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Problem Set 3- B+ Tree Basics

Database Systems for Software Engineers
SOEN 363 -
Problem Set 3

1 B+ Tree Basics [20 Points]
For the following sub-questions, consider the B+ tree structure with order d = 2 (i.e. there are
at most 4 keys per node, and at most 5 pointers to children) as shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: A B+ tree with order d = 2
5pts (a) Assume the structure in Figure 1 is not a B+ tree, but an ISAM structure. Show the new
structure after inserting keys 25 and 35.
Handout continues on the next page(s)
Page 2
5pts (b) Starting from the original B+ tree in Figure 1, we insert the record 4* with a key 4. From
the 3 choices below, which is the resulting tree if we use the default "redistribution with a
sibling" strategy: A, B, C, or neither? If neither, draw the correct tree.
Tree A
Tree B
Tree C
Page 3
5pts (c) Starting from the original B+ tree in Figure 1, we insert the record 4* with a key 4. From
the 3 choices below, which is the resulting tree if we use the default "no re-distribution"
strategy: A, B, C, or neither? If neither, draw the correct tree.
Tree A
Tree B
Tree C
Page 4
5pts (d) Starting from the original B+ tree in Figure 1, we delete the record 16*. From the 3 choices
below, which is the resulting tree if we borrow a node from the right sibling: A, B, C, or
neither? If neither, draw the correct tree.
Tree A
Tree B
Tree C
Page 5
2 B+ in Numbers [20 Points]
Assume that you have just built a dense B+ tree index using Alternative (2) on a heap file
containing 20,000 records. The key field for this B+ tree index is a 50-byte string, and it is a
candidate key. Pointers (i.e., record ids and page ids) are (at most) 8-byte values. The size of
one disk page is 2000 bytes. The nodes at each level were filled up as much as possible.
10pts (a) How many levels does the resulting tree have? Show the steps performed to reach the result.
5pts (b) For each level of the tree, how many nodes are at that level?
5pts (c) How many levels would the resulting tree have if key compression is used such that the
average size of each key in an entry is reduced to 10 bytes and all pages are 70 percent full?
Show the steps performed to reach the result.
Handout continues on the next page(s)
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3 B+ Trees (Clustered vs Unclustered) [30 Points]
Consider the instance of the Students relation (shown in Table 1) stored in file f.
15pts (a) Construct a B+ tree index of order 2 on the gpa field using Alternative (3). The tuples
in f are stored as: the first tuple is in page 1, slot1 ; the second is in page 1, slot 2 ; and
so on. Each page can store up to four tuples. You may use (page #, slot #) to identify a
tuple. Clearly indicate what the data entries are (i.e., do not use the k* convention).
15pts (b) Consider the following query:
SELECT sid , name FROM Students WHERE gpa >= 3.0 AND gpa <= 3.5
Calculate the IO cost (How many pages accessed) of finding all the tuples that fit the criteria
6pts 1. tuples in f are sorted, and
6pts 2. tuples in f are unsorted (i.e., they appear in the order shown in table 1).
3pts 3. What do you conclude from this?
Show the steps performed to reach the result
sid name login age gpa
53831 Maclayall maclayan@music 11 1.8
53832 Guldu guldu@music 12 3.8
53666 Jones jones@cs 18 3.4
53901 Jones jones@toy 18 3.4
53902 Jones jones@physics 18 3.4
53903 Jones jones@english 18 3.4
53904 Jones jones(ggenetics 18 3.4
53905 Jones jones@astro 18 3.4
53906 Jones jones@chem 18 3.4
53902 Jones jones@sanitation 18 3.8
53688 Smith smith@ee 19 3.2
53650 Smith smith@math 19 3.8
54001 Smith smith@ee 19 3.5
54005 Smith smith@cs 19 3.8
54009 Smith smith@astro 19 2.2
Table 1: Instance of the students relation stored in file f
Page 7
4 Extendible Hashing [30 Points]
Assume we have the following records, where we indicate the hashed key in parentheses (in
i [001100]
h [001100]
g [101101]
f [010010]
e [111111]
d [010010]
c [100001]
b [001100]
a [000000]
Consider an Extendible Hashing structure where buckets can hold up to three records. Initially the structure is empty (only one empty bucket). Consider the result after the records
above have been inserted in the order shown, using the lower-bits for the hash function. As
mentioned in the textbook, assume that the directory doubles in size at each overflow.
5pts (a) Show the result after the above records are inserted.
2pts (b) What will be the global depth of the resulting directory?
3pts (c) How many buckets will we have?
4pts (d) List all the elements in the bucket which contains the element "i." What is the local depth
of this bucket?
4pts (e) List all the elements in the bucket which contains the element "c." What is the local depth
of this bucket?
4pts (f) Do we store the number of bits to use in the hash function in the (a) global or (b) local
4pts (g) Consider the case that the directory just doubled. Is it true that every bucket will be split
in two? (Yes/No)
4pts (h) If the local depth of a bucket is equal to the global depth of the directory, is this bucket
pointed to by (a) exactly one, or (b) multiple directory entry(s)?
Page 8
5 Submission
• The assignment is due at 11:59PM on March 17, 2022.
• The submission for this assignment consists of zipped file named as follows firstName_lastName_student
ID. The zipped folder has to contain:
– A PDF document with the answers of each question.
– A README file where you specify any assumptions.
– A signed "Concordia Expectation of Originality" form found here: https://www.
• If you have any problems with the submission, contact your respective TA:
– Monday lab SF: Philippe ( )
– Monday lab SA: Ahmed (
– Tuesday lab SB: Yasaman (
– Tuesday lab SE: Hussein Abdallah (
– Wednesday lab SC: Mossad Helali (
– Wednesday lab SD: Reham Omar (

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