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Programming Assignment 4 Scheduler with Signals

CSE 451/851 Programming Assignment 4
Scheduler with Signals
1 Overview of Project
In this programming assignment, we will simulate a time-sharing system by using signals, timers, and a
round robin scheduling algorithm. Instead of using iterations of a while() loop to model the concept of
“time slices,” we will use interval timers. The scheduler is installed with an interval timer. The timer starts
ticking when the scheduler picks a thread to use the CPU which in turn signals the thread when its time
slice is finished thus allowing the scheduler to pick another thread and so on. When a thread has completely
finished its work, it leaves the scheduler to allow a waiting thread to enter. Only the timer and scheduler
send signals. The threads passively handle the signals without signaling back to the scheduler.
In this assignment you will be modifying code we give you to provide your full solution.
2 Submission procedure
Do the following:
1. Rename directory PA4 to <UNL username_pa4>
2. Make sure the Makefile in the code folder generates an executable called scheduler when you type
make at the command line.
3. Zip up your <UNL username_pa4> directory up into a zip file named <UNL username>
and submit the single zip file to CSE web handin.
3 Grading
In Section 4 below you will read about how to test your program. There are 5 tests. Each test will count for
20 points. If you pass a test you get the full points, if you fail a test, you get 0 points.
For grading we will use ./scheduler -test -f0 rr. However, the grader does not check for the
validity of the total wait and run time. Make sure the total wait and run times produced by your scheduler
approximately matches the total wait and run times produced by the scheduler provided.
4 Getting Started
This programming assignment gives you code to work with and fill in certain functions and parts of files.
After you unzip:
1. Use the Makefile provided. You shouldn’t need to modify the Makefile.
2. As in previous programming assignments, we have provide you with precompiled binaries that run
on the CSE server:
• scheduler is the master solution that demonstrates what your code should do.
• rr_fifoscheduler is a more advanced binary with different arguments (described below)
that allows you to see how a round robin scheduler works compared with a FIFO scheduler.
4.1 Preliminary discussion
The goal of this assignment is to help you understand how signals and timers work, as well as how scheduler performance can be assessed. You will implement the time-sharing system using timers and signals,
and then evaluate the overall performance of your program by keeping track of how long each thread is
idle, running, etc.
The program will use these four signals:
• SIGALRM: sent by the timer to the scheduler, to indicate another time quantum has passed
• SIGUSR1: sent by the scheduler to a worker, to tell it to suspend
• SIGUSR2: sent by the scheduler to a suspended worker, to tell it to resume
• SIGTERM: sent by the scheduler to a worker, to tell it to cancel
You will need to set up the appropriate handlers and masks for these signals. You will use these functions:
• clock_gettime
• pthread_sigmask
• pthread_kill
• sigaction
• sigaddset
• sigemptyset
• sigwait
• timer_settime
• timer_create
Make sure you understand how the POSIX interval timer works. You can read about it in the man pages
The round robin scheduling policy alternates between executing the two available threads until they run
out of work to do. A sample executable rr_fifoscheduler is available in the zip you downloaded. This
lets you see how round robin works in comparison to a FIFO scheduling policy.
Here’s an example that shows how round robin works:
./rr_fifoscheduler -rr 10 2 3
Main: running 2 workers on 10 queue_size for 3 iterations
Main: detaching worker thread 3075828656
Main: detaching worker thread 3065338800
Main: waiting for scheduler 3086318512
Thread 3075828656: in scheduler queue
Thread 3065338800: in scheduler queue
Thread 3075828656: loop 0
Thread 3065338800: loop 0
Thread 3075828656: loop 1
Thread 3065338800: loop 1
Thread 3075828656: loop 2
Thread 3065338800: loop 2
Thread 3075828656: exiting
Thread 3065338800: exiting
Scheduler: done!
The command line options used above specify:
• -rr Use round robin scheduling policy
• 10: ten threads can be in the scheduler queue at a time
• 2: Create 2 worker threads
• 3: each thread runs for 3 time slices
An example how FIFO works:
./rr_fifoscheduler -fifo 1 2 3
Main: running 2 workers on 1 queue_size for 3 iterations
Main: detaching worker thread 3075984304
Main: detaching worker thread 3065494448
Main: waiting for scheduler 3086474160
Thread 3075984304: in scheduler queue
Thread 3075984304: loop 0
Thread 3075984304: loop 1
Thread 3075984304: loop 2
Thread 3075984304: exiting
Thread 3065494448: in scheduler queue
Thread 3065494448: loop 0
Thread 3065494448: loop 1
Thread 3065494448: loop 2
Thread 3065494448: exiting
Scheduler: done!
