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Programming assignment 1.

Programming assignment 1.

You can remove all the variables from the workspace by writing “clear”
Look up the description of all the functions in MATLAB by typing doc in the command window.
Implement linearSearch(a,key) and binarySearch(a,key) functions.
Part A. In this part we will calculate the average-case running time of each function.
1. Request the user to enter a positive integer, and call it n. (n = 105
2. Generate n random integers between -1000 to 1000 and save them in array a. (You can use randi
function in MATLAB)
3. Sort a (you can use any sorting algorithm you want. If you are using MATLAB, you can call the sort
function to sort your numbers)
4. Pick a random number in a and save it in variable called key.
5. Call each function separately to search for the key in the given array.
6. To calculate the average-running time, you need to have a timer to save the total runtime when
repeating step 4 and 5 for 500 times. (tic toc in MATLAB)
(Note1: Do not forget to divide the runtime by the number of the times you run step 4-5)
(Note2: Remember to choose a different random number each time you go back to step 4.)
Part B. In this part we will calculate the worst-case running time of each function.
1. Repeat steps 1 to 3 in part A.
2. Now to have the worst-case scenario, set the value of the key to 5000 to make sure it does not exist
in the array.
3. Run each function once to calculate the worst-case running time when n = 105
4. Calculate how much time your machine takes to run one single step. (Hint: look at HW3)
5. Now estimate the worst-case running time for each algorithm when n=107
. (Hint: look at HW3)
6. Now repeat step 1-3 for n = 107 and compare the actual running time with your answer in step 5.

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