Problem Set 3: Feed-Forward Neural Networks, Autoencoders, and
Generative Models
Unsupervised Learning for Big Data
CPSC 453 / CBB 555 / CPSC 553 / GENE 555
Assigned: Thursday, November 11th
Due: Sunday, Nov 28th, 11:59pm
1 Introduction
The field of deep learning begins with the assumption that everything is a function, and leverages powerful
tools like Gradient Descent to efficiently learn these functions. Although many deep learning tasks (like
classification) require supervised learning (with labels, testing, and training sets), a rich subset of the field has
developed potent methods for automated, non-linear unsupervised learning — in which all you need to provide
is the data. These unsupervised methods include Autoencoders, Variational Autoencoders, and Generative
Adversarial Networks. They can be used to visualize data, or to compress it; to generate novel data, and even
to learn the functions underlying your data. In this assignment, you’ll gain hands-on experience using simple
supervised networks to classify handwritten digits, and will then apply these techniques to generate novel
images of digits using Variational Autoencoders and GANs. Afterwards, you’ll apply information theoretic
measures to assess the success of your generative models.
This assignment will also serve as a hands-on introduction to PyTorch. At present, PyTorch is the single
most popular machine learning library in Python. It provides a framework of pre-built classes and helper
functions to greatly simplify the creation of neural networks and their paraphernalia. Before PyTorch and
its ilk, machine learning researchers were known to spend days juggling weight and bias vectors, or tediously
implementing their own data processing functions. With PyTorch, this takes minutes. In the first part of
this assignment, you’ll get a taste of doing things the “old way” by directly defining the weight and bias
variables needed to create a simple feed-forward network from scratch. Afterwards, you’ll take full advantage
of the simplifying power of PyTorch to create both Autoencoders and Generative Models with fewer than a
dozen lines of code.
Before diving into this assignment, you’ll need to install PyTorch. The PyTorch website provides an
interactive quick-start guide to tailor the installation to your system’s configuration https://pytorch.org/
get-started/locally/. (The installation instructions will ask you to install torchvision in addition to
torch. Do that. We’ll be needing both.)
2 Classification of handwritten digits
2.1 Downloading MNIST
In this problem, you will construct a neural network that classifies images of handwritten numbers by
assigning them a category between 0 and 9. The training dataset is a standard testing ground for deep
learning research, and it is called MNIST.
There are a number of places to download MNIST from, but for the purposes of this assignment, you’ll get
the dataset from the torchvision.datasets library (which should have been installed along with PyTorch).
First, call import torch to import PyTorch.
Then, import the torchvision datasets library by running
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
Now, you can download and process the MNIST data with a single command. Run
to load the training set into one variable. Then, call
mnist_test=datasets.MNIST(root = ‘data’,
transform = transforms.ToTensor())
to load the test dataset into another. To quickly partition these datasets into iterable batches, use the
function torch.utils.data.DataLoader to load the training data into a variable called train_loader and
the testing data into a variable called test_loader.You can specify the batch size as an argument to the
A lot of this assignment will involve manipulating PyTorch’s “tensors”, which are like numpy arrays, but
equipped with automatically updating gradients. You’ll be glad to know that many of the numpy operations
you know and love are available as tensor operations, often under the same name. For instance, numpy.sqrt
becomes torch.sqrt while numpy.random.rand becomes torch.rand. A quick search of PyTorch’s documentation should let you locate the exact functions needed for almost any purpose.
2.2 Feed-forward Neural Network
First, we will explore implementing a simple model that can take in images of handwritten digits and classify
them from 0 to 9. We will do this using a feed-forward network model trained with gradient descent by
doing the following.
Fill in the FeedForwardNet function in ps3_functions.py with the following steps:
• Create parameters for the weight matrices and the bias vectors that map the (784 dimensional) input
to the (10 dimensional) output space. Remember to multiply the weights by the input (making sure
the dimensions for your weight matrix are correct), and add the bias to the product.
For this exercise, implement the linear algebra operations, including but not limited to creating
a weight matrix and doing matrix multiplication and addition, explicitly with torch.Tensor operations. In later parts of the assignment, you will be able to take advantage of Pytorch’s streamlined
implementations of layers, such as nn.Linear.
• Take advantage of batch matrix multiplication to process multiple data samples at once. Specifically,
if you have an input x with shape batch size × input size, you can multiply each batch by a weight
matrix simultaneously by taking xW, where W has shape input size × output size.
