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Problem Set #8 – Computer Vision

CS 470/570 – Problem Set #8 page 1 of 9
CPSC 470/570 – Artificial Intelligence
Problem Set #8 – Computer Vision
25 points

In this assignment, you will complete computer vision tasks. The main library to use is
skimage in python. It comes pre-installed with several Python distributions. It is also
available on the zoo machines if you don’t have it on your machine. However, we may
not be able to help with library installation. The other library you may need is numpy,
which was used in ps6.
Problem #1: Edge Detection (10 Points)
We have provided an image “yale.png” along with this problem set. You can import this
image into python using the command:
from skimage import io
img = io.imread('yale.png')
This will create a three-dimensional array called img, which is a numpy array with
dimensions of (H, W, 3) where H is the height of the image and W is the width of the
image. The last index gives access to the red, green and blue components of each pixel.
Thus, img[0, 1, 2] gives you the blue component of the pixel in the first row and the
second column. You can view the dimension of img with np.shape().
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You can then view this image:
Take the color image and convert it to a grayscale image:
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
grey_img = rgb2gray(img)
This grayscale image grey_img is a 2-D array of dimensions (H, W). More information
on rgb2gray can be found here:
In this section, you will detect the edges within the grayscale image using the following
methods mentioned in class (lecture 24):
- Sobel operator
- Robert’s cross
- the Canny edge detector
Here are the implementation details corresponding to each method:
Sobel Operator
- Documentation:
- Sample code:
from skimage.filters import sobel
sobel_edge = sobel(grey_img)
Robot’s Cross
- Documentation:
- Sample code:
from skimage.filters import roberts
robert_cross_edge = roberts(grey_img)
The Canny Edge Detector
- Documentation:
- For this operator, there are several parameters you can set (e.g., low_threshold,
high_threshold, and sigma). Try a few different values of each of these parameter
settings and see how they impact the edge image.
- Sample code:
from skimage import feature
canny_edge = feature.canny(grey_img)
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Question 1. Insert below pictures of your greyscale original image and the three edge
images. Please scale each image to be roughly half of the page, and clearly label each (4
Original Image (Greyscale)
Sobel Operator
CS 470/570 – Problem Set #8 page 4 of 9
Robot’s Cross
The Canny Edge Detector
CS 470/570 – Problem Set #8 page 5 of 9
Question 2. Answer the following questions regarding the Canny edge detection method.
a) what impact does the “low_threshold” have on the image? (1 point)
b) what impact does the “high_threshold” have on the image? (1 point)
c) what impact does “sigma” have on the image? (1 point)
Question 3. Please write a short paragraph that answers the following question:
If a robot were to acquire a camera image that looked like your original image, and if that
robot needed to navigate through the scene shown in the image, which of the edge
detecting methods gives the best results? (Which method picks out the boundaries of
major obstacles without providing too many details?) How do you judge this? (3 points)
low_threshold decides whether an edge pixel gets rejected or not. If an edge pixel’s
gradient value is smaller than low_threshold, it will be suppressed.
high_threshold decides whether an edge pixel gets accepted or not. If an edge pixel’s
gradient value is higher than high_threshold, it is marked as a strong edge pixel and
will be accepted.
sigma is the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter. The purpose of sigma is to
remove some of the noise before further processing the image, in order to prevent
false detection caused by noise.
The Canny edge detector gives the best result.
This is because in the Canny edge detector, the parameter sigma can be tuned to
control the amount of noise to be removed, which affects the level of details in the
final output image. With a set of carefully chosen parameters (low_threshold,
high_threshold and sigma), the Canny edge detector is able to pick out the boundaries
of major obstacles without providing too many details.
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Problem #2: Finding Color Blobs (15 Points)
In this problem, we will use region growing techniques on a color image to identify areas
of an image that belong to several simple geometric shapes. We will use the image
shown below (which you can also find in the problem set folder).
Figure 1
Your goal is to identify the location of the centroid (the center of mass) and the extent (in
the form of a bounding box) of each of the balls and rectangular blocks in the scene.
