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Practical 5 - Unix Interprocess Communication Mechanisms

CS240 Operating Systems, Communications and Concurrency – Dermot Kelly
Practical 5 - Unix Interprocess Communication Mechanisms
Named Pipes and Message Queues
The pipe communication mechanism we have seen in the last practical is a means by which related
processes can communicate, that is, processes within the same creation hierarchy all having a
common parent. As each child in the hierarchy receives a copy of its parent's descriptor table when
it is forked, it is possible for it to access any pipes created by its hierarchical ancestors. Pipes can be
implemented as memory-based circular buffers by the operating system. These pipes are known as
unnamed or anonymous pipes and are transient. An unnamed pipe ceases to exist when all processes
having a descriptor for it terminate or close their descriptors.
Named Pipes
A named pipe is similar in behaviour to an unnamed pipe except that it has a name in the file
system like a regular file. Therefore it is a persistent communication channel and remains
permanently, even when not in use, until explicitly removed.
Processes open named pipes in the same way as regular files, so unrelated processes can
communicate by opening the pipe and either reading or writing it. A process can open a pipe in read
or write mode. A process opening the pipe for reading will block if there is no process that has it
open for writing. Similarly, a process opening the pipe for writing will block if there is no process
that has it open for reading.
We are going to explain our example program in steps and then put it all together.
The first thing we need to do is to create a named pipe. A named pipe can be created by our
program with the mknod() system call as follows:-
 mknod("my_pipe", 010600, 0);
 /* Create a file called "my_pipe" in current directory
 using mknod. The file type is a fifo special pipe
 indicated by the value 010.
 Access permissions to the pipe allow read, write
 for the owner, but none for group and world with
 value 600 (110000000 in binary).
 The last parameter to mknod is only relevant to
 block or char special files and is set to 0 here*/
If the mknod system call is successful in creating a named pipe, it will return a code of 0, and -1 if
it is not successful. What if a pipe of that name already exists for example? You can check if a file
exists in the filesystem using the access() system call.
access(path, mode) checks whether the calling process can access the specified file
pathname using the given mode of access. It returns 0 if it can, -1 if it can’t. The mode flag F_OK
tests for the existence of the file only. The other flags R_OK, W_OK, and X_OK test whether
the file exists and allows read, write, and execute permissions, respectively. All the flags can be
ORed together into a single mode expression if required e.g.
mode = F_OK | R_OK | W_OK | X_OK
STAGE 1: So the following piece of code ensures that our named pipe “my_pipe” will exist
before we use it in our program for communicating. First we check to see if it exists and if not, then
the code below creates it.
 /* Check for existence of pipe and create it if it
 doesn’t exist */
 if (access ("my_pipe", F_OK) == -1) /*doesn’t exist */
 if (mknod("my_pipe", 010600, 0) == 0)
 printf("Named Pipe created successfully \n");
 else {
 printf("Failed to create Named Pipe \n");
 exit(0); /* Program terminates */
 printf("Using existing named pipe \n");
We are going to write a program that demonstrates the use of named pipes. We are going to use the
same program to write to the pipe or to read from the pipe depending on what parameter is supplied
on the command line when the program is started.
If our finished program is to be called namedpipe.c , and we compile it using
cc namedpipe.c –o namedpipe
then to read from the pipe our plan to take a single string parameter to control how the program
behaves through the use of a command like:-
./namedpipe reader &
and to write to the pipe we will use the form
./namedpipe writer &
So you see before our program uses the pipe for any reading or writing, we are going to have to
check that the correct parameters were supplied on the command line and if so, decide on whether
the program should read or write to the pipe.
The declaration of the main() function in a C program contains parameters which may be used to
access any command line arguments passed to the program when it is executed.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
The first parameter represents the number of arguments, and the second parameter is an array of
strings, with each command line parameter stored as a separate string in the array.
The first parameter argv[0], by convention, is the string for the command itself (the name of
your executable program) and so without any additional parameters on the command line the value
of argc would usually be equal to 1 by default. We would like our program to accept one
additional command line argument having the value of either “reader” or “writer” depending
on what we would like our program to do.
