the solution by forfeiting the 25
points associated with it.
Test your compilation and build on CAEN eecs489 hosts! Your submission must compile and run
without errors on CAEN eecs489 hosts. Code that does not compile on CAEN eecs489 hosts will be
heavily penalized. Your solution must either work with the provided Makefile or you must
provide a Makefile that works on CAEN eecs489 hosts. Don't use any libraries or compiler
options not already used in the provided Makefile, to ensure that we will be able to build
your code for grading. Your code must interoperate with the provided client code.
Create a writeup in text format that discusses:
1. Your platform and its version ‐ Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows.
2. Anything about your implementation that is noteworthy.
3. Feedback on the assignment.
4. Name the file writeup‐uniqname.txt.
For example, the person with uniqname tarukmakto would create writeup‐tarukmakto.txt.
Your "PA3 files" then consists of your writeup‐uniqname.txt and your source codes.
To turn in your PA4:
1. Submit the SHA1's of your PA4 files on the CTools Assignments page. Once you've sent in
your SHA1's, don't make any more changes to the files, or your SHA1's will become
2. Upload your PA4 files by pointing your web browser to Course folder and navigate to your
pa4 folder under your uniqname. Or you can scp the files to your pa4 folder on IFS:
This path is accessible from any machine you've logged into using your ITCS (umich.edu)
password. Please report any problems to ITCS.
3. Keep your own backup copy! Don't make any more changes to the files once you've submitted
your final SHA1's.
The timestamp of your SHA1 submission on CTools' Assignments page will be your time of
submission. If this is past the deadline, your submission will be considered late. You are
allowed multiple "submissions" without late‐policy implications as long as you respect the
deadline. CTools keeps only your last submission.
Do NOT turn in an archival (.zip or .tgz) file, instead please turn in your solution files
individually. Turn in ONLY the files you have modified. Do not turn in support code we
provided that you haven't modified. Do not turn in any binary files (object files,
executables, or images) with your assignment.
Do remove all printf()'s or cout's and cerr's and any other logging statements you've added
for debugging purposes. You should debug using a debugger, not with printf()'s. If we can't
understand the output of your code, you will get zero point.
The General Advice section from PA1 applies. Please review it if you haven't read it or would
like to refresh your memory.