The command line options used above specify:
• fifo: Use FIFO scheduling policy
• 1: one thread can be in the scheduler queue at a time
• 2: create 2 worker threads
• 3: each thread runs for 3 time slices
Things to observe
In both examples, the worker threads are created at the beginning of execution. But in the case with queue
size 1, one of the threads has to wait until the other thread exits before it can enter the scheduler queue (the
“in scheduler queue” messages), whereas in the case with queue size 10, both threads enter the scheduler
queue immediately.
The FIFO policy would have basically the same behavior even with a larger queue size; the waiting worker
threads would simply be admitted to the queue earlier. The round robin scheduling policy alternates between executing the two available threads, until they run out of work to do. In general, the round robin
scheduling policy can alternate between executing up to queue size number of available threads in the
scheduler queue.
5 Procedure
5.1 Program Specification
The program takes a variable number of arguments:
Arg1 determines the number of jobs created (threads implemented)
Arg2 specifies the queue size of the scheduler
Arg3-ArgN gives the duration (the required number of time slices) of each job. Hence if we create 2 jobs,
we should supply an arg3 and arg4 for the required duration. You can assume that the auto-grader will
always supply the correct number of arguments and hence you do not have to detect invalid input.
5.2 Files
The basic code that parses command line arguments and creates the worker threads is provided and you
are to implement the scheduler with signals and timers. Please take a look at the source files and familiarize
yourself with how they work. You will be making use of the following files:
list.h Defines the basic operations on a bidirectional linked list data structure. The elements of the list
allow you to store pointers to whatever kind of data you like. You don’t have to use this linked list
library, but it will probably come in handy.
list.c Implements the linked list operations.
smp5_tests.c, testrunner.c, testrunner.h Test harness, defines test cases for checking your solution. Do
not modify.
scheduler.h Describes the interface which your scheduler implements.
scheduler.c Implements the scheduling.
worker.h Provides the declaration for operations on each worker thread.
worker.c Provides the implementation of the operations on the worker threads.
Makefile Compiles your program into a binary, scheduler. Do not modify.
Again, do not modify any of the test programs, or the Makefile.
5.3 Part I: Modify the scheduler code (scheduler.c)
We will use the scheduler thread to setup the timer and handle the scheduling for the system. The scheduler
handles the SIGALRM events that come from the timer, and sends out signals to the worker threads.
Step 1 Modify the code in init_sched_queue() in scheduler.c to initialize the scheduler with a
POSIX:TMR interval timer. Use CLOCK_REALTIME in timer_create(). The timer will be stored in
the global variable timer, which will be started in scheduler_run() (see Step 4 below).
Step 2 Implement setup_sig_handlers(). Use sigaction() to install signal handlers for
SIGALRM, SIGUSR1, and SIGTERM. SIGALRM should trigger timer_handler(), SIGUSR1 should
trigger suspend_thread(), and SIGTERM should trigger cancel_thread(). Notice no handler is
installed for SIGUSR2; this signal will be handled differently, in Step 8.
Step 3 In the scheduler_run() function, start the timer. Use timer_settime(). The time quantum
(1 second) is given in scheduler.h. The timer should go off repeatedly at regular intervals defined
by the timer quantum.
In round robin scheduling, whenever the timer goes off, the scheduler suspends the currently running thread, and tells the next thread to resume its operations using signals. These steps are listed in
timer_handler(), which is called every time the timer goes off. In this implementation, the timer
handler makes use of suspend_worker() and resume_worker() to accomplish these steps.
Step 4 Complete the suspend_worker() function. First, update the info->quanta value. This is the
number of quanta that remain for this thread to execute. It is initialized to the value passed on the
command line, and decreases as the thread executes. If there is any more work for this worker to do,
send it a signal to suspend, and update the scheduler queue. Otherwise, cancel the thread.
Step 5 Complete the cancel_worker() function by sending the appropriate signal to the thread,
telling it to kill itself.
Step 6 Complete the resume_worker() function by sending the appropriate signal to the thread,
telling it to resume execution.
5.4 Part II: Modify the worker code (worker.c)
In this section, you will modify the worker code to correctly handle the signals from the scheduler that you
implemented in the previous section.