• Add one hidden layer (with 128 units) between the input and output by creating another weight and
bias variable.
• Initialize each variable with samples drawn from a uniform random distribution over the interval
• Create a loss function set to categorical cross-entropy, and initialize a stochastic gradient descent
1You might want to refer to the PyTorch docs to find implementations of the above:
https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/index.html for general documentation,
https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#loss-functions for loss functions and
https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/optim.html for optimizer objects.
• Fill in the forward() function inside the FeedForwardNet class to perform the linear algebra that
transforms (784-dimensional) input into (10-dimensional) output.
• Fill in the provided train function, completing the TODOs to build a training loop and an evaluation
function. Then train the model for 100 epochs with a batch size of 128, and a learning rate of 0.5.
This training might take a few minutes.
• Try training this without a non-linearity between the layers (linear activation), and then try adding
a sigmoid non-linearity both before the hidden layer and after the hidden layer, recording your test
accuracy results for each in a table.
• Try adjusting the learning rate (by making it smaller) if your model is not converging/improving in
accuracy. You might also try increasing the number of epochs used.
• Experiment with the non-linearity used before the middle layer. Here are some activation functions to
choose from: relu, softplus, elu, tanh.
• Lastly, experiment with the width of the hidden layer, keeping the activation function that performs
best. Remember to add these results to your table.
• After you’ve trained all of your models to your satisfaction and selected the highest performer, use the
command torch.save to preserve the training for later use. (Here’s a reference on using torch.save :
https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/saving loading models.html)
Question 2.2.1. What percentage classification accuracy does this network achieve?
Question 2.2.2. Create a plot of the training and test error vs the number of iterations. How many iterations
are sufficient to reach good performance?
Question 2.2.3. Print the confusion matrix showing which digits were misclassified, and what they were
misclassified as. What numbers are frequently confused with one another by your model?
Question 2.2.4. Experiment with the learning rate, optimizer and activation function of your network.
Report the best accuracy and briefly describe the training scheme that reached this accuracy.
3 Autoencoder
Now that you have a basic neural network set up, we’ll go through the steps of training an autoencoder that
can compress the input down to 2 dimensions, and then (attempt to) reconstruct the original image. This
will be similar to your previous network with one hidden layer, but with many more.
• Fill in the Autoencoder class with a stack of layers of the following shape: 784-1000-500-250-2-250-
500-1000-784 You can make use of the nn.Linear function to automatically manage the creation of
weight and bias parameters. Between each layer, use a tanh activation.
• Change the activation function going to the middle (2-dim) layer to linear (keeping the rest as tanh).
• Use the sigmoid activation function on the output of the last hidden layer.
• Adapt your training function for the autoencoder. Use the same batch size and number of epochs (128
and 100), but use the ADAM optimizer instead of Gradient Descent. Use Mean Squared Error for your
reconstruction loss.
• After training your model, plot the 2 dimensional embeddings of 1000 digits, colored by the image
• Produce side-by-side plots of one original and reconstructed sample of each digit (0 - 9). You can use
the save_image function from torchvision.utils.
• Now for something fun: locate the embeddings of two distinct images, and interpolate between them
to produce some intermediate point in the latent space. Visualize this point in the 2D embedding.
Then, run your decoder on this fabricated “embedding” to see if it the output looks anything like a
handwritten digit. You might try interpolating between and within several different classes.
Question 3.1.1. Do the colors easily separate, or are they all clumped together? Which numbers are
frequently embedded close together, and what does this mean?
Question 3.1.2. How realistic were the images you generated by interpolating between points in the latent
space? Can you think of a better way to generate images with an autoencoder?
3.2 Biological Data: Retinal Bipolar Dataset
Now that we have an autoencoder working on MNIST, let’s use this model to visualize some biological data.
Using the same Retinal Bipolar dataset (of Shekhar et al. 2015) we used in Problem Set 2, we’ll employ an
autoencoder to embed the 26 distinct classes of retinal bipolar cells into a 2D space where (hopefully) class
separation is evident. For this part, you will need to:
• As before, run PCA on the retinal bipolar data to reduce the number of features to a more manageable
quantity (perhaps 784, though you can play with the exact dimensions used by the autoencoder.)
