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Program 6: Scheme

Program 6: Scheme

This file p6.scm file (also available on Blackboard) already defines some lists with which you can experiment; all
you need to do is add the definitions of four functions:
· odds
· evenrev
· penultimate
· palindrome
Each of these functions should take exactly one parameter: the parameter must be a list. If your function was
given the wrong number of parameters, we will let the interpreter complain about it. However, if the function is
given the wrong type of parameter (i.e., not a list), the function should return a friendly error message (including
a newline). Beginning with “USAGE: “ followed by an indication of the correct invocation. For example,
“USAGE: (palindrome {list}”
Function definitions
(odds lst)
should return a new list, formed from the odd-numbered elements taken from lst. That is,
(odds '(a b c d e f g))
should return:
(a c e g)
(odds (list 's 't 'u 'v 'w 'x 'y 'z))
should return:
(s u w y)
(odds '((a b) c (d e d) c (b a)))
should return:
((a b) (d e d) (b a))
(odds '())
should return the empty list, etc.
(evenrev lst)
should return a new list, formed from the even-numbered elements taken from lst but in the reverse of their
original order. That is,
(evenrev '(a b c d e f g))
should return:
(f d b)
(evenrev (list 's 't 'u 'v 'w 'x 'y 'z))
should return:
(z x v t)
(evenrev '((h i) (j k) l (m n)))
should return:
((m n) (j k))
Both(evenrev '()) and (evenrev '(a))
should return the empty list, etc.
(penultimate lst)
should return a one-element list consisting of jus the next-to-last item of lst, [or return the empty list if there
were fewer than two elements in lst . That is,
(penultimate '(a b c d e))
should return:
(penultimate '(a))
should return the empty string.
(palindrome lst)
should return #t if the list lst is a palindrome, and return #f otherwise. A “palindrome” is something that
reads the same backwards and forwards. That is,
(palindrome '(s t u v w x y z))
should return:
(palindrome (LIST 'j 'k 'l 'm 'l 'k 'j))
should return:
Both(palindrome '()) and (palindrome '(a))
should return #t
You can receive full credit for your palindrome function as long as it works for all list that are made up entirely of
atoms. If you choose to take it further, you can try to get it to behave correctly for complex lists such as:
(palindrome '((h i) j (k l k) j (h i)))
(palindrome '((y z) y))
You do not need to worry about what palindrome should do with things that are not single characters like this:
(palindrome '(abc))

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