STAGE 2: So when the program runs, first we must check that the value of argc is precisely 2,
and then look at the argument in argv[1] and make sure it is equal to either “reader” or
“writer”. If any of this is not the case, the program should terminate telling the user that they did
not run it correctly. Sample code for achieving this is given below.
 /* Check command line parameter count, it should be 2.
 Check 2nd parameter is either “reader” or “writer” and open
 the pipe accordingly */
 if (argc == 2) {
 if (strcmp (argv[1], "reader")==0)
 namedpipe = open("my_pipe", O_RDONLY);
 else if (strcmp(argv[1], "writer")==0)
 namedpipe = open("my_pipe", O_WRONLY);
 paramerror = true;
 paramerror = true;
 if (paramerror)
 printf("Incorrect usage: Use namedpipe <reader | writer> \n");
 else if (namedpipe<0)
 printf("Couldn't open named pipe\n");
Ok, so if we got this far, we have now successfully created and opened a named pipe called
“my_pipe” in the desired mode of access. So now all that remains is to either write to it or read
from it depending on the value of the command line parameter in argv[1].
Let’s say that if we want the program to act as a writer it will write 10 messages of arbitrary length
into the pipe and finish. And if it is a reader, let’s say it will try to read 10 times from the pipe into a
buffer reading a desired maximum number of characters each time and printing them out for us to
The program should write data to the pipe in the form “n nessage text” where n is the number of the
nth message out of ten.
The reader is free to read as many characters as it wants from the pipe, but only executes ten read
operations in its loop before terminating.
Sample code for this behaviour is given overleaf:-
{ /* If we get as far as here, the pipe is open and ready */
 /* Now do reader or writer actions next */
 int i;
 if (strcmp(argv[1], "writer")==0)
 /*Writer outputs 10 messages to pipe */
 for (i=1; i<=10; i++) {
 /* The sprintf function produces formatted output like
 printf except it puts it into the string message
 Convert i to string as part of message */
 sprintf(message, "%d", i);
 /* next we add out message text to the number */
 strcat(message, " message text");
 /* now write “n message text” to the namedpipe */
 write(namedpipe, message, strlen(message));
 printf("writer: Sent message <%s> to named pipe\n",message);
 else for (i=1; i<=10; i++) {
 /* Reader will read 10 times from pipe */
 int n = read(namedpipe, buffer, max_size);
 printf("reader: Read message <%s> %d characters \n",buffer, n);
OK, so now we are ready to put the whole program together. Here is a template for it. Under each
comment below place the code from the three code snippets described earlier.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 int namedpipe;
 int max_size = 20;
 char message[max_size+1];
 char buffer[max_size+1];
 bool paramerror= false;
/* Check for existence of named pipe and create it if it
 doesn’t exist */
/* Check command line parameter count, it should be 2.
 Check 2nd parameter is either “reader” or “writer” and open
 the pipe accordingly */
/* else if there are no command line errors or pipe opening errors then
 do the reader writer actions */
Step 1: Make a new p5 directory in your cs240 directory for today’s files. Complete the program
on the previous page and save the program in the p5 directory as namedpipe.c
Compile using cc namedpipe.c -o namedpipe
To test communication using the named pipe run the program twice as two separate processes as
./namedpipe writer &
./namedpipe reader &
You notice the writer blocks until the reader opens the pipe for reading and then all the output
comes at once. Notice that the writer will create the pipe, but the reader will discover that it exists
already and use the existing pipe.
Step 2:
We are going to use the gzip compression utility to compress the output from the writer and put it
in a compressed file.
Gzip will take its input from my_pipe and send its output to the file pipeout.gz as
gzip <my_pipe >pipeout.gz &
gzip blocks because there is no reader.
So while the gzip is running and blocked above, enter the following at the shell prompt:
./namedpipe writer &
The writer is able to write its 10 messages immediately as gzip is acting as a reader.
Print the compressed file to the screen using:
cat pipeout.gz
Notice that it is not a text file, it is a binary encoded file, and so not all byte codes in it are
Now uncompress the file using:
gunzip pipeout.gz
This produces the uncompressed file called pipeout in your directory.
