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Practical 2 Command Shell and Shell Scripts

CS240 Operating Systems, Communications and Concurrency 
Practical 2 Command Shell and Shell Scripts
Last week’s practical introduced the Unix environment through the Cygwin package for
Windows. We covered some basic commands, how to open an editor to create files and
programs and how to navigate the file system by creating and moving files between
directories. We noted how to find and set your current directory as you move up and down
the file name space from the root ‘/’ to your cs240 directory ‘/home/username/cs240’.
There are two ways to interact with the operating system, either by using a windows oriented
graphical user interface(GUI such as Gnome) or by using a command interpreter program
called a shell. When navigating the file system, organising files and launching applications it
is probably easier to use the mouse and GUI. The purpose of the GUI is to make the system
easy to use, but the kinds of things you can do with it are limited to what appears in its
menubars and drop down boxes.
When you interact with the operating system through the Command Shell, although typing
text based commands is more cumbersome, it may be more powerful because you can tailor
the commands, extend them and compose them with others to do custom tasks as well as
being more in control of where the input and output for those tasks is sourced and directed.
The shell is a command interpreter program which has its own mini-language, allowing the
user to execute commands, and redirect input and output to those commands and link
commands together to create more complex functions. There are a few alternate shell
programs, which may use different command syntax, but we are going to use a shell program
called the “bash” shell which uses the “$” prompt character where user input is expected.
We will look at how we can put a series of commands for the shell into an executable file
known as a shell script, so that we can execute a complex series of commands simply by
executing that single script file under the control of the shell.
The shell is an interactive user interface program which interprets your commands according
to a specific syntax and communicates with the operating system to create processes to
execute them.
Remember when using the Cygwin/Unix environment the online manual is available to
explain the details of any unix commands and the parameters taken by them.
man <command>
You can exit the online manual by typing ‘q’ at any time.
Write out the commands you use as you are going along if you want to make additional
1. Start GNOME Desktop
Start the GNOME Flashback desktop application from the Windows Start menu under the
folder Cygwin-X.
When the GNOME desktop is ready, launch an XTerm application from the
Applications/System Tools menu.
2. The Shell Program
The shell program reads from a single input stream and writes to a single output stream (by
default the input stream is the keyboard and the output stream is the xterminal window
associated with the shell). If you have an xterminal window open and a $ prompt displayed
then a bash shell is running waiting for user keyboard input. Keyboard input is read and
echoed to the Xterminal window by the bash program so you can see what you type.
The ‘ps’ command gives you a listing of running processes. Type ps
The list shows many processes associated with the graphical interface as well as your user
Use the mouse scroll wheel to scroll the Xterminal window back to where the list of
processes begins and you can see the header information for each column. Your list will look
Each process has a process id(PID), and a parent process id (PPID). Some processes are
attached to Xterminals like process 1730 above which is attached to pty0. On the right, we
see the executable commands which caused their creation.
Note that to execute a command, the shell 'forks' a separate child process, to execute that
command, and then waits until the child process terminates. When the command is
completed, the child process exits and the shell process resumes by redisplaying the “$”
You can terminate a process at any time by sending it a terminate signal if you know its PID,
for example the bash process in the list above has PID = 1730.
3. Terminating processes
Find the PID of a bash process in your list of processes.
The type the command
kill -9 PID
where PID is the number of the process you want to terminate. The kill utility sends a signal
to a process, the parameter signal -9 indicates that the receiving process should terminate.
Don’t do this willy nilly or your system will stop working.
You may notice your Xterminal window closed when you killed the bash process. If so, you
can start a new Xterminal (as done in step 1 earlier).
You can also terminate a shell process by entering CTRL-D (i.e. press CTRL key and d
together). This indicates an end of input condition on the input stream and so the command
interpreter of the shell cannot continue. Try entering CTRL-D now. What happened? You can
open a new shell terminal window under the applications/accessories menu using the GUI.
4. Creating a Shell Script File
A Unix shell script is simply a list of one or more Unix shell commands contained in a file
which may be executed by a shell program. This saves us having to retype complex
commands which we may create for routine tasks. A script can be used to customise an
existing command or to create new more complex and more powerful commands by
combining existing ones, using communication pipes, as needed.
Make cs240 your current directory using cd /home/username/cs240
Create a directory p2 within cs240 and make p2 your current directory.
Put the command “echo hello world” into a file called script1 using an editor like gedit and
save it in your p2 directory
Alternatively to using an editor, you can use the shell echo command and output redirection
symbol as shown below:-
echo 'echo hello world' > script1
The echo command usually writes its parameter to the xterminal window. In this case
however, we are telling the shell to redirect the output from the echo command to go to a file
called script1. So a new file called script1 will now exist with the line 'echo hello world'
inside it.
