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Practical 3 Basic I/O Programming in Unix

Practical 3 Basic I/O Programming in Unix
The first two practicals were intended to help you become familiar with the Unix
operating system environment. This included a presentation of basic commands,
filespace navigation, and using editor programs like nano and gedit.
You should be able to answer these ten quick questions:-
1. How do you get a list of all processes running on your computer?
2. What symbols are used to represent:- 1) the root directory; 2) your home
directory; and 3) the current directory?
3. What is $PATH ?
4. How do you get the full pathname of your current directory?
5. What is a command shell program?
6. How do you run a command in parallel with the shell process so that the
shell is not blocked from accepting further commands while that command
is running, for example if you wanted to run gedit and still be able to enter
shell commands while gedit was open?
7. How do you tell the shell to redirect the output of a process to a file instead
of displaying it on the screen?
8. How do you tell the shell that it should connect the output of one process
to become the input of another process?
9. What is a shell script?
10. How do you pass arguments to a script?
Using Operating System Functions
You have already implicitly created processes, done I/O and interprocess
communication in Unix by simply typing commands to the shell in earlier practicals.
The shell’s job is to identify and load the binary images listed in your command from
the file system by using the $PATH environment variable, and to automatically create
a new process in the system to execute each program listed in your command. The
shell also automatically sets the input and output devices for each process that it
creates either by default or according to other specifications in your command.
So if you type “du –a ~” to see the disk block usage of files in your home
directory tree, the shell creates a new process and the binary image of “du” is loaded
into it and the process inherits the input and output devices of the shell by default (the
keyboard and xterminal text window) as no other instructions are included. So the
output is displayed in the shell’s window while the shell waits for the “du” process to
end. When it is finished, the shell puts out the $ prompt to indicate that it is ready to
accept more commands.
If you submit the command “du -a ~ | grep myfile”, the shell will
create two concurrent processes and it will change the standard output stream of the
“du” process to be connected to the standard input stream of the “grep” process
through a pipe mechanism. The “du” process therefore does not output anything to
the xterminal window but all its output is instead sent to the “grep” process. The
“grep” process reads this input searching for the string “myfile” and outputs any
lines, which contain that string, to the shell’s xterminal window. So the shell’s
command syntax hides all that complexity of doing process creation and
handling pipe stream communication between processes and I/O redirection.
One of the tasks of an operating system is to make the system easier to use and the
shell fulfills that objective to some extent in this way.
Purpose of Forthcoming Practicals
In the next set of labs, we want to show how we can explicitly make these kinds of
system calls in programs, giving you more of an insight into how the shell program
itself works and how to write more flexible programs that use operating system calls
to use I/O devices and how to create other processes explicitly to communicate and
exchange data in different ways.
The C language will be used in some of these practicals to demonstrate some Unix
features. Although you may have no experience with C, it is very similar in basic
syntax to Java (Java syntax was derived from it) and should present no problems to
you in terms of understanding and reading the code. C is a procedural language rather
than an Object Oriented Language which means that a program is described by a
collection of functions/routines derived from a system of stepwise refinement of a
sequential algorithm. C functions are like methods within Java objects except they are
not associated with any object structure encapsulating them and only have one
instance within the process. We will present you with explanations of the code you
will see and use. The practical also serves the utility of giving you some experience
with writing and compiling C code so try and look on that as secondary benefit.
The reason we use C and not Java is because the Java language programs are executed
on an implementation of the Java Virtual Machine and not directly on the host
operating system and architecture. C programs are executed directly on the host
operating system and C executable binary files are compiled for and executed directly
by the host architecture. This makes it easier to explain aspects of Unix using example
C programs rather than Java. Doing I/O is a bit awkward in Java as well.
Getting Started with C
Make cs240 your current directory. Create a new directory here called p3 for files
relating to today’s practical. Change your current directory to p3.
Open an editor and create the C program given below and save it as “p3a.c”.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello World\n\n");
The program must now be translated from C to machine code before it can be loaded
as a process and executed. We use a C compiler program to do this and our compiled
code must be linked with any already compiled code from libraries used in our
program all joined together to create a single executable output file. The command
below executes the cc compiler to compile our program file p3a.c and create an output
file called p3a.
