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PPM Image Transformations

PPM Image Transformations
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able:
1. To develop, compile, run and test C programs in a Linux environment
2. To navigate Linux command lines reliably
The mechanisms you will practice using include:
 Linux command lines: manual pages, Linux commands
 C Programming: structs, pointers, memory allocation, getopt
Program Specification
ppmcvt – convert ppm files
ppmcvt [bg:i:r:smt:n:o:] file
ppmcvt manipulates input Portable Pixel Map (PPM) files and outputs a new
image based on its given options. Only one option that specifies a
transformation can be used at a time.
In the synopsis, options followed by a ‘:’ expect a subsequent parameter.
The options are:
convert input file to a Portable Bitmap (PBM) file. (DEFAULT)
convert input file to a Portable Gray Map (PGM) file using the specified
max grayscale pixel value [1-65535].
isolate the specified RGB channel. Valid channels are “red”, “green”, or
remove the specified RGB channel. Valid channels are “red”, “green”,
or “blue”.
apply a sepia transformation
vertically mirror the first half of the image to the second half
reduce the input image to a thumbnail based on the given scaling
factor [1-8].
tile thumbnails of the input image based on the given scaling factor [1-
write output image to the specified file. Existent output files will be
ppmcvt exits 0 on success and 1 on failure.
ppmcvt -o out.pbm in.ppm
read in.ppm PPM file and write converted PBM file to out.pbm
ppmcvt -g 16 -o out.pgm in.ppm
convert the PPM image in.ppm to a PGM image in out.pgm
ppmcvt -s -o out.ppm in.ppm
apply a sepia transformation to the PPM image in in.ppm and output
the new image to out.ppm
ppmcvt -n 4 -o out.ppm in.ppm
tile 4 1:4-scaled (quarter-sized) thumbnails of the image in in.ppm into
a new PPPM image in out.ppm.
ppmcvt should print to the standard error output stream exactly the
specified line and then exit under the following circumstances:
"Usage: ppmcvt [-bgirsmtno] [FILE]\n": malformed command line
"Error: Invalid channel specification: (%s); should be 'red', 'green' or 'blue'\
"Error: Invalid max grayscale pixel value: %s; must be less than 65,536\n"
"Error: Invalid scale factor: %d; must be 1-8\n"
"Error: No input file specified\n"
"Error: No output file specified\n"
"Error: Multiple transformations specified\n"
(File errors are handled for you by the provided pbm library.)
Implementation and Submission Details
You must implement ppmcvt according to the specifications given above. You
are given skeleton files, ppmcvt.c and pbm_aux.c, in which to place your
solution code. You may add helper functions to these files as you see fit.
You should do your testing from within you “priv” directory.
- Create an empty subdirectory, and copy pbm.c, pbm.h, and Makefile
from /home/cs350002/share/labs/lab0 to it.
- DO NOT ALTER those files
- copy Your ppmcvt.c and ppm_aux.c into that directory
- typing make should compile your ppmcvt for testing.
-you can test your ppmcvt against the reference ppmcvt provided.
There are some sample image files in the Image directory.
Start off with the small samples. You can also create your
own samples and even share with classmates.
When you are ready to submit create the lab0 subdirectory of cs350
(ie /home/YOURID/cs350/lab0) and copy ONLY your ppmcvt.c and pbm_aux.c
The PBM Library (partially provided)
The given PBM library (pbm.h and pbm.c) does the following:
1. Defines structs for PBM, PGM and PPM image types;
2. Defines I/O routines to read/write the images from/to PBM, PGM and
PPM files.
a. (Note: The read routine does not handle image files with
embedded comments.)
3. Declares memory allocation/deallocation routines for PBM, PGM and
PPM structs.
a. You must implement these routines in pbm_aux.c.
Image File Formats
PPM, PGM and PBM files are simple (and inefficient) ASCII text file image
formats comprising a small header followed by integer values that represent
each pixel in the image. Wikipedia has a good description here:
Image Transformations
Your program should produce exactly the same output images as mine. My
program uses floating point arithmetic for all intermediate calculations then
converts the resulting floats to integers as appropriate.
To compute black and white bits from RGB pixels use:
Average( R+G+B)<PPMMax /2
To compute grayscale pixels from RGB pixels use:
Average (R+G+B)
For all pixels, set all but the specified “red”, “green” or “blue” channel to
For all pixels, set the specified “red”, “green” or “blue” channel to 0.
For the sepia transformation, compute RGB pixels as follows:
NewR=0.393 (OldR)+0.769 (OldG)+0.189 x (OldB)
NewG=0.349 (OldR)+0.686 (OldG)+0.168 x (OldB)
NewB=0.272 (OldR)+0.534 (OldG)+0.131 x (OldB)
Vertically reflect the left half of the image onto the right half.
The height and width of the output thumbnail should be 1/n the height and
width of the original image, respectively, where n is the input scale factor.
Shrink the input image simply by outputting every nth pixel in both
dimensions starting with the first.
Tile n 1/n scale thumbnails, where n is the input scale factor. The output
image should be the same size of the input image.
Requirements and Constraints
This assignment aims to make you familiar with some ‘C’ programming
basics. As such, we impose several requirements and constraints on your
1. You may not modify pbm.h nor pbm.c: you will not submit these files.
We will compile your solutions using our original versions of these files.
2. You must use getopt() to process your program’s command line
3. You must use the provided pbm library (described below)
4. You may use only the following library or helper functions:
a. C Memory Allocation: malloc(), realloc(), calloc(),
b. Command line parsing: getopt()
c. Other: fprintf(), strtol(), strcmp(), exit()
d. PBM library
5. Intermediate storage: You must use dynamically allocated memory to
store any intermediary image data. That is, you may not create
temporary image files nor use static arrays (for example, int
image[MAXHEIGHT][MAXWIDTH]). Instead, you should create an array
like: int **image and dynamically allocate the precise memory
needed depending on the image size.
6. You must free dynamically allocated memory immediately when no
longer needed.

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