Open the script1 file using gedit, nano or type cat script1 to display the contents of this file
in the shell’s window. Note that the file can be used as the basis of a shell script because it
contains a valid utility command (echo) and a parameter to be echoed (hello world).
What happens when you enter the command script1 at the shell prompt $?
You may get a command not found error because your current directory is not in the
command search path of the shell. $PATH is the name of the shell’s environment variable
where the search path is configured. Everytime you type a command at the shell, it searches
the directories listed in $PATH in the order in which they are listed. If your current directory
is not listed, the shell will not search it for the commands in it. You can review the current
path settings with the command:-
echo $PATH
If you get a command not found error then you need to specify more explicitly the name of
the file you wish to run by supplying a full path name or a more qualified relative path name.
Type ./script1 at the prompt.
This tells the shell that you want to run the file script1 located in the current directory.
So the shell now should have found your file but noticed that you do not have permission to
execute the file script1. – Permission denied
5. File Access Permissions
In Unix a file can have 3 types of access namely read, write and execute (rwx).
If you type the command
ls -l
The long directory listing option -l will show you the access permissions of each file in your
cs240 directory.
script1 currently has r and w access only for its owner.
Give yourself execute permission on the file script1 by typing
chmod +x script1
This changes the mode (chmod) in which you and your processes can access the file.
Type the command ls -l again to see the difference to the permissions.
Now that you have execute permission, run it in the current shell by typing
The addition of further commands to the script will not cause the execute permission of the
file script1 to change.
Add the date command to the file script1 by typing echo 'date' >> script1
The >> symbol indicates to the shell that output of the echo command is to be appended to
file script1. Alternatively, just add the date command to the script using the gedit editor.
Note, when your editor shows a * next to the name of the file script1 it means you haven’t
saved the file.
Type cat script1 to see the contents of it, when it has been saved.
Now run script1 and note the change in output. ./script1
6. Background Processes
The ampersand character & can be used to tell the shell to run commands concurrently with
the shell program (i.e. not to wait until child processes terminate before accepting new
commands). The commands execute in the background and status information about
background processes (e.g. initialisation and termination) is passed to the parent shell and
displayed on its current output stream. This allows us to have a number of programs running
at once, and we still have the facility to enter Unix commands at the original shell prompt
while they are running.
Open two new Xterminals by entering the following command in your existing terminal
xterm & a new terminal window appears
xterm & a new terminal window appears
Note that the original bash shell prompt remains for us to continue launching other processes
in the original window. Now close the original Xterm window by clicking the x in top right.
Notice how by killing that bash shell, it also resulted in the child xterminals also being killed.
7. Install the words dictionary file
In order to do the next exercise, we need to download the words file from the moodle
Practical Material folder. words is a standard text file on unix systems which simply consists
of a list of dictionary words, one per line. Move words from your web browser downloads
folder into your cygwin cs240/p2 folder using Windows file explorer as shown.
8. Using the grep string pattern matching utility
We are going to use the Unix grep utility to create a more complex shell script. The grep
program searches for text patterns in named files or in the standard input if no files are given.
The text patterns to match are indicated by regular expression arguments to grep. Without
options, grep prints each line in the input stream that contains a text pattern that matches the
given expression. Various options can alter this behaviour.
As an example, get a process listing use the command:-
Now get a process listing showing only lines containing the text pty0 with the command:-
ps | grep pty0
Make /home/username/cs240 your current directory. The output of the second
command below will depend on whether you correctly followed the instructions of last
week’s practical. Substitute your own username in place of username below.
What is the output of grep quick /home/username/cs240/p2/words
What is the output of grep file p1/text/*
The first parameter to grep is the regular expression or string pattern to be matched and the
second parameter is the path to the file words, that is to be searched for that pattern.
Some elements which may be included in the regular expression are defined to have the
following meaning: (They are just included here for later reference.)
^ beginning of a line
$ end of a line
. match any single character
So for example if you wanted to find all 6 letter words beginning with b at the start of the line
and ending with n with nothing following on the line you would use the command:-
grep ^b....n$ /home/username/cs240/p2/words
Try it, using your own username.
Some valid flag options to the grep command are listed below. Use the man command for
entire list.
-c Produce a count of lines rather than the lines themselves.
-l List the names of the files that contain text patterns matching the expression.
-n Print the line number (from the input file) for each match.
-v Print lines that don't contain text matching the expression rather than lines that do.
-i Ignore case distinction in the search string
grep -c ^b....n$ /home/username/cs240/p2/words
gives 28 as the number of 6 letter words beginning with b and ending with n
9. I/O Redirection
Make p2 your current directory cd /home/username/cs240/p2
One of the main features of the Unix environment is the ease with which input/output to and
from commands/processes may be redirected. The output from any command executed on the
command line can simply be redirected to a file by placing > filename after the command.