Subsampling shouldn’t be necessary unless you have an old computer, since Autoencoders are quite
• Create a training and testing split of the data (choose an 80-20 split) and generate minibatches from
your training data (shuffling the order of the points between epochs).
• Starting with the same autoencoder architecture as the last section, change the last layer’s activation
to a linear (instead of a sigmoid activation).
• After training your model, plot the 2-dimensional embedding of the test set. Color this with the ground
truth cluster labels.
Question 3.2.1. How many clusters are visible in the embedding? Do they correspond to the cluster labels?
4 Generative Models
Your previous efforts have been focused on classifying data, Now, let’s try something more daring: generating
data. In this section, you’ll implement a variation of the autoencoder (called a “Variational Autoencoder”)
and a Generative Adversiarial Network, and will employ both to create never-before seen handwritten digits.
4.1 The Variational Autoencoder
Autoencoders are great, but their latent spaces can be messy. You may have noticed previously that the
AE’s embedding of MNIST clumped each digit into separate islands, with some overlap but also large empty
regions. As you saw, the points in these empty parts of the embedding don’t correspond well to real digits.
This is the founding idea of the Variational Autoencoder, which makes two modifications to make interpolation within the latent space more meaningful. The first modification is the strangest: instead of encoding
points in a latent space, the encoder creates a gaussian probability distribution around the encoded point,
with a mean µ and variance σ
2 unique to each point. The decoder is then passed a random sample from this
distribution. This encourages similar points in the latent space to correspond to similar outputs, since the
decoder only gets to choose a point close to the encoded original.
If the first of these regularizations encourages similar latent representations within clusters, the second
enforces proximity between clusters. This is achieved with the Kullback Leibler (KL) divergence, which
tabulates the dissimilarity of the previously generated gaussian with a standard normal distribution; measuring, in effect, how much σ
2 and µ
2 differ from a variance of one and mean of zero. This prevents any
class of embeddings from drifting too far away from the others. The KL divergence between two normal
distributions is given by:
DKL[N(µ, σ)||N(0, 1)] = 1
X1 + log σ
2 − µ
2 − σ
where the sum is taken over each dimension in the latent space.
An excellent and highly entertaining introduction to Variational Autoencoders may be found in David
Foster’s book, “Generative Deep Learning” (Yale Library provides free access to the online edition: https:
//learning.oreilly.com/library/view/generative-deep-learning/9781492041931/ch03.html). Additionally, the mathematically inclined may enjoy Kingma and Welling’s 2013 paper “Auto-encoding Variational Bayes” (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1312.6114) which first presented the theoretical foundations for
the Variational Autoencoder.
• Complete the TODOs in vae.py to build a variational autoencoder. Most of the model has been filled
in for you, but you will need to complete the function called VAE_loss_function by summing the
reconstruction loss (given by Mean Squared Error) with a regularization given by the KL-divergence
(supplied above as a function of sigma and mu). Look to Appendix B of the “Auto-Encoding Variational
Bayes” paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6114) for additional details.
• Train your VAE on MNIST. How well does it perform on the test set relative to your vanilla autoencoder? (You can run the VAE by executing python vae.py --arguments here).
• Visualize the latent space as a 2D plot, coloring each point by its label. Since our VAE is using a 20
dimensional latent space, you can try some of our dimensionality reduction tricks from the previous
pset (PCA, PHATE, tSNE) to get a coherent 2 dimensional representation.
• As before, try interpolating between two different images in the latent space. Run the fabricated
embedding through the decoder to generate a never-before seen digit. You may wish to try interpolating
between digits of the same class in addition to digits of different classes.
Question 4.1.1. How does the VAE’s latent space compare to the latent space of your previous autoencoder?
Do the generated images have more clarity? Is this most noticeable between or within classes?
Question 4.1.2. In what situations would a VAE be more useful than a vanilla autoencoder, and when
would you prefer a vanilla autoencoder to a VAE?
Question 4.1.3. The distance between embeddings in your first autoencoder provided some measure of the
similarity between digits. To what extent is this preserved, or improved, by the VAE?
4.2 GANs
Whereas the VAE was tweaked to allow small perturbations in the latent space to produce reasonable
decodings, the Generative Adversarial Network was designed to generate novel samples. A GAN is really
two networks in one: the generator network produces fake images, while the discriminator guesses if they are
fake. Initially, both networks perform horribly, but with time (and luck) they force each other to improve
until the generator’s images are indistinguishable from the real thing. In this part, you’ll build your own
GAN in PyTorch, and test it on the MNIST dataset.