Your solution for doing this does NOT need to be elegant or general. It just needs to
work on images that contain these same objects (although they might be in various
positions). You can assume that there will be little or no occlusion.
You are free to solve this problem any way that you want. Here is one idea:
1. Divide the color image into three separate color-channel images (one for red, blue and
green). You can do this with the command like:
redImage = img[:, :, 0]
2. Binarize the images by applying a threshold. For example, to get a binary image
(consisting of zeros and ones only) that has a 1 anywhere the red value is greater than 125,
you would use the command like (please note that this is just an example which may or
may not work. Also you may need to use np.logical_and()):
redBinary = redImage 125;
3. Label connected components in the binary images using region growing. (We looked
at region growing on slide 20 of the lecture 24.) The function measure.label()will
do this calculation for you and produce a tagged image and the number of tags (n) used
(you can find more information here:
from skimage import measure
CS 470/570 – Problem Set #8 page 7 of 9
redTagged, redN = measure.label(redBinary, neighbors = 8,
return_num = True)
Where neighbors is either 4 (for 4-connected regions) or 8 (for 8-connected regions).
(Although the documentation mentions the argument is deprecated, you can still feel free
to use it for the purpose of this assignment.) If you found the proper threshold in step 2,
you will find 2 regions for each color.
4. Extract a binary image showing the location of each tagged region. For example, to
get the binary image of the region with tag 1, you could type:
yellow_ball = yellowTagged == 1
5. Compute the boundary (the maximum and minimum row and column for the tagged
region) and the centroid (the average row and column position of each pixel in the tagged
Please answer the following questions.
Question 1. Please provide a description of how your code works (5 points)
Question 2. Please complete the table below (5 points)
1. Read in the original image, and obtain the 3 RGB color-channel images.
2. Extract the binary images by applying some thresholds. Check that the binary images
reflect the actual regions of the objects with each particular color (red, green, blue and
3. For each of the binary images, label the connected components. Check that the number of
regions equals 2 for each particular color.
4. For each of the binary images and each of its 2 regions, create a row index array and a
column index array, and output (avg. row, avg. col, max row, max column, min row, min
CS 470/570 – Problem Set #8 page 8 of 9
Centroid Maximum Minimum
row col row Col row col
Yellow ball (at left) 24 41 39 58 9 25
Green block (at left) 71 50 96 57 43 34
Yellow block (at left) 101 48 112 79 89 16
Red ball (in center) 45 99 69 127 21 72
Blue block (in center) 103 97 129 114 75 80
Green block (in center) 135 96 145 134 125 60
Red ball (at right) 53 159 78 184 30 134
Blue block (at right) 110 161 136 177 84 144
Question 3. Please copy and paste your code below. (5 points)
import numpy as np
from skimage import io
from skimage import measure
# original image
img = io.imread('object.jpg')
# binary images
redImage = img[:, :, 0]
greenImage = img[:, :, 1]
blueImage = img[:, :, 2]
redBinary = np.logical_and(redImage 130, np.logical_and(greenImage < 100,
blueImage < 130))
greenBinary = np.logical_and(redImage < 121, np.logical_and(greenImage 125,
blueImage < 130))
blueBinary = np.logical_and(redImage < 100, np.logical_and(greenImage < 170,
blueImage 140))
yellowBinary = np.logical_and(redImage 125, np.logical_and(greenImage 125,
blueImage < 125))
CS 470/570 – Problem Set #8 page 9 of 9
# connected components (region growing)
redTagged, redN = measure.label(redBinary, neighbors = 8, return_num = True)
greenTagged, greenN = measure.label(greenBinary, neighbors = 8, return_num = True)
blueTagged, blueN = measure.label(blueBinary, neighbors = 8, return_num = True)
yellowTagged, yellowN = measure.label(yellowBinary, neighbors = 8, return_num =
# compute the boundary (max/min row/col) and centroid (average row/col)
def computeRegionStatistics(taggedImage, region):
rows = []
cols = []
for i in range(len(taggedImage)):
for j in range(len(taggedImage[0])):
if taggedImage[i][j] == region:
return round(sum(rows)/len(rows), 2), round(sum(cols)/len(cols), 2), max(rows),
max(cols), min(rows), min(cols)
print(computeRegionStatistics(redTagged, 1))
print(computeRegionStatistics(redTagged, 2))
print(computeRegionStatistics(greenTagged, 1))
print(computeRegionStatistics(greenTagged, 2))
print(computeRegionStatistics(blueTagged, 1))
print(computeRegionStatistics(blueTagged, 2))
print(computeRegionStatistics(yellowTagged, 1))
print(computeRegionStatistics(yellowTagged, 2))

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