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Program 5: Mankalah

CPSC 212: Data Structures and Algorithms
Program 5: Mankalah
In this program you will write parts of a smart Mankalah-playing program by adding minimax
search, a better evaluation function, and a time limit cutoff to code that will be given to you. (Source
code is linked on the syllabus web page.) On the last day of class, we will have a Mankalah
tournament, and the winner will receive a fabulous prize.
You should derive a new player subclass from the given Player abstract class. Your new class should
be called myloginPlayer.cs, e.g. abc3Player.cs. It should have an implementation of minimax search
to find its next move within the allotted time. The choosemove() function should call the minimax
function to find its move. In addition, the class should override the evaluate() function to improve on
the evaluate function to consider at least three more factors, such as how many potential go-again
moves each side has, captures, numbers of stones on each side, etc. Also override the getImage
function to provide an image of you for the tournament. Your player should be complete in one file.
Note that your player should work whether playing on Top or Bottom. Then you can easily modify
KalahMatch to use any two players of choice and test them in a match against each other. You can
see whether changes to your players improve their play in this way. I will also be able to compile
your player with other students’ players to run the tournament.
To implement minimax, you can essentially implement the pseudocode in the PowerPoint slide. Note
that you will want minimax to return both the best move and the score for that move. You can create
a class moveResult for move results with two integer members, move and score, and have Minimax
return a moveResult. However, make sure your program doesn’t require an additional C# file for the
moveResult class or for anything else.
To implement a time limit, do a staged search. That is, choosemove should do a minimax search of
depth 1, then depth 2, depth 3, etc. until you are out of time. Modify minimax to return immediately
when time expires. Then choosemove can return the best move from the previous, completed
minimax search.
Build a DLL by opening the included DLL project, dropping in your player, and building. Rename it
something like “JohnSmithPlayer”. Also upload a picture for the tournament.
You may submit interesting “cheats” that help your program win by devious means, but also submit
an honest program for the tournament.
Alpha-beta pruning (10% extra credit): I'll give you a handout describing this modification to
minimax search with move reordering. Under some circumstances, alpha-beta pruning can enable
your program to search 50% deeper in a given time, making it a more formidable opponent. This
works best if moves that are likely to be very good or very bad are examined first (captures, goagains).
Turn in your zipped project directory through moodle. Also turn in a DLL for your player and a
picture as a second file submission. Also turn in a program grading sheet.
Grading. 50% credit for turning in a program that compiles and runs and implements something of
the requirements. An additional 20% for getting minimax search to work correctly, 10% for
implementing a better evaluation function, 10% for staged DFS and a 4-second time limit for the
search, 10% for alpha-beta pruning, and 10% for good programming style.
CS212 Program 5 – Grading Sheet
Name:_______________________________ Date/time: _______ Is this program late? ______
Parts of the program I didn't get to work correctly:
____________________[below the line for instructor use only]_______________________
Submit a program that compiles and runs, including DLL and pic (50%) __________
Minimax search (20%) __________
Staged DFS respecting time limit (10%) __________
Evaluation function measures at least 3 features of the board (10%) __________
Alpha-beta pruning with move reordering (10%) __________
Style (10%) __________
Total: ________

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