Now print this file to the screen using
cat pipeout
You should see the ten messages of text data that your original writer process wrote to my_pipe.
Managing Descriptor Table Entries
The dup system call copies a specified file descriptor into the first free slot of the process’s
descriptor table and returns the index value of that slot. The format of dup is as follows:-
newfd = dup(fd);
The diagram below demonstrates the operation of dup where a process first opens a pipe called
“fifo” in write only mode, it then closes its standard output device and redirects its standard output
to the named pipe called "fifo".
The three diagrams on the left indicate the state of the descriptor table before the system call
indicated on the transition arrow. The corresponding diagrams on the right indicate the state of the
descriptor table after each system call.
open("fifo", O_WRONLY);
Any subsequent write operations to device 1 by this process will now go to the named pipe instead
of going to the terminal.
Step 3
Write a program namewriter.c which prints your name to standard output (device 1).
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main (int argc, char *arv[]) {
char name[15] = "Dermot Kelly";
 write(1, name, 15);
Modify this program so that before the output is displayed, a named pipe called “fifo” is created
(using mknod as seen earlier) and the standard output device (device 1) is redirected to point to the
named pipe using the three statement program sequence shown in the picture above, before
your program performs the write of your name. Now when you run it, anything written to
device 1 will go to the pipe fifo and not to the screen.
Write a separate reader program namereader.c which can open this named pipe in RD_ONLY
mode, then reads the name and displays this on the terminal window. Compile and run both of these
programs together as background processes (using &) on the command line. Run the namereader
first then the namewriter.
Message Queues
Message queues allow processes to exchange data in the form of whole messages asynchronously.
Communicating parties do not have to be active at the same time. Messages are sent to the queue
and subsequently requested from the queue by other processes. The operating system maintains the
message queue until it is unlinked by a user process. Messages have an associated priority and are
queued and delivered in priority order.
The main functions in the message queue API are the following:
mq_open() function creates a new message queue or opens an existing queue,
returning a message queue descriptor for use in later calls.
mq_send() function writes a message to a queue.
mq_receive() function reads a message from a queue.
mq_close() function closes a message queue that the process previously opened.
mq_unlink() function removes a message queue name and marks the
queue for deletion when all processes have closed it.
Each message queue has an associated set of attributes, which are set when it is created. The set of
attributes can be queried using:- mq_getattr()
The message queue attribute structure has four fields defined as follows:-
struct mq_attr {
long mq_flags; /*flags 0 or O_NONBLOCK*/
long mq_maxmsg; /*Max number of messages on queue*/
long mq_msgsize; /*Max message size (in bytes)*/
long mq_curmsgs; /*Num messages currently in queue*/
The use of message queues in C programs requires the following include files:-
#include <fcntl.h> /* for using the the O_ mode constants */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* for using other mode constants */
#include <mqueue.h> /* Defines the mqueue functions */
Creating a message queue
char qname [20];
int max_size =512;
int modeflags = O_CREAT | O_RDWR; /*Create if not exist*/
mode_t permissions = 0600; /*Read/Write for owner only */
struct mq_attr attr;
mqd_t mq;
strcpy(qname, "/test_queue");
attr.mq_flags = 0; /* Blocking allowed mode */
attr.mq_maxmsg = 10;
attr.mq_msgsize = max_size;
mq = mq_open(qname, modeflags, permissions, &attr);
If the message queue already exists it can be opened with
mq = mq_open(qname, modeflags);
Message queues are created and opened using mq_open(). This function returns a message queue
descriptor (mqd_t), which is used to refer to the open message queue in later calls.
Each message queue is identified by a name of the form /somename; that is, a null-terminated string
of up to NAME_MAX (i.e., 255) characters consisting of an initial slash, followed by one or more
characters, none of which are slashes. Two processes can operate on the same queue by passing the
same text name to mq_open().
POSIX message queues have kernel persistence: if not removed by mq_unlink(), a message
queue will exist until the system is shut down.
