Program #5
Points 100
Implemenng Yahtzee
For this homework project you will have two weeks to complete the programming portion of the assignment.
However, you will be required to submit a design document to Canvas (due on Sunday, November
11th, 11:59pm). You can use the same documentation template and format that was introduced during week
2. Please review the recitation syllabus
(https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~goinsj/resources/CS161/CS161_Recitation_Syllabus.pdf) (available from the
Recitations tab) for additional details on the design document expectations.
Example design document (introduced in week 2): Polya_template.pdf
This particular program implements a game that is played in real life. For this assignment you should try to
make your program look as nice as possible.
(85 points) Problem Statement
Write a C++ program that plays the game of Yahtzee. Here are instructions for playing the game:
You can also find online implementations if you want to see the game in action. One specific online
implementation is at: https://cardgames.io/yahtzee/ (https://cardgames.io/yahtzee/)
Your game will allow 1-2 players, and at the end, you need to ask if the users want to play again. There are
5 six-sided dice in the game and you get three rolls to try to make something on the scoresheet. You must
use an array to hold the values of the 5 dice and an array to hold the scores for the 16 categories for a
The top half of the scoresheet is only a sum of 1 or more of dice you are trying to get: 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and
6s, and if you score 63 or more points in this section, you get an additional 35 points.
The bottom half of the scoresheet consist of options that have pre-defined points or a total of all the dice.
You have the options for a three of a kind (total of all dice, but has to have 3 or more of the same number),
four of a kind (total of all dice, but has to have 4 or more of the same number), full house (25 pts, 2 dice the
same and 3 dice the same), small straight (30 pts, 4 numbers in a row), large straight (40 pts, 5 numbers in
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a row), Yahtzee (50 pts, 5 dice the same number), up to 3 bonus Yahtzees (100 pts each, 5 dice the same
number), and chance (total of all dice, any combination).
After your first roll, a player can choose to roll 0-5 specific dice again. The player needs to state how many
dice they want to re-roll and which ones they want to re-roll by providing the array indices for each die. If the
player chooses not to roll again or has rolled 3 times, then the player must choose a category not previously
chosen on the scoresheet. If the dice do not match the rules for that category, then the player takes a 0 for
that category. Once a category has a score (even a zero score), it cannot be chosen again, so think carefully
about what value you are going to use to initialize the scoresheet!!!
The bonus Yahtzee can only be chosen if there is a non-zero score in the Yahtzee!!! The player’s turn is
over once a category is chosen, and the game is over once all players have put a score in all categories.
The final score is a total points from the two sections, including the bonus if the top section is 63 or greater.
Command Line Arguments
To support various numbers of players, you will run the program with the specific number at runtime, rather
than prompting for the input. The user can enter the number of players, 1-2.
1-player Example:
./yahtzee 1
Addional Requirements
In addition to the earlier specifications, your program must meet these requirements:
Print an error message and recover, when the player doesn’t supply a valid category. This includes
selecting a category with a score, which can include a zero for the score. Make sure to carefully consider
this when you are designing your program!
Update: as announced in class on Friday, you can safely assume that the TAs will only test your program
with the command line values of "1" and "2" (unless you also did the extra credit). So you no longer have
to halt your program if other input is provided.
Correctly determine the score for the category based on the dice (Remember, if the dice do not match
the rules for the category, then a zero score is placed in that category).
Play the game correctly based on rules and number of players.
Continue to play until the user selects no.
You must not have any global variables
You must use a dynamic 1-d array for the second player’s scoresheet, since there may or may not be a
second player.
Your functions need to focus on performing a particular task. In other words, you need to use good
modular design. If your function uses more than about 20 lines of code, this may be an indication that the
code should be split into multiple functions. If the TA notices that your code is not sufficiently modular,
you will lose points.
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You must not have memory leaks.
Segmentation faults are not allowed (e.g. your program crashes).
(10 pts) Extra Credit - Supporng any number of players
Instead of having only 1-2 players, your Yahtzee will support any number of players using a dynamic 2-d
array. This would have 16 rows/categories by N players.
(15 pts) Program Style/Comments
In your implementation, make sure that you include a program header in your program, in addition to proper
indentation/spacing and other comments! Below is an example header to include. Make sure you review the
style guidelines for this class
(https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~goinsj/resources/general/cpp_style_guideline.pdf) , and try to follow them,
i.e. don’t align everything on the left or put everything on one line!