To Compile the program and
create the executable file
cc p3a.c -o p3a
The program uses a standard library I/O function (printf) to write out a simple
message to the default output device of the process. To use any of the standard C
language I/O defines and functions you must include the stdio library's header file in
your C programs with the following statement included at the top of the program.
#include <stdio.h>
When the compiler comes across the identifier “printf” it will now know what that
identifier means because its definition is included from the file stdio.h.
The string to be printed by printf contains the escape sequence “\n”. This means to
print a carriage return (new line) to the output. printf is a formatted output function.
The string parameter to be printed contains various formating codes for different types
of data items that are to be printed to screen.
Open an editor and enter the following code saving it as p3b.c
Compile the program and execute it.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
 char name[30];
 int age;
 int n;

 printf("What's your name and age?\n");
 scanf("%s %d", name, &age);
 printf("Hello %s, You are %d years old\n", name, age);
The program defines an array of characters called name and an integer variable called
scanf is a formatted read function, it is being asked to read a sequence of characters
and turn it into a string followed by an integer and to place that data in variables
name and age respectively. We then see a further use of the formatted print
statement printf to print a string of mixed data types to the output.
The first format sequence %s is replaced with the first variable in the list string
‘name’ and the second format sequence %d is replaced with the integer variable age.
Compile the program
cc p3b.c -o
and execute with
Basic I/O Programming in Unix
Before we go on to look at interprocess communication and other operating system
features of Unix, we will first cover a little bit on how a process carries out basic
input/output in Unix.
One of the great strengths of Unix is the consistency with which all input and output
can be performed with a wide variety of I/O objects. I/O Objects, such as files and
communication channels are manipulated in Unix by generic system calls such as
read and write. Each I/O object in use by a process is assigned a number which
identifies an associated system structure known as an I/O descriptor. (See Diagram
below). The number of the I/O object is used by the process as a parameter to system
calls, such as read and write, to enable them identify the I/O object which is to be
manipulated. The I/O descriptor stores information relating to the current state (e.g.
reading position) of its I/O object. All I/O descriptors are stored in a common central
system structure called the system file table.
Each process has its own unique table of pointers, which identify descriptors in the
central system file table, relating to I/O objects which that process has opened for
access. This table is known as a User Descriptor Table above. The index (0..n-1) of
each pointer in the user descriptor table is the number with which the process
identifies each of its n I/O objects.
By default, processes have a standard input stream (e.g. keyboard) and a standard
output stream (e.g. X terminal window). The first two pointers to I/O objects in a user
descriptor table are normally used for this purpose. A third pointer is generally used
as well to indicate the place where system error messages will be written (e.g. X
terminal window also). Entry 0 (stdin) is the default input stream, Entry 1
(stdout) is the default output stream and Entry 2 (stderr) is the default error
output stream.
The standard C functions of the stdio library, printf and scanf use devices
stdout and stdin, respectively, by default. printf is a formatted write function
similar to the println method of a Java PrintStream object. scanf is an
input function.
Write NULL
Descriptor Table System File
Pointers to
inode entries for
terminal (tty)
I/O objects
Read and Write
The read and write system calls are a lower level generic means of performing I/O
than printf and scanf. They are lower level because they require the programmer to
supply extra parameters and parse the characters read and assemble them into
meaningful data. The formatted I/O functions do this automatically making life a bit
easier. On the other hand, reading and writing at the character or byte level has the
benefit of extra flexibility and parsing things the way you want to which makes the
calls more generic for other I/O purposes.
The syntax of the write system call is
write(fd, buffer, count);
where fd is an integer index into the file descriptor table (see earlier diagram), buffer
is the address of a character string and count is the number of bytes of that string to be
written to the device fd.
Compile and run the following C program, as p3c.c
It gives the same output as our first program p3a.c, but uses the write system call
instead of printf:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
char buffer[14]="Hello World\n\n";
write(1, buffer, 13);
Modify the program so that the message is also displayed on the standard error output
stream. Change the file descriptor parameter to that of stderr, i.e. use the parameter 2
in the write function instead of 1.