Sending a message to an opened message queue mq
char buffer[max_size];
int priority = 0;
memset(buffer,0, max_size);
strcpy(buffer,"Hello There");
mq_send(mq, buffer, max_size, priority);
Reading a message from an opened message queue mq
int numRead = mq_receive(mq, buffer, max_size,
In circumstances where send or receive would block, the attributes flags setting determines whether
or not blocking occurs. If the flag is set to 0 (as it is in this example), then blocking occurs, if the
flag is set to O_NONBLOCK then these functions would return an error without blocking.
To close access to the message queue for the current process
To request destruction of the message queue by the operating system
If the requesting process has permission to do this, then the queue is not destroyed until all open
descriptors in other processes that are using the queue have been closed.
Step 4: Save the program below as mqueuewriter.c
Compile using cc mqueuewriter.c -o mqueuewriter -lrt
Run using ./mqueuewriter
The program creates and then writes 10 messages of different priorities into a message queue. Note
that the message queue still exists in the operating system after the program terminates, so the
messages are not lost.
#include <fcntl.h> /* for using the the O_mode constants */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* for using other mode constants */
#include <mqueue.h> /* Defines the mqueue functions */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
 int modeflags = O_CREAT | O_WRONLY; /*Create if it doesn’t
 mode_t permissions = 0600; /* Read/Write for owner only */
 struct mq_attr attr;
 mqd_t mq;
 char qname [20];
 int max_size =512;
 char buffer[max_size];
 int priority;
 strcpy(qname, "/test_queue");
 attr.mq_flags = 0; /* Blocking allowed mode */
 attr.mq_maxmsg = 10;
 attr.mq_msgsize = max_size;
 mq = mq_open(qname, modeflags, permissions, &attr);
 if (mq < 0) {
 printf("Couldn't create queue %s\n",qname);
 printf("Opened a message queue called %s and got descriptor %d
 for (priority = 1; priority<=10; priority++) {
 memset(buffer,0, max_size); /* Clear all buffer locations to
0 */
sprintf(buffer, "%d", priority); /* Convert int priority to
string */
strcat(buffer," message text"); /* The message we want to
send */
 printf("Sending message : '%s' to message
 mq_send(mq, buffer, strlen(buffer), priority);
 if (!mq_close(mq))
 printf("Closed the queue\n");
Step 5: Save the program below as mqueuereader.c
Compile using cc mqueuereader.c -o mqueuereader -lrt
Run using ./mqueuereader
The program opens the message queue, checks to see how many messages are present and then
receives them all in order of priority. Notice it receives them and prints them out in reverse order to
which they were sent to the queue due to the priority delivery. The program then destroys the
queue, so you will need to run the writer again if you want to create it.
#include <fcntl.h> /* for using the the opening mode constants */
#include <sys/stat.h> /*for using the permission mode constants */
#include <mqueue.h> /* Defines the mqueue functions */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
 mqd_t mq;
 struct mq_attr qattr;
 char qname [20];
 int max_size =512;
 char msgbuffer[max_size];
 int i, n, rc, priority, num_messages;
 strcpy(qname, "/test_queue");
 mq = mq_open(qname, O_RDONLY);
 if (mq<0) {
 printf("Couldn't open queue %s\n", qname);
 printf("Opened a message queue called %s and got descriptor %d

 /* Copy status information from kernel data structures
 associated with the mq into the data structure qattr */
 rc = mq_getattr(mq, &qattr);
 num_messages = qattr.mq_curmsgs; /* num msgs in the queue */
 printf("Number of messages in the queue %d\n",num_messages);
 for (i=1; i<=num_messages; i++) {
 n = mq_receive(mq,msgbuffer, max_size, &priority);
 printf("Received message : %s with priority %d numchars
 if (!mq_close(mq))
 printf("Closed the queue\n");
 if (!mq_unlink(qname))
 printf("Destroyed the queue\n");
What to Submit on Moodle
Make cs240/p5 your current directory
In an xterm window run
./namedpipe writer &
./namedpipe reader &
In an xterm window run
./namereader &
In an xterm window type
cat pipeout
In an xterm window type
./mqueuewriter &
./mqueuereader &
In an xterm window give a long directory listing of cs240/p5
ls -l
Show all 5 xterm windows in the screenshot, save as full size .png
and upload to Moodle.

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