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Parallel Programming Homework #2

CSE613: Parallel Programming
Homework #2

Task 1. [ 100 Points ] Parallel Sorting.
(a) [ 25 + 25 Points ] Implement the following two parallel sorting algorithms:
• randomized quicksort (slides 2–18, lecture 8), and
• radix sort with ranking by counting sort (slides 13–17, lecture 10).
(b) [ 10 Points ] In order to avoid the overhead of recursion in your randomized quicksort
implementation do not recurse down to inputs of size 1. Instead, you should stop recursing
at some suitable input size m (≥ 1) and switch to a serial iterative sorting algorithm, e.g.,
insertion sort, that is known to perform well on small inputs. Let’s assume for simplicity that
both n and m are powers of 2, and m ≥ 32. First, find the largest value n
0 of n such that
sorting n
integers with m = 32 using your parallel quicksort implementation takes less than
15 seconds on average (average of 3 runs). Now keeping n fixed at n
0 find the value m0 of m
that gives you the smallest running time for your quicksort implementation. Produce a table
or a graph showing how the running time varies as you change m.
(c) [ 20 Points ] Find the largest integer r such that both your sorting implementations take
less than 2 minutes to sort n = 2r
integers when only one processing core is used. Use
the optimized m value from part (a) for your quicksort implementation. Now produce a
plot showing the running times of both your implementations for n = 2r when you vary the
number of processing cores p from 1 to the maximum number of available cores.
(d) [ 20 Points ] Produce a plot showing the running times of both your implementations using
all processing cores when you vary n from m to 2r
. Use only powers of 2 for n.
Task 2. [ 100 Points ] Parallel MST.
(a) [ 25 + 25 Points ] Implement the two randomized parallel MST algorithms where priority
concurrent write is simulated using:
• radix sort with ranking by counting sort (slides 13–21, lecture 10), and
• binary search (slides 22–38, lecture 10).
In both cases use your quicksort implementation from task 1 for the initial sorting of the
edges by weight.
(b) [ 25 Points ] Create a table that compares the running times of the two MST implementations
using all cores. For each input file (in Appendix 1) create a separate row in the table showing
the running times of both algorithms.
(c) [ 25 Points ] Generate a strong scalability plot (see slide 19 of lecture 2) for each of the two
implementations using the Live Journal graph (see Appendix 1) as input.
APPENDIX 1: Input/Output Format for Task 2
Your code must read from standard input and write to standard output.
– Input Format: The first line of the input will contain two integers giving the number of
vertices (n) and the number of edges (m), respectively. Each of the next m lines will contain
two integers u and v (1 ≤ u, v ≤ n) and a nonnegative floating point number w denoting an
undirected edge of weight w between vertices u and v.
– Output Format: The first line of the output will contain a floating point number c giving
the total cost of the MST. Each of the next n − 1 lines will contain an MST edge specified
by its two end points (i.e., two integers) and the weight (i.e., a floating point number).
– Sample Input/Output: /work/01905/rezaul/CSE613/HW2/samples on Stampede2.
– Test Input/Output (Table 1): /work/01905/rezaul/CSE613/HW2/turn-in on Stampede2.
Graph Description n m
as-skitter Internet topology graph, from traceroutes run daily in 2005 1.7M 11M
ca-AstroPh Collaboration network of Arxiv Astro Physics 18.7K 396K
com-amazon Amazon product network 334K 925K
com-dblp DBLP collaboration network 317K 1M
com-friendster Friendster online social network 65M 1.8B
com-lj LiveJournal online social network 4M 34M
com-orkut Orkut online social network 3M 117M
roadNet-CA Road network of California 2M 2.7M
roadNet-PA Road network of Pennsylvania 1M 1.5M
roadNet-TX Road network of Texas 1.4M 1.9M
Table 1: Input graphs with #vertices (n) and #edges (m).
APPENDIX 2: What to Turn in
One compressed archive file (e.g., zip, tar.gz) containing the following items.
– Source code, makefiles and job scripts.
– A PDF document containing all answers and plots.
– Output generated for the input files in /work/01905/rezaul/CSE613/HW2/turn-in/ on Stampede2. If the name of the input file is xxxxx-in.txt, please name the output files as
xxxxx-MST-sort-out.txt and xxxxx-MST-search-out.txt for MST algorithms where priority concurrent write is simulated using radix sort with ranking by counting sort and binary
search, respectively.
APPENDIX 3: Things to Remember
– Please never run anything that takes more than a minute or uses multiple cores
on login nodes. Doing so may result in account suspension. All runs must be submitted as
jobs to compute nodes (even when you use Cilkview or PAPI).
– Please store all data in your work folder ($WORK), and not in your home folder ($HOME).
– When measuring running times please exclude the time needed for reading the input and
writing the output. Measure only the time needed by the algorithm.

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