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Principles and Techniques of Data Science Assignment 1

Principles and Techniques
of Data Science
Assignment 1
Assignment Description
In this assignment, you are required to use Pandas library to answer the questions in the
notebooks given in the folders Part 1 and Part 2. The parts are independent from each
other but it is recommended to solve them in order. You may test your code using the test
cases provided to you. However, there are some hidden test cases as well. Please note
that your code must work for both types of tests to get full credit. Hardcoded values will
not be awarded any credit. Further details are given in the respective notebooks.
Marks Distribution
Part Marks
Part 1 50
Part 2 50
Submission Guidelines
● You should name both notebooks as YourRollNumber_PartNumber.ipynb. (e.g. the
first part should be named as 2XXXXXXX_1.ipynb)
● You must submit a zip folder containing just two notebooks and it must not have
any folder or any other file.
● Use the following naming convention for the submission: <roll_number>.zip
For example, if your roll number is 22100277, then your zip file name should be:

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