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Practical Number 9 The Readers/Writers problem

Department of Computer Science
CS240 Operating Systems, Communications and Concurrency - Dermot Kelly
Practical Number 9
Template Code Files for this Assignment are given on Moodle. Create a new p9
directory in your cs240 directory for the files relating to this practical and copy the
code template files from moodle to your cs240/p9 directory.
The Readers/Writers problem, covered in lectures, describes a synchronisation
problem where some processes classed as readers and other processes classed as
writers wish to share access to data items. Using the policy that no reader should
have to wait provided that a writer is not already using the shared item,
demonstrate a simulation of this synchronisation problem as a multithreaded Java
The methods needed for managing the data synchronisation using the policy described
above (First Readers/Writers problem) are encapsulated in the class given below.
public class DataAccessPolicyManager
 private int readerCount;
 private Semaphore mutex;
 private Semaphore wrt;
 public DataAccessPolicyManager () {
 readerCount = 0;
 mutex = new Semaphore(1);
 wrt = new Semaphore(1);
 public void acquireReadLock() {
 if (readerCount == 1) // This is the first reader
 public void releaseReadLock() {
 if (readerCount == 0) // Last reader
 public void acquireWriteLock() {
 public void releaseWriteLock() {
Your implementation should complete the definition of the class
public class Reader extends Thread {
DataAccessPolicyManager lockManager;
public Reader (DataAccessPolicyManager lockManager) {
public void run() {
and the definition of the class
public class Writer extends Thread {
DataAccessPolicyManager lockManager;
public Writer (DataAccessPolicyManager lockManager) {
public void run() {
Use the template code given on moodle along with the lecture 16 notes. Each Thread subclass
will have a run() method consisting of an infinite loop. Reading or writing activity in the
loop can be simulated by a random sleep period (similar to what was done in Dining
Philosophers and Producer/Consumer), but before doing reading or writing, the thread should
call the appropriate lockManager entry method. Then it should print out either “Reader
acquired read lock” or “Writer acquired write lock”, then do a random sleep to simulate the
activity and then print “Reader done, releasing read lock” or “Writer done, releasing write
lock” and then call the appropriate lockManager exit method. Before looping around to read
or write again, the run method should do a second random sleep period. Refer to the pdf
transcript of lecture 16 and the comments within the given code for guidance on the code
sequence and use of the lockManager within the run() methods.
Each Thread subclass above must have a constructor with the same name as the class and a
run() method and should be stored in a file where the classname matches the file name. A
shared reference to a common DataAccessPolicyManager object (instantiated
in the main() method of your simulation program) will be passed to the constructor
for Reader and Writer threads (also instantiated in main() ) for using locally in
each thread to synchronise its behaviour. Finish the constructors and run() methods
When the Reader and Writer classes are complete you should then complete the
ReadersWritersSimulation class containing a main() method which should
create a DataAccessPolicyManager object and start three Reader and one
Writer threads with access to that DataAccessPolicyManager Object.
public class ReadersWritersSimulation {
public static void main (String args[]) {
Again, refer to the lecture notes for guidance completing this main() method.
You will also need the Semaphore class overleaf to be in your current directory, this
was used in the DiningPhilosophers simulation last week:-
/* The Semaphore class contains methods declared as
synchronized. Java’s locking mechanism will ensure
that access to Semaphore methods is mutually exclusive
among threads that invoke these methods.
class Semaphore {
private int value;
public Semaphore(int value) {
this.value = value;
public synchronized void acquire() {
while (value == 0) {
try {
// Calling thread waits until semaphore is free
} catch(InterruptedException e) {}
value = value - 1;
public synchronized void release() {
value = value + 1;
Implementation of solution to 2nd Readers/Writers Problem
Before moving on to this step, make sure that the code is working for the first
Readers/Writers problem using the given prioritised readers policy. In this next step,
complete the DataAccessPolicyManager2 class template so that it prioritises
writers instead of readers.
This implementation merely requires some extensions to the code of the
DataAccessPolicyManager class, as was described in class. Refer to lecture 16
pdf transcript.
Remember to replace the identifier DataAccessPolicyManager with
DataAccessPolicyManager2 in the rest of your code, the Writer, Reader
and ReadersWritersSimulation classes will have to be modified to use the
DataAccessPolicyManager2 class instead of
Then run your simulation again to check everything is working but this time it uses
the DataAccessPolicyManager2 class which prioritises writers.
A screenshot with the following in separate windows:-
1) A long directory listing of your p9 directory in a command shell window
(50% of marks deducted without this)
2) The completed run method and constructor of the Reader thread class in an
editor window
3) The completed run method and constructor of the Writer thread class in an
editor window
4) The completed DataAccessPolicyManager2 Class
5) An example of your final program output in a command shell window
Note if using Gnome and Gedit, you can alter the font size used by the editor under
preferences, if you find the window is too big to fit on your screen.

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