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Practical Cryptographic Systems  Assignment 3, Part 1 & 2

650.445/600.454: Practical Cryptographic Systems 
Assignment 3, Part 1 & 2

The assignment must be completed individually. You are permitted to use the
Internet and any printed references, but your code must be your own!
Please submit the completed assignment via Blackboard.
Problem 1: Implementing the Diffie-Hellman cryptosystem (40 points)
For this problem you will produce a Python or Go program that implements the DiffieHellman key exchange protocol at a 1024-bit key strength. This will consist of parameter
generation, share exchange, and key derivation. Normally the D-H scheme is an interactive
protocol between two parties. However, for this implementation we will use files as our
communication channel. As in the previous problems, your implementation should be “from
scratch”, although you are welcome to re-use any of the code you wrote in the previous parts
of this assignment.
Your implementation will consist of three separate programs. The first models Alice’s
initial message to Bob, and outputs a secret key to be stored for later. The second models
Bob’s receipt of the message from Alice, and outputs a response message back to Alice. The
final program models Alice’s receipt of Bob’s response. For grading purposes you will hand
in the following programs.
dh-alice1 <filename for message to Bob <filename to store secret key.
Outputs decimal-formatted ( p, g, ga
) to Bob, writes (p, g, a) to a second file.
dh-bob <filename of message from Alice <filename of message back to Alice.
Reads in Alice’s message, outputs ( g
) to Alice, prints the shared secret g
dh-alice2 <filename of message from Bob <filename to read secret key.
Reads in Bob’s message and Alice’s stored secret, prints the shared secret g
The output of your programs should consist of decimal formatted integers separated by
commas and parentheses, as in the previous problems. Your shared secret (integers) should
be printed to stdout. All of the relevant parameters should be generated randomly each
time you run the program.
Problem 2: Implementing Elgamal (20 points)
Now that you have implemented Diffie-Hellman, modify your implementation to implement
a variant of the Elgamal public-key encryption scheme. This variant will use a hash function
(SHA256) to compute a key for the AES-GCM encryption scheme. You may use library
Assignment 3-1
calls to implement both algorithms. Your assignment should consist of the following three
elg-keygen <filename to store public key <filename to store secret key.
This program should be identical to the dh-alice1 program.
elg-encrypt <message text as a string with quotes <filename of public key
<filename of ciphertext.
Reads in the public key ( p, g, ga
) produced by elg-keygen. Generates b and computes k = SHA256(g
ab). Outputs ( g
, AESGCMk(M) ) to a ciphertext file, where
the latter value is encoded as a hexadecimal string.
elg-decrypt <filename of ciphertext <filename to read secret key.
Reads in the ciphertext produced by the previous program and a stored secret, prints
the recovered message or error.
Note: For compatibility, please encode your input to SHA256 using decimal
formatted integers separated by a single space character. You should encode
your IV for the AESGCM scheme in the first 16 bytes of the output ciphertext.
Problem 3: Breaking Diffie-Hellman (40 points)
For this problem you will implement two discrete logarithm programs that can break DiffieHellman at various key strengths. In both cases, the input to the program should be (p, g, h)
structured in the same format as the output of your dh-alice1 program above, although
likely using a much smaller prime. Each of these two programs should find an integer x
such that g
x ≡ h mod p, and should then print x in decimal formatting.
1. A brute-force algorithm that simply tries every possibly x.
2. An implementation of the Pollard-rho or baby-step-giant-step algorithm. Both algorithms can be found in the HAC.
For grading purposes you will hand in the following two programs.
dl-brute <filename for inputs.
On input a file containing decimal-formatted ( p, g, h ), prints x to standard output.
dl-efficient <filename for inputs.
On input a file containing decimal-formatted ( p, g, h ), prints x to standard output.
Note: For grading and testing purposes you will not run the above programs
on large primes! You should alter your code from Problem 1 to generate DH
parameters with |p| ranging from 20 to 40 bits. Your final grade will be based on a
sequence of tests with parameters we generate, and the efficiency of your code will matter!
Assignment 3-2

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