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Practical 4 – Vector Drawing

CS5001 Object-Oriented Modelling, Design and
Practical 4 – Vector Drawing

MMS is the definitive source for deadlines and weightings.
In this practical you are required to write a simple vector graphics drawing program using
Java Swing. Your program should use either the Model–View–Controller (MVC) or the Model–
Delegate (MD) design pattern. You should use JUnit to test your Model, and you should include
these tests in your submission.
At a minimum, your program should support the following feature requirements:
Basic requirements
• Drawing straight lines
• Drawing rectangles
• Drawing ellipses
• Drawing diagonal crosses (see the figure below)
• Undo/redo
• Different colours
A very good implementation of these basic requirements could award up to a 17. For higher
grades, you should implement one or more of the following:
Advanced requirements
• Support for drawing squares and circles. One way of implementing this feature would be
using a key (say the Shift key) to lock aspect ratio during the drawing of rectangles and
• Add several more shapes: triangles, parallelograms, hexagons, etc.
• Load and save vector drawings in a format that permits them to be manipulated as vector
drawings after loading.
• Select a previously drawn object and change its location, colour or size.
• Add Murray polygons (look on the floor next time you walk into the Jack Cole building!)
• Use networking to allow two people to work on a single drawing collaboratively.
A very good implementation of three of these advanced requirements could award a grade of
up to 20.
Figure 1: Example of a diagonal cross
For this practical you will have to think very carefully about the classes you will require for
your program. You should design a suitable set of classes to represent the shapes which can
be created with a specified colour, fill, etc. and whose dimensions may be defined by a start
and end position. Consider that you will probably want to be able to deal with a collection
of abstract shapes in your program code in a polymorphic manner rather than dealing with
different collections for each shape. You should think carefully about where to place the code
which specifies how to draw each shape in the GUI.
Whether you choose MD or MVC, you should aim to provide a Model component of your
program comprising classes that model the shapes that have been drawn. The Model should
provide operations to select the current drawing shape, create and manipulate these shapes.
The model should also provide methods to undo and redo various operations (including shape
creation) as well as methods to save or load a shape collection from file, etc. depending on
how many features you implement. The classes comprising the Delegate or View/Controller
should translate button presses to the appropriate calls to methods defined in the Model. You
should use an appropriate notification structure such as PropertyChangeListener , so that the
drawing canvas is redrawn when the model has changed.
See the figure below for an example of what your GUI might look like.
Along with your program, you should create a test suite that tests the functionality of your
Model. This test suite should be written in JUnit, and should test the broadest possible range of
inputs to your Model. You should aim to execute every line of code in your Model somewhere
in this test suite, and it should also include edge cases and invalid inputs. Your JUnit tests do
not need to test the view/controller or delegate parts of your program, but you should test these
thoroughly by hand to make sure that they work.
As well as running on your own computer, the tests should be runnable on the lab computers or
host servers. Make sure to run your JUnit suite on the School infrastructure and ensure that
Figure 2: Example GUI layout, showing several shapes and colours. Please don’t take this design
as a requirement, feel free to be more creative!
they work before submitting. You should include everything necessary to run the tests in your
submission, and your readme should explain clearly how to execute them.
For this practical you must include a readme file. This file must:
• List all the features you have implemented;
• Explain clearly how to run your program and how to use all its features;
• Give clear instructions on how to run the JUnit tests you have written.
When you are finished, you should submit a zip archive containing your source code, your JUnit
tests, and your readme, and submit it to MMS in the usual way.
A very good attempt at satisfying the basic requirements in an object-oriented fashion, using either the MVC or MD design pattern, can achieve a mark of up to 17. For a 17, you should produce
very good, re-usable code which makes proper use of inheritance, association, polymorphism
and encapsulation, with very good method decomposition.
To achieve a mark of 18 or above your code must in addition make a very good attempt at one or
more of the advanced requirements. Attempting 3 advanced requirements could award a grade
of up to 20; however, note that the quality of your core program is the most important aspect
of this practical, and adding more and more features is no substitute for good object-oriented
See the standard mark descriptors in the School Student Handbook:
The standard penalty for late submission applies (Scheme B: 1 mark per 8-hour period, or part
Good Academic Practice
The University policy on Good Academic Practice applies:

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