** Program: yahtzee.cpp
** Author: Your Name
** Date: 11/7/2018
** Description:
** Input:
** Output:
Don't forget that each of your functions needs to have a header. For example:
** Function:
** Description:
** Parameters:
** Pre-Conditions:
** Post-Conditions:
Assignment Submission
Note that there are two deadlines for this assignment.
Your design document must be scanned and electronically submitted to Canvas (in the assignment tab) by
Sunday, November 11th, 11:59pm. You may use one of the document scanners (available in KEC1130 and
some other College of Engineering labs) to scan your paper design into a PDF document that can be
submitted to Canvas.
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Program #5 Rubric
Electronically submit your C++ source code to TEACH (https://engineering.oregonstate.edu/teach) by the
assignment due date on Sunday, November 18th, 11:59pm. Your TEACH submission should contain the
.cpp file with your source code.
Every assignment in this course is graded by demoing your work for 10-15 minutes with a TA. You are
required to meet with a TA within two weeks of the due date to demo. You can schedule a demo with a
TA from the TA Office Hours tab in Canvas. The available times can be viewed in the far right column of the
table (labeled "Grading Hours"). Click on one of the links to access the poll and insert your name in a
specific time slot.
Demo Outside 2 Weeks: Assignments that are not demo'd within the acceptable time period will be
subject to a 50 point deduction.
Demo Late Assignments: Late assignments must still be demoed within the two week demo period
beginning from the assignment's original due date.
Missing a Demo: If you miss your demo with a TA, you will receive a 10 point (one letter grade)
deduction to that assignment for each demo missed.
Each program needs to be written according to the style guidelines
(https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~goinsj/resources/general/cpp_style_guideline.pdf) for this class. Remember
that an important part of computer programming is making sure that your work is easily understandable by
other programmers.
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Criteria Ratings Pts
5.0 pts
5.0 pts
5.0 pts
12.0 pts
5.0 pts
12.0 pts
10.0 pts
12.0 pts
12.0 pts
5.0 pts
9.0 pts
Program Header
At a minimum, header should contain author's name and a description of the program. (2 pts
each) 1 point for submitting code that compiles on flip.
Good indentation / Use of whitespace
Is code easy for the TA to read? Conditional blocks of code should always be indented.
Each function is documented
Every function contains it's own initial block comment (or multiple lines of comments prior to the
function definition) that provides the reader with an explanation of the function's purpose. -1 pt for
each function that is missing a header
All functions designed in a modular fashion
If functions are exceptionally long (greater than about 20 lines of actual code) this is a potential
indication of poor modularity. -3 pts for each function that the TA concludes is poorly modularized.
Program can run with 1 player or 2 players via command line argument.
Dice Operation
Dice values are randomized after a roll (3 pts). Player can only roll dice up to three times (3 pts).
An array is used to store the 5 dice values (3 pts). The user can choose to keep certain dice and
those values do not change with a re-roll (3 pts).
Category Validation
Program needs to print an error message and recover if the player tries to supply an invalid
category. Examples: Trying to use the same category after it's been used (even if the score was
0) (5 pts). Trying to claim points for a non-existent category (e.g. pick category 72) (5 pts).
Array Usage
Scores are stored in a array (6 pts). Student used a dynamically allocated array (i.e. must use
"new" operator) for the second player (6 pts).
Program Functionality
Program does not crash during testing (e.g. segmentation fault or similar abrupt halts) (8 pts).
User can choose to replay the game (2 pts). No global variables are used in the program (2 pts).
Display of Categories
Game displays 16 categories that can be scored. It is okay if the 3 bonus Yahtzees are hidden
from the player (if there is no Yahtzee, the user is not allowed to choose a bonus Yahtzee). If the
score is not computed until the user selects the category, that is still okay too.
Category Scoring
Game correctly computes the value of each category. E.g. Score is correct for each of the 16
categories. -3 pts for each category that computes incorrect score. Specifically test: 3's, 6's and
Chance. If other possibilities emerge during play, test those too.
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Total Points: 100.0
Criteria Ratings Pts
8.0 pts
0.0 pts
Memory Management
Running Valgrind on the program reports that "All heap blocks were freed" (or something
indicating that all memory is freed). There should be no blocks reported as "in use" at exit or
"possibly lost".
Extra Credit for additional players
(10 pts) Support additional players by implementing a dynamic 2D array for the scores. Game
can support at least 4 players.