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Programming and Computation II Lab #1

CMPSC-132: Programming and Computation II

Lab #1

Read the instructions carefully before starting the assignment. Make sure your code follows the
stated guidelines to ensure full credit for your work.
- The work in this lab must be completed alone and must be your own.
- Download the starter code file from the LAB1 Assignment on Canvas. Do not change
the function names or given started code on your script.
- A doctest is provided as an example of code functionality. Getting the same result as the
doctest does not guarantee full credit. You are responsible for debugging and testing your
code with enough data, you can share ideas and testing code during your recitation class.
As a reminder, Gradescope should not be used to debug and test code!
- Each function must return the output (Do not use print in your final submission,
otherwise your submissions will receive a -1 point deduction)
- Do not include test code outside any function in the upload. Printing unwanted or illformatted data to output will cause the test cases to fail. Remove all your testing code
before uploading your file (You can also remove the doctest). Do not include the
input() function in your submission.
[2.5pts] Write the function common(list1, list2) that takes two lists, list1 and list2, and returns
(not prints) a new list containing only the elements that are common between the two lists in
descending order (without duplicates). Make sure your code works on lists of different sizes. Your
code should not mutate the given lists. Hint: reverse sorting could be useful here
[2.5pts] Write the function connect(list1, list2, k) that takes two lists, list1 and list2, and a nonnegative integer k that is less than or equal to the length of list1. It returns (not prints) a new list
containing the first k elements of list1, then all elements of list2, then the remaining elements of
list1. Hint: slicing could be helpful here
[5pts] Write the function countWords(document), where document is the name of a txt file that
contains multiple strings. This function returns (not prints) a dictionary whose keys are included
words (in lowercase), and values their word counts. You can assume the string doesn’t have any
contraction words such as can’t, don’t, isn’t, etc. The starter code already contains the code to read
the txt file, just make sure the file is in the same directory as your .py file.
Hint: Remove punctuation and numbers before counting the words,
• Submit your code with the file name to the Lab1 GradeScope assignment before
the due date
• Verify your code is returning and not printing the output, otherwise, your code will return
None and the test cases will fail
• To provide input to your functions, include –i as an argument in the command line to run
an interactive Python session (python –i If you are using a main function with
input(), make sure to remove it before submitting
• A doctest is provided in the starter code. To run it, type python -m doctest -v
• Mac users type python3

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