The following will put all words beginning with q into a file called temp instead of displaying
them on the screen.
grep -i ^q /home/username/cs240/p2/words > temp
The –i flag tells grep to ignore upper/lowercase distictions, the output of grep is to be
redirected into a file called temp.
cat temp Display contents of temp to standard output.
10. Formatting and Controlling Output for User
The pr utility is used to paginate or columnate files for printing.
pr -4 temp Print the lines of file temp in four columns to standard output
Try it. Use the mousewheel to scroll back the Xterm window to see three pages worth of
Notice a lot of blank lines at the end of the last output page which were generated by pr
during processing.
11. Connecting processes using Pipes
A pipe is a one way communication channel between two processes. The shell pipe symbol '|'
indicates that the output stream of one command is to be used as an input stream to another
more is a utility that reads from a single input stream (e.g a file) and writes to a single output
stream (e.g. the shell window). It only writes one screen at a time and then waits for the space
bar to be pressed before displaying the next screen. Press ‘q’ to exit more at any time.
We join the output of the print in 4 columns utility to the input of the more utility with the
pr -4 temp | more We can now read temp easily in four columns.
Press the space bar to move to the next page of output from this command.
Notice the blank lines at the end of the output which were generated by pr during processing.
How could these blank lines be eliminated from the output of pr?
Given that the regular expression for a blank line is ^$, you could pipe the output from pr
into grep to eliminate the blank lines and then pipe the resulting output into more using the
command below:-
pr -4 temp | grep -v ^$ | more
The -v option tells grep to not print any lines that match the blank line expression.
12. Exercise
Derive a command (using grep) to search the user word dictionary
(/home/username/cs240/p2/words) for all words ending with the string 'hell'.
Test your command and then, using an editor place the command (not the output) into a file
called script2. Save the file in directory /home/username/cs240/p2
Make script2 executable using chmod +x script2
Then execute the command
./script2 > scriptout
The list of words ending with ‘hell’ is put into a file called
scriptout in our current directory p2.
When done type
cat scriptout
to see the results.
13. Arguments to Shell Scripts
We can pass arguments to our shell scripts by using the shell variables $1, $2, …, $9 within
our script. These variables are replaced by string arguments given to a shell script on the
command line when it is invoked.
For example, using gedit create a file called script3 in your p2 directory
containing the text echo $1
Make script3 executable
chmod +x script3
Run it by typing ./script3 hello
Now type ./script3 there
Explain what you observe?
Whatever string value we give on the command line to script3 is passed into the script as the
value of variable $1. So the command echo $1 prints the value of the command line argument
given to the script.
14. Script Programming Problem 1
The du utility (disk usage) gives the number of kilobytes contained in all files and directories
in the specified path and operates recursively on directories contained within that path. See
the online manual for details. It will provide a line of output containing the file name and
other information for each file it comes across in the given search path.
Try du -a *
The parameter * indicates all files in the current directory and is the default. What does the -a
flag do (look in the manual)?
Use the du and grep utilities, pipes and
shell variables to write a script called
filefind which will search for a given file
(supplied as a parameter and accessible as
$1 within the script) starting at the home
directory. Use du to traverse the filesystem
from the top of the home directory “du -a
/home” and then pipe its input into grep to
search for a given filename string and only
output lines that contain that string.
Make filefind an executable script. When
done try to find all files containing ‘scr’ in their filename. ./filefind scr
So now you have made a new command by composing simpler commands together. This was
the objective of the practical, to show you the power and flexibility of Unix I/O and to show
how the command interpreter interface can sometimes be more powerful than a GUI.
15 Script Programming
Problem 2
Write a script called
xword which scans the
dictionary file to match a
word outline (as in
hangman style) and
generates all matches of
words of equal length to
the search string and then
prints the output to the
screen in the number of
columns specified, without any blank lines. This is a useful script for solving crosswords.
Example: xword b..m.. 5 should give
xword b..... 5
The words should appear in five columns occupying about 3 pages.
16. Summary of things you should be able to understand and do at the end of this lab:-
Know the advantage of a command line interface over a GUI
See what processes are running and how to terminate them
Understand how to run processes concurrently (in the background) with the shell using &
Understand how the shell finds commands in the filesystem using $PATH
Understand the purpose of the grep, pr, more and cat command/utilities
Know how to create a shell script and make it executable and how to pass arguments to the
Know how to redirect process input and output streams and how to create applications by
composition of processes, i.e. joining processes with pipes
Be able to apply the above to write the shell scripts which solve the two problems at the end
17. What to submit on moodle
A single screenshot of your Gnome desktop showing two Xterminal windows. Save the
screenshot as a fullsized .png file using Paint or equivalent and submit on moodle.
One window showing the list of files in /home/username/cs240/p2
The other showing the contents of the five scripts you created during this practical.
Your username in the top right.
It must be readable.

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