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Program 1: roots

ECE 209 Program 1: roots

This program uses the sliding-digit algorithm to compute the n-th root of an integer to a specified
number of digits past the decimal point. We use integer arithmetic for the calculation. Similar to long
division, one digit of the root is produced with each iteration.
The learning objectives of the program are:
• Write a complete C program.
• Use loops and conditional statements.
• Use printf and scanf to perform I/O.
• Call standard C library functions.
Given a number A, an n-th root y is a number such that xn = A. There are many algorithms to compute
the root, but we will use the sliding-digit algorithm. Similar to long division, we choose one digit at a
time of the answer. This is not the most efficient or most effective way to calculate, but it’s an
interesting algorithm to implement, and there will be a few learning opportunities along the way. The
following Wikipedia article provides an in-depth explanation:
Problem Description
For this problem, the starting number A must be between 2 and 1,000,000. (The roots of 1 are all 1, so
that’s not interesting.) The value of n will also be an integer, greater than or equal to 2. There is no
specific upper limit, but we’ll see that practically it cannot be very large.
The root x is in generally not an integer, but we choose to only use integer arithmetic to avoid issues
with precision and rounding. The user will specify k, the desired number of digits to the right of the
decimal point. The calculated solution y will be 𝑥𝑥 ∙ 10𝑘𝑘, truncated to an integer.
For example, the square root of 2 is approximately 1.414214. With k=3, the calculated result y = 1414,
which corresponds to x = 1.414. The bottom k digits of y are interpreted as being to the right of the
decimal point. This is known as a fixed-point representation.
The algorithm works with any base B, but we will always use base-10 arithmetic.
In summary, the algorithm uses the following values:
Value Description Type Source
A The number to take the root of. Integer User
n Which root to calculate. Integer User
k Desired precision, number of decimal
places. Integer User
The estimated n-th root, with k decimal
places. (Truncated, not rounded.) Floating-point Calculated by program.
y x times 10k Integer Calculated by program.
The integer A is divided into an integral number of n-digit groups, with leading zeroes added as needed.
For example, if we are taking the 3rd root of 1234, the input number is grouped as 001 234. The
algorithm starts with the left-most grouping, which would be 001 in this example.
Each group of A will generate one digit of the solution. Therefore, if there are g groups in A, and k
decimal places, the total number of digits in the solution y will be g+k. This is also the number of
iterations required in the algorithm.
The algorithm is as follows:
Initialize 𝑦𝑦 = 0, and 𝑟𝑟 = 0.
Repeat until the desired number of digits is produced:
α = the next group of n digits. (If no more digits in A, then α = 0.)
𝑟𝑟 = 10𝑛𝑛𝑟𝑟 + 𝛼𝛼
Choose β as the largest integer such that 0 ≤ 𝛽𝛽 ≤ 9 and (10𝑦𝑦 + 𝛽𝛽)𝑛𝑛 − (10𝑦𝑦)𝑛𝑛 ≤ 𝑟𝑟
𝑦𝑦 = 10𝑦𝑦 + 𝛽𝛽
𝑟𝑟 = 𝑟𝑟 − ((10𝑦𝑦 + 𝛽𝛽)𝑛𝑛 − (10𝑦𝑦)𝑛𝑛)
If 𝑟𝑟 < 0, set 𝑟𝑟 = 0. (This indicates an underflow condition, where 𝑟𝑟 is not large enough for
the calculation.)
First, note that 10𝑦𝑦 is the same as a left shift of y by one digit in base-10. Likewise, 10𝑛𝑛𝑟𝑟 is equivalent
to shifting r to the left by n digits. Therefore, the second step inside the loop is the same as “appending”
the next n-digit group to r.
Let’s walk through the algorithm with a couple of examples.
Square root of 2: A = 2, n = 2, k = 3
𝑦𝑦 = 0 and 𝑟𝑟 = 0
There is one 2-digit group (02) and three decimal digits, so there will be 4 iterations of the loop.
Step 1:
α is 02 (or just 2), so 𝑟𝑟 becomes 100 × 0 + 2 = 2
Since y is zero, we’re just looking for 𝛽𝛽2 ≤ 2, so 𝛽𝛽 = 1.
𝑦𝑦 = 0 + 1
𝑟𝑟 = 2 − 1 = 1
Step 2:
Since there are no more 2-digit groups, 𝛼𝛼 = 0 and 𝑟𝑟 = 100𝑟𝑟 = 100
𝛽𝛽 = 4, because (14)2 − (10)2 ≤ 100.
𝑦𝑦 = 14
𝑟𝑟 = 100 − (196 − 100) = 4
Step 3:
𝑟𝑟 = 400
𝛽𝛽 = 1, because (141)2 − (140)2 ≤ 400
𝑦𝑦 = 141
𝑟𝑟 = 400 − (19,881 − 19,600) = 119
Step 4:
𝑟𝑟 = 11,900
𝛽𝛽 = 4, because (1,414)2 − (1410)2 ≤ 19,900
𝑦𝑦 = 1,414
(don’t care about r, because this is the last step)
So our computed value is 1414, meaning that the estimated root is 1.414.
