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Program #6: TA schedule

COP 3223 Program #6: TA schedule

Program: schedule.c
You have been asked to write a program that will sort information on when the TAs for COP
3223 are available. Your program will read in data on all TA office hour shifts, sort the data,
then print out the information in a pre-specified format. You may assume that the maximum
number of shifts is 100.
The shift data is stored in a data file and must be read in at the start of your program. The data in
this file is organized as follows:
(1) The first line contains an integer indicating the number shifts in the file.
(2) Each additional line contains the following four items:
- A character string indicating the TA's first name
- A character string indicating the day of the week, e.g. Monday
- An integer indicating the start hour of the shift using military time which uses a 24
hour clock, e.g. midnight is 00, 10 pm is 22. Assume that all shifts start and end on
the hour.
- An integer indicating the end hour of the shift using military time
You must include the following structure definition in your code.
struct Shift
char name[100];
char day_of_week[100];
int start_hour;
int end_hour;
The data that you read in from the data file must be stored in an array of Shift structures.
Recall that the structure definition needs to be placed outside of the main program and any
functions. The array of Shift structures that your program uses, however, cannot be a global
variable and must be declared in your main() program.
Your main() program should do the following:
1. Call function read_data() to read the data into the array of structures.
2. Call function sort_data() to sort the data that you read in by the TA's first name.
3. Call function print_data() to print out the sorted data in the format specified below.
Your code must include the following functions. The function headers are defined below along
with a description of the function. You may use additional functions if you desire. If you use
additional functions, please ensure that they are similarly commented.
Function #1
// Preconditions: array of structure "Shift" to store data
// Postconditions: number of shifts read in from data file
// Actions: Ask user for name of input file. Read the number
// of shifts, then read in the data for all
// of the shifts. Return the number of shifts.
int read_data(struct Shift shift_data[]);
This function asks the user for the name of the input file. It opens the file and reads in the
number of shifts. It then reads in the data for each shift into one element of the array
shift_data[]. The function should close the data file once it is done reading in data. The
function returns the number of shifts. The following is what a sample input file might look like:
Sam Monday 16 18
Sameer Monday 12 13
Tuan Tuesday 11 12
Yunus Thursday 14 16
Shiva Thursday 11 13
Function #2
// Preconditions: array of structure "Shift"
// integer value indicating number of shifts
// Postconditions: none - this function does not return anything.
// Actions: Sort the shifts by the TA's first name.
void sort_data(struct Shift shift_data[], int num_shifts);
This function should sort the data in array shift_data[] alphabetically by the TA's first
Function #3
// Preconditions: array of structure "Shift"
// integer value indicating number of shifts
// Postconditions: none - this function does not return anything.
// Actions: Print the sorted data in the format described below.
void print_data(struct Shift shift[], int num_shifts);
This function prints out a list of all of the TA shifts in the array shift_data[]. Each line of
the output contains the TA name, day of the week, start time and end time. Note that the start
and end time are printed according to a 12 hour clock with "am" or "pm" instead of according to
a 24 hour clock. The columns of your output must be aligned.
For example, for the sample data file shown above, this function will print:
TA shifts
Sam Monday 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Sameer Monday 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Shiva Thursday 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Tuan Tuesday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Yunus Thursday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Start out by setting up your main program to call the three functions. Set up each function as an
empty functions with simply a print statement inside indicating which function it is. Once your
main program calls each function correctly, then start filling in the body of each function. Write
your read_data() and print_data() functions first. Once those are working, then write
the sort_data() function. Use print statements to keep track of what values your variables
contain. You may include additional functions if you desire.
1. Please ensure that your code is well commented, including file header comments, function
header comments, and comments within body of code.
2. All variables declared within a function must be declared at the start of your function. All
variables in the main program must be declared at the start of your main program.
3. All code must be submitted in a single file.
Please submit a file titled schedule.c containing your solution to this problems via WebCourses
by Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at 11:00 PM:
Program: schedule.c

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