• Build the training functions for the generator and the discriminator by filling in the functions train_discriminator
and train_generator in GAN.py. These functions should run the generator and discriminator, and
then compute the resulting loss for each.
The discriminator’s loss is given by
(D) = −
Ex pdata log D(x) −
Ez log(1 − D(G(z)))
where x is a training sample, and z is the input to the generator. This is just standard cross entropy
loss, but with two terms: the first ensures that the generator can recognize real samples as real, while
the second motivates it to classify the output of the generator as fake.
The generator’s loss has several formulations. In the simplest case, you can create a zero-sum (or
minimax) game by setting L
(G) = −L
, but this is doesn’t train well: if the discriminator finds an
easy way to recognize the forgeries, the generator’s loss also goes to zero, and the gradients vanish. A
more reliable formulation is this:
(G) = −
Ez log D(G(z))
• Create a training loop for your newly created GAN. The training will work much as previously, except
that both networks now train simultaneously. You’ll run some random noise through your generator to create a batch of fake samples, before passing the batch of fake and real samples through
train_generator and train_discriminator functions to compute the loss. You’ll then backpropogate the loss, and perform an optimization step. Note that before passing the generated noise into
train_discriminator, you should run fake data.detach(), to remove redundant gradients generated by the generator’s optimization step.
• Train your GAN for 100 epochs, or more if necessary. After each epoch, visualize the generated images.
Include some of the images from different epochs in your report.
• After your GAN has trained, generate 1000 sample digits, and include a few in the report. Save these
generations for later use using torch.save.
• Using your best performing classifier from Part 2, classify these samples.
Question 4.2.1. Which generates more realistic images: your GAN, or your VAE? Why do you think this
Question 4.2.2. Does your GAN appear to generate all digits in equal number, or has it specialized in a
smaller number of digits? If so, why might this be?
5 Information Theory
Looking at pictures is at best helpful but subjective, and in high dimensional cases is an infeasible method of
judging the success of generative models. Information theory provides us with much sharper insights. In this
section, you’ll apply various divergence measures to various distributions, including a comparison between
the samples from the ground truth MNIST distribution and the samples generated by your GAN.
5.1 Simple Distribution
As a warm-up, we’ll compute the divergences of two batches of samples drawn from two simple distributions.
To create the first, sample 1000 points from a 3-dimensional uniform distribution. To create the second,
sample 1000 points from a 3-dimensional normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1. Now compute the
following measures between these distributions. For each divergence, measure the computation time required
using the time.perf counter function of the time module.
• Compute the Kullback-Leibler (KL) Divergence of the two distributions. The KL divergence is given
DKL(PkQ) = −
P(x) log(Q(x)
This divergence is not symmetric, so try both directions. To estimate P(x) and Q(x) you can use the
function sklearn.neighbors.KernelDensity, or, if you prefer, simple 3 dimensional histograms. For
calculating KL Divergence, you can use the function scipy.stats.entropy, which computes the KL
divergence when given two inputs.
• Compute the Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) between the two distributions. You can use the PyEMD
package available through pip install pyemd. Here is the documentation: https://github.com/wmayner/pyemd.
• Compute the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) between the two distributions. The MMD of two
distributions P and Q is given by
MMD(P, Q) = Ex,x0∈P k(x, x0
) + Ey,y0∈Qk(y, y0
) − 2Ex∈P,y∈Qk(x, y)
Refer to the slides from Lecture 18 for more details, or to the paper “A Kernel Two-Sample Test”
of Gretton et. al. (2012). https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/2188385.2188410.To implement
MMD, follow the TODOs to fill in the MMD function and the accompanying kernel function in
First, fill in the kernel function to implement a gaussian kernel. This kernel will take two arguments
A, B, each an n × d array of samples from two different multivariate probability distributions. The
kernel function will return a matrix K, in which
Ki,j = e
−kAi−Bj k
Next, use your kernel to fill in the MMD function, referencing the above definition of MMD.
• Repeat all of the above as you increase the variance of your normal distribution to make it increasingly
flat. As you do this, increase the range of the uniform distribution to match the range of the normal
distribution, to ensure that the densities are comparable.
Question 5.1.1. Based on the above measures alone, which divergence seems most accurate?