Cube root of 4,913: A = 4,913, n = 3, k = 1
𝑦𝑦 = 0 and 𝑟𝑟 = 0
There are two 3-digit groups and one decimal digits, so there will be 3 iterations of the loop.
Step 1:
𝛼𝛼 = 4, 𝑟𝑟 = 4
𝛽𝛽3 ≤ 4, so 𝛽𝛽 = 1.
𝑦𝑦 = 0 + 1
𝑟𝑟 = 4 − 1 = 3
Step 2:
𝛼𝛼 = 913, 𝑟𝑟 = 3,913
𝛽𝛽 = 7, because (17)3 − (10)3 ≤ 3,913
𝑦𝑦 = 17
𝑟𝑟 = 3,913 − (4,913 − 1,000) = 0
Step 3:
𝛼𝛼 = 0, 𝑟𝑟 = 0, 𝛽𝛽 = 0
𝑦𝑦 = 170
Therefore, the estimated root is 17.0
There’s no clever way to compute the next digit (𝛽𝛽). Just start at zero and increment until you’ve found
the largest digit that meets the condition. If you get to 𝛽𝛽 = 10, stop looking and set 𝛽𝛽 = 9. (This can
happen when r underflows.)
Program Specification
First, the program must prompt the user to enter the number, the root to be calculated, and the number of
decimal digits. The user prompts must look exactly like the text shown below. There must be exactly
one space (and no linefeed) after the colon. The printf for the prompt does not include a linefeed; we
want the user to type the value on the same line, and the user will type a linefeed as part of the input,
which result in the next prompt being printed on the next line. In the example below, the numbers in
bold are entered by the user, not printed by the program. The user types a linefeed (the Enter key) after
each number.
Number: 2
Root: 2
Digits: 3
Next, print a restatement of the problem, in the following form:
Compute root 2 of 2 to 3 digits.
Of course, the numbers will depend on what is entered by the user. There is a period at the end of the
sentence, and a linefeed.
Next, print an empty line, and then print the number of n-digit groups that are in the integer.
Number has 1 groups of 2 digits.
Note again the period and the linefeed at the end. This will give you some information about how many
iterations are needed for the calculation. As described above, the number of groups plus the number of
decimal digits gives the total number of iterations.
Print another empty line. For each iteration, print two lines. The first line gives the values of α and β for
this iteration, and the second line gives the calculated values of y and r. This is how we check that you
are following the algorithm correctly. An example output from the first example above would be:
alpha = 2, beta = 1
y = 1, r = 1
alpha = 0, beta = 4
y = 14, r = 4
alpha = 0, beta = 1
y = 141, r = 119
alpha = 0, beta = 4
y = 1414, r = 604
The number of lines will depend on the number of iterations, and of course the numbers depend on the
value being computed.
Next, print an empty line and then print the estimated root as a floating-point number. Just use the
default format for printf for a double variable; don’t try to print only the number of decimal places
specified by the user. The estimated root is found by dividing y by 10k
Estimated root = 1.414000
Finally, perform a calculation to show how closely the estimated root matches the actual root. Raise the
estimated root to the n-th power1 and print the result, followed by the original integer entered by the
user. Again, the text in your program should exactly match what is below. Only the numbers will
change. Print a linefeed at the end of this line.
1.414000 to the 2 = 1.999396 (orig = 2)
End the program by returning 0 from the main function.
Complete examples of the program output are shown in the Appendix.
Do not use floating-point arithmetic during the calculation. You will find that large numbers, large
roots, and a large number of decimal places may cause the integer values to exceed the size of an int
variable. That is expected behavior, and not something you need to fix.
Do not use the pow function to raise 10 (or any integer) to a power. The pow function is for floatingpoint values, not for integers, and writing a loop is one of the learning objectives of this program. Use a
loop to raise an integer to the n-th power.
Points will be deducted if you violate the conditions above.
You may use pow when performing the check operation at the end.
You are not required to define your own functions in this program, although you are allowed to do so.
The code is not very long, so there is not much motivation to modularize.
Do not use any global variables. If you do, you will lose points.
Follow the (minimal) programming style guidelines posted on the Moodle page. Include comments, and
include a program header that describes what the program does.
Your program does not need to check for valid input from the user. You may assume that the number
will be less than 1,000,000 and that the root and digits will be reasonable.
You can, of course, use additional variables, other than the ones used in the algorithm description above.
And you may use different names than the ones used above. The implementation is up to you, as long as
it performs properly, passes the tests, and does not violate the program specifications.
Developing and Submitting the Program
You will submit this code as a zyBook lab, but you will develop the program outside of the zyBook. It
is expected that you will use CLion, but you are free to use whatever development environment that you
1. In CLion, create a new project. Specify a C Executable, and use the C11 standard. Name the
project whatever you like, but I recommend something meaningful like “prog1” or “roots”. This
will create a directory in the place where your CLion projects are kept.
