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Programming Assignment 1 sorting algorithms

Programming Assignment 1

The objective of this assignment is to explore sorting algorithms and benchmark for the running times.
1- Implement three programs for three sorting algorithms: InsertionSort , QuickSort and,
2- Each algorithm accepts an array of integer as an input and returns an array of arrays with two
- The first element of the output is a descending sorted array of input
- The second element of the output is the running time of the algorithm in milliseconds.
For example:
input = [2,3,4,1]
output = [[4,3,2,1], [0.03]]
output[0] is descending sorted array and output[1] is the running time of the algorithm in
3- Programs use four different inputs, so totally you need to submit 12 different results.
a. A descending sorted array with 2000 elements
b. An ascending sorted array with 2000 elements
c. A randomly generated array with 1000
d. A randomly generated array with 2000
1- Functions that generate arrays above are part of the given templates, so no need to write it
2- You don’t need to submit the sorted array as the result.
3- Run your programs for each of scenarios above and record the running time results by
adding them to the given excel sheet.
4- This is how your program should be called from the command-line:
c:\> inputtype, elements_count ,seed
- inputtype: is either a,b,c . Letters refer to the type of your input array described in the
previous section.
- elements_count: The number of elements in input array
- seed: is used only for the random base inputs that guarantees I get the same result of
random array so I can grade your code based on it. You can change it while testing. I will test
your code with the seed value of 2.
python c, 1000, 2
Use insertion sort to sort a randomly generated array of 1000 elements
Note that, c and d use the same function with different elements count
python a, 2500, 2
Use quick sort to sort a descending sorted array of 2500 elements
5- Run your algorithms for each of four inputs listed in the section 3 above, measure the running
time of algorithms.
What to submit?
1- Write 3 programs for each algorithm. Name your programs as:
2- Fill the excel sheet with your time results.
3- Rename the excel sheet as lastname_firstname.xlsx
4- Rename the code files to for example (do
the same for other code files respectively)
5- You should follow general software development rules such as proper and sufficient
commenting if it is necessary and proper functions and variable names.
6- Do not copy any code from online resources!

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