5.2 MNIST Sample Distributions
Now, we’ll apply these tools to real data. To create your first distribution, extract 1000 MNIST digits from
your test set. For your second distribution, extract a different (and non-overlapping) subset of 1000 MNIST
digits. Comparing these will give you some idea of the base value of each measure.
To side-step the curse of dimensionality and make estimating the PDF feasible, run PCA on each of
these subsets to reduce the dimension from 784 to 8. You’ll use these dimensionally-reduced MNIST digits
as input to each of the below methods. Again, keep track of how long each divergence computation takes.
• Compute the Kullback-Leibler (KL) Divergence of the two distributions. This divergence is not symmetric, so try both directions.
• Compute the Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) between the two distributions.
• Compute the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) between the two distributions.
• Repeat the above a few times with different sets of MNIST samples, to get an idea of the expected
range for each distance.
5.3 The GAN Distribution
Finally, let’s compare the GAN’s output to the real data. For your first distribution, use one of the sets of
1000 MNIST digits from the last section. For the second, generate 1000 images with your GAN (reducing
these tensors dimensions using PCA as previously). Now:
• Compute the Kullback-Leibler (KL) Divergence of the two distributions. This divergence is not symmetric, so try both directions.
• Compute the Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) between the two distributions.
• Compute the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) between the two distributions.
Question 5.3.1. Which divergence or distance showed the greatest discrepancy between the comparison
between real MNIST data and the comparison with the GAN?
Question 5.3.2. Which of these information measures would you recommend for judging a GAN’s output?
Question 5.3.3. How do the runtimes of these measures compare?
6 Grading Rubric
Write up your answers to the questions above, including all tables and figures. Create implementations of
each model discussed by filling in the relevant code file. This assignment will be graded according to the
6.1 Implementation – 20 points
Your implementation will be graded by inspecting that your code is correct and is able to achieve sufficient
accuracy (your best classifier should be better than 95% accurate). Your generative models will likewise be
judged by the quality of their output (both should be able to produce recognizable digits). Please adequately
comment your code so that partial credit may be assigned in the event that your code does not run properly.
Please maintain the provided function names and file names. You may write supplementary functions, if you
so desire.
6.2 Report – 80 points
You must write a detailed report about the experiments that you have run for this homework, including all
plots and visualizations. To be clear, please include the plots in your report. Feel free to add any
interesting insights that you had or extra experiments / validations you ran — these may earn extra credit.
Your explanations and answers to each question should each have at least a couple of sentences, to provide
sufficient room for thought.
7 Rules and Guidelines
7.1 Allowable code libraries
You are encouraged to use routines available in numpy, scipy, matplotlib and PyTorch for computation
and plotting. For ease of grading, please specify the version of PyTorch that you used in a file
called requirements.txt (e.g., pytorch==2.0).
Use of other external libraries is prohibited unless otherwise stated, though if there is a library you would
like to use you should ask.
7.2 Extensions
Extensions for graded work will not be granted any later than 24 hours before the assigned deadline. Any
unexcused late submission will be penalized 10% per day or partial day, with the penalty incrementing at
12:00 midnight each day after the deadline.
7.3 Contesting a grade
Students wishing to contest a grade should submit a request in writing no less than 24 hours after the grade
is submitted. Students should first request an explanation of the grade on a particular question from the
TA. If, after explanation, a student still wishes to contest, the question will be regraded by the primary
7.4 Academic Integrity
Please familiarize yourself with the “Definitions of Plagiarism, Cheating and Documentation of Sources”
section of the Yale College Undergraduate Regulations. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated in this
course. Students are encouraged to discuss general ideas with each other, but must write code and carry
out experiments individually. However, the course staff (professor, TA, etc.) is happy to provide assistance
in all aspects of the assignment, from coding difficulties to interpretation of experiments. Any plagiarism –
whether copying code or sharing experimental analyses – will not be tolerated.
8 Submission Instructions
Each student should submit a zip file titled [last name] [first name] ps3.zip to Canvas by Sunday,
Nov 28th, 11:59pm containing
1. A detailed write-up in pdf form, titled [last name] [first name] ps3 report.pdf, containing figures, responses to questions, and optionally the code used to produce the figures. Jupyter notebooks
may be used to easily combine these, but please do submit a PDF of the notebook in addition to the
ipynb file.
2. A subdirectory titled code containing your complete ps3 functions.py, vae.py and gan.py, and
optionally any other code you used in the assignment.