2. Now use CLion to complete the program, using the editor, compiler, and debugger to meet the
program specifications.
1 The function pow(a,b) returns a raised to the b power, where a and b are both double, and the returned value is also a
double. You may use this function during this step only.
3. When you are ready, upload your main.c file to the zyBook assignment and submit. This will
run the tests.
If some tests fail, go back to Step 2 and work on your program some more. The input for the failed tests
will give you some idea of what’s not correct, but use the debugger to figure out what’s happening with
your implementation.
Several iterations of Steps 2 and 3 might be necessary. In fact, it’s a reasonable strategy to write a
program that only passes the first test (or some tests), then improve it to pass the next test, etc. (This
even has a fancy name: test-driven development.)
There is no limit to the number of times you can submit. Each submission will overwrite the earlier
ones, so make sure that your new code does not break tests that passed earlier.
Hints and Suggestions
• Don’t overcomplicate the program. Do not use anything that we have not covered in class. (For
example, don’t try to use pointers or string library functions.)
• Work incrementally. Get one part of the code working, and then move to the next. For example,
you might do an initial implementation that only includes the zero function. Then you can add
the linear function. Each function you add will pass more and more of the tests.
• For compiler errors, look at the source code statement mentioned in the error. Try to figure out
what the error is telling you. Try to fix the first error first, and then recompile. Sometimes,
fixing the first error will make all the other errors go away. (Because the compiler got confused
after the first error.)
• Use a source-level debugger to step through the program if the program behavior is not correct.
If you are using CLion on your own computer, the debugger is integrated with the editor and
compiler, so there’s no excuse for not using it.
• For general questions or clarifications, use Piazza, so that other students can see your question
and the answer. For code-specific questions, post a private message to Piazza and attach your
code as a file. (Do not copy and paste!)
Administrative Info
Updates or clarifications on Piazza:
Any corrections or clarifications to this program spec will be posted on Piazza. It is important that you
read these postings, so that your program will match the updated specification.
What to turn in:
• Submit your main.c file to the zyLab assignment in 15.1 Program 1: roots.
Grading criteria:
20 points: Program compiles. As long as you’ve made some effort to actually solve the problem and
the file compiles with no errors or warnings, you will get these points.
10 points: Proper coding style, comments, and headers. No global variables. No goto. See the
Programming Assignments section on Moodle for more style guidelines. (You will not get
these points if you only submit trivial code.)
20 points: Prompt, retrieve data, and print the problem statement.
15 points: Print the number of n-digit groups required for the algorithm.
25 points: Print the correct values for each iteration.
10 points: Print the correct estimated root, and the correct check calculation.
NOTE: The ZyBook tests will only total 70 points. The first 30 points will be assigned manually by the
NOTE: Points may be deducted for errors, even if all of the zyBook tests pass. This will be rare, but it
may happen if it is obvious to the grader that the program is written specifically to pass only these tests,
and would not pass other similar tests.
For example: If you know what the estimated root should be for any test, and you include hard-coded
values in your program that uses that information, you will have points deducted.
Do not make assumptions. Write your code to pass any test consistent with this specification. We
reserve the right to run your code on tests that were not provided ahead of time.
Appendix: Sample Runs
In the following examples, text in bold is entered by the user (or test program).
Example 1:
Number: 2
Root: 2
Digits: 3
Compute root 2 of 2 to 3 digits.
Number has 1 groups of 2 digits.
alpha = 2, beta = 1
y = 1, r = 1
alpha = 0, beta = 4
y = 14, r = 4
alpha = 0, beta = 1
y = 141, r = 119
alpha = 0, beta = 4
y = 1414, r = 604
Estimated root = 1.414000
Check: 1.414000 to the 2 = 1.999396 (orig = 2)
Example 2:
Number: 4913
Root: 3
Digits: 1
Compute root 3 of 4913 to 1 digits.
Number has 2 groups of 3 digits.
alpha = 4, beta = 1
y = 1, r = 3
alpha = 913, beta = 7
y = 17, r = 0
alpha = 0, beta = 0
y = 170, r = 0
Estimated root = 17.000000
Check: 17.000000 to the 3 = 4913.000000 (orig = 4913)
Example 3:
Number: 31
Root: 4
Digits: 4
Compute root 4 of 31 to 4 digits.
Number has 1 groups of 4 digits.
alpha = 31, beta = 2
y = 2, r = 15
alpha = 0, beta = 3
y = 23, r = 30159
alpha = 0, beta = 5
y = 235, r = 50199375
alpha = 0, beta = 0
y = 2350, r = 0
alpha = 0, beta = 0
y = 23500, r = 0
Estimated root = 2.350000
Check: 2.350000 to the 4 = 30.498006 (orig = 31)
(In this case, r becomes negative in step 4 and is therefore set to zero.)

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