You need to modify the thread functions so that it immediately suspends the thread, waiting for a resume
signal from the scheduler. You will need to use sigwait() to force the thread to suspend itself and wait
for a resume signal. You also need to implement a signal handler in worker.c to catch and handle the
suspend signals.
Step 7 Modify start_worker() to (1) block SIGUSR2 and SIGALRM, and (2) unblock SIGUSR1 and
Step 8 Implement suspend_thread(), the handler for the SIGUSR1 signal. The thread should block
until it receives a resume (SIGUSR2) signal.
5.5 Part III: Modify the evaluation code (scheduler.c)
This program keeps track of run time, and wait time. Each thread saves these two values regarding its own
execution in its thread_info_t. Tracking these values requires also knowing the last time the thread
suspended or resumed. Therefore, these two values are also kept in thread_info_t. See scheduler.h.
In this section, you will implement the functions that calculate run time and wait time. All code that
does this will be in scheduler.c. When the program is done, it will collect all these values, and
print out the total and average wait time and run time. For your convenience, you are given a function
time_difference() to compute the difference between two times in microseconds.
Step 9 Modify create_workers() to initialize the various time variables.
Step 10 Implement update_run_time(). This is called by suspend_worker().
Step 11 Implement update_wait_time(). This is called by resume_worker().
5.6 Testing and validation
There are several ways you can test your program:
• You can test your program with specific parameters by running ./scheduler -test gen ...
where the ellipsis contain the parameters you would pass to scheduler (e.g., ./scheduler -test
gen 3 2 3 2 3). If you use this you must be careful to have the right number of arguments as described above in this section. If you have the wrong number of arguments the test defaults to pass
(false positive).
• You can also run the individual built-in tests by running ./scheduler -test <testname> where
<testname> is one of:
– test_3_1_2_2_2
– test_2_2_2_2
– test_5_7_1_2_1_2_1
– test_4_1_1_2_3_4
– test_3_3_4_3_2
• Finally, you can run all the built-in grading tests by running ./scheduler -test -f0 rr. This
runs the 5 tests above and will be how we determine your grade according to the “Grading” section
Appendix: Example output
Here is an example of program output using scheduler in the PA4 directory you downloaded:
foo@cse:~/PA4> ./scheduler 3 2 3 2 3
Main: running 3 workers with queue size 2 for quanta:
3 2 3
Main: detaching worker thread 140449784538880.
Main: detaching worker thread 140449776146176.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Main: detaching worker thread 140449767753472.
Main: waiting for scheduler 140449792931584.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Scheduler: waiting for workers.
Thread 140449776146176: in scheduler queue.
Thread 50599680: suspending.
Thread 140449784538880: in scheduler queue.
Thread 58992384: suspending.
Scheduler: scheduling.
Scheduler: resuming 140449776146176.
Thread 50599680: resuming.
Scheduler: suspending 140449776146176.
Scheduler: scheduling.
Scheduler: resuming 140449784538880.
Thread 50599680: suspending.
Thread 58992384: resuming.
Scheduler: suspending 140449784538880.
Scheduler: scheduling.
Thread 58992384: suspending.
Scheduler: resuming 140449776146176.
Thread 50599680: resuming.
Scheduler: suspending 140449776146176.
Thread 140449776146176: leaving scheduler queue.
Thread 50599680: terminating.
Scheduler: scheduling.
Scheduler: resuming 140449784538880.
Thread 58992384: resuming.
Thread 140449767753472: in scheduler queue.
Thread 42206976: suspending.
Scheduler: suspending 140449784538880.
Scheduler: scheduling.
Thread 58992384: suspending.
Scheduler: resuming 140449767753472.
Thread 42206976: resuming.
Scheduler: suspending 140449767753472.
Scheduler: scheduling.
Thread 42206976: suspending.
Scheduler: resuming 140449784538880.
Thread 58992384: resuming.
Scheduler: suspending 140449784538880.
Thread 140449784538880: leaving scheduler queue.
Thread 58992384: terminating.
Scheduler: scheduling.
Scheduler: resuming 140449767753472.
Thread 42206976: resuming.
Scheduler: suspending 140449767753472.
Scheduler: scheduling.
Scheduler: resuming 140449767753472.
Thread 42206976: suspending.
Thread 42206976: resuming.
Scheduler: suspending 140449767753472.
Thread 140449767753472: leaving scheduler queue.
Thread 42206976: terminating.
The total wait time is 12.001326 seconds.
The total run time is 7.999737 seconds.
The average wait time is 4.000442 seconds.
The average run time is 2.666579 seconds.

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