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Practical Cryptographic Systems  Assignment 2

601.445/600.454: Practical Cryptographic Systems 
Assignment 2

The assignment should be completed individually. You are permitted to use
the Internet and any printed references.
Please submit the completed assignment via Blackboard.
Problem 1: Warm up: implementing a cryptographic specification (30 points)
Implement the following specification for encrypting and decrypting messages. You must
implement your project in the Go language. As a building block you must use an implementation of the “raw” AES cipher (meaning, AES encrypting single blocks in ECB mode) from
the crypto/aes package and crypto/cipher.Block. You may obtain the SHA256 hash
function from crypto/sha256. You may also use random numbers from the crypto/rand
package. You must implement both CBC mode and HMAC yourself. Do not
use existing Go packages or online code to implement anything beyond the raw
AES cipher.1
Submission and grading: In order to allow for grading to be efficient, there will be strict
submission guidelines. Failure to follow will result in a grade penalty. Make sure that your
program takes input exactly as the specification indicates. Similarly, ensure that programs
output exactly what is specified. We will be providing a testing harness that will mock the
expected inputs and outputs so that everyone can validate their code before submitting.
Additionally, please make sure that the code submission for each part of the assignment is
a self-contained .go file. We know that organizing code into packages is good practice, but
we have decided it is preferable to have a consistent build pattern for all submissions.
Interface: Your code must use the following command-line interface:
encrypt-auth <mode -k <32-byte key in hexadecimal -i <input file -o <output
Where <mode is one of either encrypt or decrypt, and the input/output files contain raw
binary data. You should parse the first 16 bytes of the key as the encryption key kenc, and
the second 16 bytes as the MAC key kmac.
Notation. We denote concatenation by ||. By |M| we denote the length of an octet-string
M in bytes. Recall that AES has a fixed block size of 16 bytes.
Encrypt(kenc, kmac, M). Given a 16-byte secret key kenc, a 16-byte secret key kmac, and
a variable-length octet string M, encrypt M as follows:
1For a description of the HMAC construction, see FIPS 198 or even Wikipedia.
Assignment 2 (Part 2)-1
1. First, apply the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm (see RFC 4634) on input (kmac, M)
to obtain a 32-byte MAC tag T.
2. Compute M0 = M||T.
3. Compute M00 = M0
||P S where P S is a padding string computed using the
method of PKCS #5 as follows: first let n = |M0
| mod 16. Now:
(a) If n 6= 0, then set P S to be a string of 16 − n bytes, with each byte set to
the value (16 − n).2
(b) If n = 0 then set P S to be a string consisting of 16 bytes, where each byte
is set to 16 (0x10).
4. Finally, select a random 16-byte Initialization Vector IV and encrypt the padded
message M00 using AES-128 in CBC mode under key kenc:
0 = AES-CBC-ENC(kenc, IV, M00)
Note: you must implement the CBC mode of operation in your own code, although
you are free to use a library implementation of the AES cipher.
The output of the encryption algorithm is the ciphertext C = (IV ||C
Decrypt(kenc, kmac, C). Given a 16-byte key kenc, a 16-byte key kmac and a ciphertext C,
decryption is conducted as follows:
1. First, parse C = (IV ||C
) and decrypt using AES-128 in CBC mode to obtain
M00 = AES-CBC-DEC(kenc, IV, C0
Note: you must implement the CBC mode of operation in your own code, although
you are free to use a library implementation of the AES cipher.
2. Next, validate that the message padding is correctly structured. Let n be the
value of the last byte in M00. Ensure that each of the final n bytes in M00 is equal
to the value n.
If this check fails, output the distinguished error message “INVALID PADDING”
and stop. Otherwise, strip the last n bytes from M00 to obtain M0
3. Parse M0 as M||T where T is a 32-byte HMAC-SHA256 tag.
4. Apply the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm on input (kmac, M) to obtain T
. If T 6= T
output the distinguished error message “INVALID MAC” and stop. Otherwise,
output the decrypted message M.
Problem 2: Active Attacks (60 points)
In the first part of this assignment you were asked to implement a cryptographic specification. This resulted in a utility for encrypting and decrypting using a symmetric key K.
2For n = 9 this would produce the padding string: 0x 07 07 07 07 07 07 07
Assignment 2 (Part 2)-2
In this part of the assignment you will develop a tool that programmatically decrypts any
ciphertext produced by your encryption utility from Part 1. Your tool will not have access
to the decryption key. It will instead call a second program that attempts to decrypt the
ciphertext using the decryption key, and returns an error on failure.
The command line profile for your tool will be as follows:
decrypt-attack -i <ciphertext file
This program will take as input a ciphertext encrypted with the key K. When it completes
it should output the decryption of the ciphertext. This program will call a second program
called decrypt-test that has the key K hardcoded into it. The profile for decrypt-test
will be as follows:
decrypt-test -i <ciphertext file
The utility will have a hard-coded decryption key. It will not return the decrypted ciphertext,
but instead only a single one of the following three response messages:
You are expected to implement the tool decrypt-test using your own code from Part
1 of this assignment, though you do not have to turn it in. You only need to turn in
decrypt-attack, as we will provide our own implementation of decrypt-test for grading.
For test purposes you should also generate your own key K (to hard-code into decrypt-test)
and generate a test ciphertext based on some plaintext of input size at least 256 bytes.
Problem 3: Padding oracles in practice (10 points).
TLS and Datagram TLS (DTLS) each use a form of encryption that’s nearly identical to
the scheme you implemented in Problem 1. The following partial code listing is responsible
for processing a received DTLS packet (source: d1 pkt.c in OpenSSL version 1.0.0e).
Note that this listing calls two subroutines that are not shown here:
1. s-method-ssl3 enc-enc(...) performs decryption and check the padding. This
returns -1 if the padding is invalid.
2. s-method-ssl3 enc-mac(...) computes the MAC.
If you want to look at those subroutines you can find them in the OpenSSL codebase at But you shouldn’t need them to answer the questions below.
static int
dtls1_process_record(SSL *s)
Assignment 2 (Part 2)-3
/* decrypt in place in ’rr-input’ */
enc_err = s-method-ssl3_enc-enc(s,0); /* <<<--- decryption/padding check */
if (enc_err <= 0)
/* decryption failed, discard message */
if (enc_err < 0)
rr-length = 0;
s-packet_length = 0;
goto err;
/* r-length is now the compressed data plus mac */
if ( (sess == NULL) ||
(s-enc_read_ctx == NULL) ||
(s-read_hash == NULL))
if (!clear)
/* !clear = s-read_hash != NULL = mac_size != -1 */
int t;
OPENSSL_assert(t = 0);
if (rr-length SSL3_RT_MAX_COMPRESSED_LENGTH+mac_size)
/* check the MAC for rr-input (it’s in mac_size bytes at the tail) */
if (rr-length < mac_size)
i=s-method-ssl3_enc-mac(s,md,0); /* <<<--- MAC computation */
if (i < 0 || memcmp(md,&(rr-data[rr-length]),mac_size) != 0)
goto err;
Assignment 2 (Part 2)-4
1. Assume that the attacker is sending packets to the server for decryption, and that
he receives some notification from the server when the routine outputs an error (i.e.,
returns 0). How might he execute a padding oracle attack? (Hint: this is trickier than
it looks!)
Assignment 2 (Part 2)-5

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