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Phase I: Lexical Analysis

Computer Engineering 175
Phase I: Lexical Analysis
Polonius: “What do you read, my lord?”
Hamlet: “Words, words, words.”
Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II
1 Overview
In this assignment, you will use flex to generate a scanner for the Simple C language. This assignment is worth
10% of your project grade. Your program is due at 11:59 pm, Sunday, January 15th.
2 Lexical Structure
The following points summarize the lexical rules for Simple C:
• spaces, tabs, newlines, and other whitespace are ignored
• comments are surrounded by /* and */ and may not include a */
• an identifier consists of a letter or underscore followed by optional letters, underscores, and digits; a letter is
one of a, b, . . . , z, A, B, . . . , Z; a digit is one of 0, 1, . . . , 9
• keywords are auto, break, case, char, const, continue, default, do, double, else, enum, extern, float,
for, goto, if, int, long, register, return, short, signed, sizeof, static, struct, switch, typedef,
union, unsigned, void, volatile, and while; keywords may not be used as identifiers
• an integer consists of one or more decimal digits
• a string consists of zero or more characters enclosed in double quotes (" . . .") and may not contain a newline
or a double quote unless the quote is immediately preceded by a backslash
• a character consists of one or more characters enclosed in single quotes (’ . . .’) and may not contain a newline or a single quote unless the quote is immediately preceded by a backslash
• operators are =, ||, &&, |, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, +, -, *, /, %, &, !, ++, --, ->, (, ), [, ], {, }, ;, :, ., and ,
• any other character is illegal
3 Assignment
You will use flex to generate a lexical analyzer for Simple C. The analyzer is specified as a series of rules written
as pattern-action pairs. Each pattern is specified as a regular expression. An action consists of arbitrary C++ code.
If a pattern is matched, the action is executed. For example, the following rule would match and ignore common
whitespace characters:
[ \t\n\v\f]+ { /* do nothing */ }
The pattern with the longest possible match is used. If multiple patterns match strings of the same length, then
the first such pattern is used. Therefore, the rule for identifiers should come after the rules for keywords:
while { /* keyword matched */ }
[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* { /* identifier matched */ }
The rule file is processed by flex to produce a C/C++ file that when compiled reads from standard input by
default, so no change is necessary. Upon recognizing a lexical construct, your scanner will indicate what it has
recognized to the standard output (i.e., std::cout) as follows:
• ignored and illegal constructs produce no output
• keywords are indicated as keyword keyword
• identifiers are indicated as identifier identifier
• integers are indicated as integer literal
• strings are indicated as string literal
• characters are indicated as character literal
• operators and other valid symbols are indicated as operator text
For example, the input string int x; consists of three tokens: a keyword, an identifier, and an operator. Therefore the output would consist of three lines: keyword int, identifier x, and operator ;. Your program will
only be given lexically correct programs as input. However, it is strongly advised that you should test your program against lexically incorrect programs as a way of finding errors in your implementation.
4 Hints
Place each keyword on its own line as flex can be fussy about breaking a long regular expression across lines. For
some tokens, you will need to escape characters such as quotes that otherwise have special meaning:
\"(...)*\" { /* string matched */ }
A string or character cannot contain a newline character. They can however contain \n (two characters consisting of a backslash followed by the lowercase letter n), which is an escape sequence used to represent a newline
character, just as \t is an escape sequence used to represent a tab character.
You will find it very difficult to write a regular expression to recognize a comment. Instead, it is easier to implement a scanner by hand. To do this, you will need to have an action that is executed upon seeing the beginning of
a comment. You will then consume input characters checking for the end of the comment. To do this, you can use
yyinput() to read a character and (optionally) yyunput(int c) to put back a character onto the input stream.

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