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Part A - coding ExpressionTree

Part A - coding
1. Write a method called inToTree of ExpressionTree class which takes a
string of infix expression (fully parenthesized), resets the root of the
expression tree to such tree which constructed from the expression. The root
set to null of the expression contains characters other than value, operator,
and parenthesis or if it’s not an in-fix full parenthesized expression. You
may assume each value is single digit only.
 public void inToTree(String expression){
You may use a JCF Deque class as a stack to keep track of the parenthesis.
It may call other helper method like recursive function that takes a string
and return a binary tree node, if it calls, you have to write such method.
Extra Credit:
Write the expression tree constructor which takes an algebraic expression
(infix but non-fully parenthesized expression) and construct the tree.
 public ExprTree(String expression){
2. Write a print method of ExpressionTree class which print the expression in
fully parenthesized infix. If it calls isLeaf method, then you should finish
such method.
 public void print();
3. Write levelOrder method of Tree class method which starts at the root of a
tree and prints all elements of the tree in level-order (in one line).
 public void levelOrder();
It may call a private levelOrder method which takes a queue of nodes waiting
to be printed. If so, please implement the following method as well.
private void levelOrder(List<TreeNode<E>>)
Extra Credit: Write a general Tree class method which takes another tree, and
check whether the parameter tree that starting at root is a subtree of
current tree.
public boolean isSubTree(Tree);
Submit: Please download the given assignment ExpressionTree
Change the file and class name to include your initials at the end. eg, if your name is John Smith, please
change the file to A2ExpressionTreeSJ and include your name at the very top of the program as
Email your java file to Write CS313, section number (26-Tue/Thu 12:15 class,
37-Tue/Thu 6:30 class, 51-Fri 1:40 class), time of the class, your name, and A2 in the subject line of your
Part B – written (Submit as an pdf file, or hand-in in class.)
1. Consider following tree
 / \
 B C
 / \ \
 D E F
 / \ /
 G H I
a. What is the height of the tree?
b. What is the height of node E?
c. What is the depth of the node E?
d. What is the output of post-order traversal?
e. What is the output of in-order traversal?
2. Consider following pre-order expression, draw the expression tree.
2. Consider following post-order expression, draw the expression tree.
3. Draw the following math algorithm as expression tree.
(3-(5+1) – 2) * (2+3*6) / 3
4. Consider following function, it should remove even values in list,
public static void removeEven(List<Integer> list){
 for (int i : list){
 if (i % 2 == 0) list.remove(i);
Does this one work? If not, write the statement that doesn’t work.

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