The program produces output in the same place as the original, i.e to the X terminal,
but output device 2 could be a reconfigured to be a log file or other location instead
where only error messages are sent when the program is interacting with the user.
Note the difference between the printf statement and the lower level write
statement. The write statement requires the programmer to identify the output
device and to specify exactly how many characters to write. The printf statement
always writes to device 1 and writes out the characters of a string from a starting
address (the variable’s name) until the NULL character is reached at the end of the
The syntax of the read system call is as follows:-
nbytes = read(fd, buffer, count);
where fd is an integer index into the file descriptor table, buffer is the address of a
string buffer to be filled and count is the number of bytes to read.
(NB. Make sure the buffer is big enough to store count bytes.)
The read function returns the actual number of bytes read from device 0 (stdin), which
may be less than count if end of input is reached. This value is stored in the variable
nbytes above.
Compile and run the following C program as p3d.c:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
char buffer[10];
int n;
printf("Enter 6 characters\n");
n = read(0, buffer, 6);
printf("%d characters were entered\n", n);
printf("The characters were\n");
write(1, buffer, n);
Open and Close
Entries in the process's descriptor table are changed as the process opens and closes
various I/O objects during its lifetime. For example, the following C program uses the
read function to read from one of the code files we have created earlier, file p3a.c. It
is being opened in read only mode using the flag O_RDONLY.
Notice how the format of the read system call is exactly the same, whether the data
is coming from the keyboard or from a file. We just supply a device number in
variable fd (filedescriptor) as the first parameter.
The following program reads the first line of file p3a.c and writes it to the xterminal
Compile and run this program as p3e.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main()
char buffer[20];
int fd, n;
fd = open("p3a.c",O_RDONLY); // a new entry is made in
the descriptor table pointing to the newly opened file.
n = read(fd, buffer, 18); // read from the opened file
close(fd); // close the file and delete the entry in the
descriptor table for it
printf("%d characters were read from file p3a.c\n", n);
printf("The characters were\n");
write(1, buffer, n);
Explanation of p3e.c
Note we include a header file fcntl.h for file control operations open and close and
the constant RD_ONLY.
After the open system call, a new file table entry is created by the system, indicating
the file is in use by a single process in read only mode and the reading position is at
the start. The next non-NULL entry in the process descriptor table is used to point to
the new file table entry. The open system call would return the value 3 to the process
in this example. File ‘p3a.c’ is subsequently accessed as I/O object 3 after the “open”
call. As the file is open in read only mode, write operations to descriptor 3 would fail.
When a process is finished with an I/O object, be it a file or a communication object,
the close system call is invoked to delete the entry from the user descriptor table.
The entry is reset to NULL and can later be assigned to point to another I/O object.
Furthermore, if no other descriptors in the user tables reference the system's file table
entry for that object, then the file table entry will also be deleted which frees system
resources and forces any pending I/O operations on the object to be completed before
it returns successfully.
NULL Write
Descriptor Table
System File
Pointers to
inode entries for
terminal (tty)
I/O objects
Pointer to
inode for File
Exercise – Create and compile this exercise as p3f.c
The cat utility in Unix displays the contents of a given file on the text window.
Write your own program to do this in C as follows:
The program should ask the user for the name of the file to be printed and read in the
user’s response using scanf.
The program should then open that file.
The program should then read the entire file of text in blocks of 10 characters and
write this to standard output using the byte level read and write functions below.
The program should then close the file and terminate.
Note that when there are no more characters available, the last call to function read
will return a count less than 10. You can use a do-while loop which tests for this
condition to decide when to terminate.
do {
n=read(fd, buffer, 10); /*Read 10 chars from file*/
write(1, buffer, n); /*Write chars to text terminal*/
 } while (n==10); /* keep reading until n < 10 */
What to submit on moodle
A single screenshot showing your last four C programs and a directory listing of your
cs240/p3 directory. Also include your cygwin name/machine name in the screenshot.
It must be readable so don’t compress, save as .png file.

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